Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

O-4U Darner
15 件のコメント
mulletm4n123 2022年9月3日 18時05分 
When you realize it doubles as a submarine : >
Dagger 2022年7月29日 23時15分 
silent-k7 update?
SilentK7 2022年7月18日 0時03分 
if this flys i will eat a penny
Sandro 2022年5月13日 16時27分 
which modded workbench works?
groot1582 2022年4月28日 18時17分 
What do you mean by modded workbench? do you mean like a mod that makes them bigger? if so, where do i get it
Lazerhawk888 2022年4月28日 13時55分 
omg, this is awesome
JudgementalBird 2022年4月26日 22時57分 
Insane, lovely
DecoFox  [作成者] 2022年4月25日 18時11分 
It presently requires a modded workbench or spawning via mission, as its wingspan is very slightly too long for the stock hangar. Going to try to find a workaround for that but I'm out of town at the moment
groot1582 2022年4月24日 16時04分 
where do i spawn this thing? i cant find and area where it works
DecoFox  [作成者] 2022年4月23日 16時48分 
Of note, actually: I design all my ornithopters to operate with high physics settings. If you're experiencing any flapping instability, it's likely to do with that
DecoFox  [作成者] 2022年4月23日 16時40分 
You SHOULD be able to shallow the blade angle a little and achieve faster cruise speeds. The advantage diminishes past half or so, but I left shallower settings in because they are smoother, if a bit slower. Playing with it shouldn't cause any major issues aside from a a reduction in static thrust. What's it doing?
DavidBOSS21 2022年4月23日 14時41分 
something i learned: do not mess with the screen labeled "blade"
simindimin 2022年4月23日 9時54分 
simply genius build. looks great and feels great
_Myp3uK_ 2022年4月23日 3時10分 
Tigrrer 2022年4月22日 6時46分 
Good work bro! amazing craft