Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Definition Extension API
22 megjegyzés
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] ápr. 16., 15:22 
No. Mod isn't compatible for crossplay anyway.
TheBlackside {GER} ápr. 15., 12:30 
Hi, I wanted to ask if it would be okay to upload your mod to
Since we want to start a private crossplay server and would like to continue using your mod.
Gluttony 2023. febr. 26., 14:58 
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2023. febr. 26., 6:59 
Right click and copy page URL, it is after id=
Gluttony 2023. febr. 26., 6:45 
Whats the WorkshopID?
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2023. jan. 22., 12:24 
This is an API and is not outdated.
Mia_ghoster 2023. jan. 22., 12:20 
hi i am using the water mod. and this API is outdated. could we get an update please? thank you!!
FallenShadow 2022. okt. 18., 16:44 
Strange, ill do a bit more testing. I said it was this mod because when i removed it, the turrets started working again. However, someone else recommend i check download order, and it is most likely that that's causing it. I apologize for reporting something thats not your fault, please have a nice day.
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. okt. 18., 16:27 
Hi, this mod does not do anything on its own. It needs other mods to implement its function.

It is unlikely this mod will be causing this effect.
FallenShadow 2022. okt. 16., 10:35 
In multiplayer, when a player is in the turret, none of the other players can build blocks. This breaks multiplayer games, please fix it.
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. aug. 28., 13:22 
Fixed a crash that occurred when a block had one preloaded gamelogic component. Also fixed the issue where terminal block components can sometimes lose their .Entity property. If this note doesn't look English to you, don't worry about it - game will crash less.
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. jún. 26., 12:21 
The log should have the crash information. As noted, you probably have a corrupt mod download and need to redownload mods try deleting Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\2756894170
xtvoit361 2022. jún. 26., 12:20 
when this mod is enabled in a save and i try loading said save the game unloads the save
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. jún. 22., 8:52 
Hi, by that definition Xaker, most of SE's code is 'unsafe'. Also throwing try, catches everywhere is pretty bad for performance and is not best practice. Under normal, non-corrupt operating conditions the code will not crash. If your install is corrupt, expect crashes.

Unfortunately the API file in other peoples mods is unaware of the mod context, so I cant produce a more detailed error, though the stacktrace should point to their mod.
Xaker_Two 2022. jún. 22., 7:55 
1) by unsafe code i didn't mean code that deals with pointers and lowlevel stuff, but code that has an unhandled exception that can be thrown by the input data - don't trust even yourself if there is any intermediate layer

2) well yes, but it's not so user friendly
also trying to understand what and where goes wrong was hard cuz there were no clues except your name in namespace, so please, on implemeting the catcher, if you can, print the mod that crashes and idealy where. Plus backward compatibility would be nice

the issue was not in the Definition Extension API itself, but in one of the mods that use it. Re-downloading a few related mods is the first thing that was recommended and yes it resolved the issue
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. jún. 21., 7:43 
I think a good compromise is I can catch an error in that method and print the fix the user has to do in the log, but as I said, it should not permit you to continue.
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. jún. 21., 7:34 
1) Hi, there is no unsafe code in the mod. In C#, unsafe code has to be marked with the unsafe keyword, and this keyword is prohibited in the mod api.

2) I want it to crash in this case, this means the users mod is not properly updated and mod corruption has occurred.

Have the user delete Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\2756894170 and see if the issue goes away.
Xaker_Two 2022. jún. 21., 7:20 
Hi, i'm moderating a server and one of our clients has issue with your mod
After investigation it seems that the issue appears
at Draygo.BlockExtensionsAPI.DefinitionExtensionsAPI.Assign[T](Type valuetype, T& method)
at Draygo.BlockExtensionsAPI.DefinitionExtensionsAPI.recieveModHandlers(Object obj)

Exception occurred: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

due to unsafe code in the Assign method. Please, can you add a key existence check and somehow wrap it, e.g. disable the mod requesting API and print an in-game notification and warning in F11(SP only)
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. ápr. 18., 8:45 
It doesnt matter if a dependency is in the mod list. You can add it, but it is often unnecessary. The advantage to subscribing to a dependency is that updates will automatically be downloaded when the mod is updated instead of when you connect to the server.
ZenisterOne 2022. ápr. 18., 0:42 
Maybe I missed something with mods along the way. Do mods like this one that are dependencies of other mods need to be subscribed to by the player (client) or will Space Engineers automatically download them? Do they need to be subscribed to but not loaded in the active mods list? I only ask because I just found out that Weapon Core shouldn't be in my mod list at all. Looking for clarification please and thank you.
DraygoKorvan  [készítő] 2022. febr. 18., 21:06 
Its really only useful for mod developers to extend the functionality of SBC files for custom parameters without having to code it yourself.

My Aero dev branch is currently implementing this, and it allows block modes to define aerodynamic properites for blocks.
Kam Solastor 2022. febr. 18., 18:34 
What would be an example of a use-case for this?