Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Dreams of Carthage 2.0
65 Komentar
bruh moment 5 Sep @ 2:13am 
The portraits of all the leaders are now generic leaders
can the devs pls update this mod its cool
[Z] EMKP 15 Jun @ 1:24am 
if you update this mod i'll get on my knees
Capt.Darling 22 Mei @ 8:42am 
France doesn't even surrender when you capture all victory points.
DracoDruid 14 Apr @ 3:12am 
Hey there!
Love the mod. One question though: Is there any chance to make a version compatible to R56?
[Z] EMKP 28 Jan @ 3:07pm 
update when please i'll get on my knees and s
Soldato👑 12 Des 2023 @ 4:48pm 
Historically Carthage was a puppet state of Phoenicia(modern Day Lebanon). But the mod it self quite nice
[Z] EMKP 5 Des 2023 @ 8:58pm 
when will update :steamsad:
Hungrygoats 24 Okt 2023 @ 4:14pm 
Viva Cristo Rey [Z] 3 Jul 2023 @ 5:07am 
Господа сограждане,сделайте руссификатор кто может
Roben 18 Feb 2023 @ 11:43am 
Please upgrade the dream of White Russia, there is also a well-developed Ukrainian state,
donald.grape 3 Jan 2023 @ 1:18pm 
Do you plan to update this along with all of your other mods? (Poland, Austria, Finland)
Panicwing 20 Okt 2022 @ 6:34am 
It keeps crashing whenever i try to invade france after the "Kickstart the Revolution".
Nacht Blackwell 1 Okt 2022 @ 3:15am 
I am enjoying your revised mod.
Chirpy 6 Sep 2022 @ 7:13am 
For me it doesnt really working, I tried to start a new game and tunisia(as I saw from a hoi4 video where he played with this mod) wasn't even on the map, I dont know what did I wrong, please someone tell me
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 27 Jul 2022 @ 11:22am 
@Jamiebear Sorry, I'm taking a break from ww2 mods for a while. Kind of burnt out on the era. But if I come back to ww2, I'd either do the commonwealth or germany next.
Jamiebear 27 Jul 2022 @ 10:31am 
Could you make a Dreams of Commonwealth (That Would Expand Commonwealth Nations Focus Trees Including the UK)
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 24 Jul 2022 @ 4:01pm 
@LemonZhanger thanks I'll add it
LemonZhanger 24 Jul 2022 @ 1:12am 
Hey, I had made the Chinese version out!
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 23 Jul 2022 @ 5:03pm 
@MinotaurKing Thanks, I'll take a look and see if I can replicate the bug
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 23 Jul 2022 @ 5:02pm 
@LemonZhanger go for it. Give me a link to your translation and I'll add it to the mod page
LemonZhanger 23 Jul 2022 @ 12:04am 
Hello, this mod are great. Can I please translate it into Chinese?
BrassMino 22 Jul 2022 @ 2:02am 
which bugs the EwF focus which you can only get to AFTER the RLAdA focus thereby guananteeing that you will always be boned as without getting independence you die the moment France capitualates as you will be their subject but since the EwF focus bugs out as it stated the only other way to get independent is through the autonomy system which is impossible even if you start raising your autonomy through the continueous focus from the moment it is available.(not enough time before germany goes wild and requires you to sacrifice doing other focus to get better troops and better industry which will get you killed in short order.) You also cant just do the EwF focus after France capitualates as even though the game shows you as not being a puppet anymore you will auto lose after completing the EwF focus.
BrassMino 22 Jul 2022 @ 2:02am 
( I have tested mutliple times with all factions in order to make sure it wasn't limited to a specific faction.) as such when you complete this focus EwF later in the game not only do you and France leave whatever faction you joined/created prior but you DO NOT become independent. I have absolutely no clue why this occurs.this bug makes a democratic Tunisia run impossible as the Rally L'Armee d'Afrique requires you to be at war which due to how being a puppet/colony/dominion works as all have the rule set that you cant declare wars yourself means you will have to be dragged into a war by France which will always have them be in a faction
BrassMino 22 Jul 2022 @ 2:01am 
So for some reason the focus Equal with France bugs out when France joins or creates a faction and as such drags you with them. So prior to France joining a faction or France creating another faction the focus Equals with France states that France will create the French Sphere faction and their puppet the Protectorate of Tunisia will become independent from France and the PoT will join the new faction. however when France joins or creates a faction dragging the PoT with them the focus changes and the part where PoT becomes independent disappears.
CanadianJason 18 Jul 2022 @ 4:44pm 
Could I use this with Road to 56?
NotaKing 17 Jul 2022 @ 9:36pm 
Loved forming Carthage and dunking on Italy (Wishing I had more ships) it was a challenge but very rewarding. I'm excited to do a democratic play-through.
TiberWolf 17 Jul 2022 @ 3:27pm 
Rally L'Armee d'Afrique looks like it has to be taken while you're at war. Dominions cannot decline calls to arms. (take a look at Canada on game start) It takes three 56 day focii for you to be able to become free of France, including that focus, which means they have to survive that long against the Germans who on historical might be a bit tricky.
captain403 16 Jul 2022 @ 10:20am 
A: Have to join war, dominion of France.
B: Can't leave faction 1/dominion of France, 2/ at war.
C: Didn't lose ANY land whatsoever, but seeing as France is now the only major in the faction, I am forced to surrender when they do.

Sorry to say, this modder hasn't got a clue on the rules of the game and instead likes to blame others for his ignorance.

Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 16 Jul 2022 @ 9:45am 
Honestly sounds more like a skill issue. You can a) not join the war, b) immediately leave the faction, or c) don't actually lose any of your cores. You will not get annexed, even if France falls, if you do not lose any land. Me and my playtesters never ran into this problem. If I *didn't* give the player a major to be in a faction with them, then you and others would be complaining that it's too hard to take on the Allies to get all of your possible territory.

I'm sorry to say, this player just has a serious skill issue and his game plan just wasn't well thought out.
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 16 Jul 2022 @ 9:29am 
@captain403 no
captain403 16 Jul 2022 @ 9:12am 
Why does the democratic path have France create it's own faction? All this achieves is North Africa being annexed when France surrenders.

I'm sorry to say, this version of the mod really hasn't been well thought out. Is there any chance you can update the old version to work with the current version of the game? It was much more enjoyable than this one.
KaiserDoge 16 Jul 2022 @ 8:21am 
Glad to see one of my favorite mods get an update it deserves.
TiberWolf 15 Jul 2022 @ 10:34pm 
The Social Streamers just made a video about your mod and it highlighted how well made the mod looked to be. Here to try it out because of that!
Commander Prussia 15 Jul 2022 @ 8:40am 
today do be my bday!
Commander Prussia 15 Jul 2022 @ 8:29am 
Mr.ShadeO oh sorry id did not know that you had a discord
Cronos Дpyr 15 Jul 2022 @ 3:17am 
As a lover of total war Rome, I will play this mod absolutely every time. Would like more mods like this.
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 14 Jul 2022 @ 7:00pm 
@Commander Prussia I can't really make a comeback because I never left. If you want updates on what we're working on, join our discord. Haven't posted anything yet, but I plan to soon, maybe this weekend.
Commander Prussia 14 Jul 2022 @ 6:50pm 
@Mr.ShadeO ARE YOU MAKEING A COME BACK? id I really like a revamp that Austria mod you made made?
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 14 Jul 2022 @ 6:01pm 
Fixed it. Thanks again for the heads up!
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 14 Jul 2022 @ 5:55pm 
@Cyber Nope! Thanks for pointing that out. That's a nifty little side effect of the horrible hoi4 launcher. I forgot to copy and paste the description when I updated it, something that you have to do every time! :D
Cyber 14 Jul 2022 @ 5:01pm 
Is the mod description meant to cut off at "To see..."?
zywiec_zdroj69 14 Jul 2022 @ 9:45am 
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 13 Jul 2022 @ 6:28pm 
Actually, I'll just make them cores when you complete the focus. That way if you do have to attack them, it's easier with them as cores.
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 13 Jul 2022 @ 6:27pm 
@Brawly That sounds like a bug with the game itself, not the mod. Try resubscribing to the mod. If that doesn't work, verify the integrity of the game files.

@captain403 Oh that's true, I'll make it so you can core them by decision if you don't get them through the deal. I'm not going to edit the territory to always be free french though, as that would require editing French and German files, which will affect compatibility.
captain403 13 Jul 2022 @ 2:43pm 
The fix for Sahara will still result in a much weaker federation if there is no way to core those provinces, not to mention a German AI WILL send troops to the area. It would be better if you made those provinces guaranteed to go free French on the surrender, which would fix both problems.
Brawly 13 Jul 2022 @ 2:26pm 
also clicking on the flag at the top left
Brawly 13 Jul 2022 @ 2:25pm 
bug: something to do with opening+closing the focus tree and hitting escape seems to crash the game.
Brawly 13 Jul 2022 @ 10:39am 
Great to have another edition of this mod, I remember playing it about a year ago. I kinda prefer little 1 nation overhauls to the big ones like kaiserreich and red flood. Just gonna say thank you devs, because I don't know who did the bulk of the work.
Mr.ShadeO  [pembuat] 13 Jul 2022 @ 9:57am 
Patched it.