Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The Great Anime Redux
165 kommenttia
Nik  [tekijä] 19.6. klo 0.27 
@Posh Octavia
You can find out more on the GWR discord server, but essentially the mod was falsely accused of copyright infringement. Steam had to take the mod down, and the devs are in talks with them about getting them reinstated, and before that happens any other mod page for GWR that gets released currently is not from the devs and is just a reupload by people not affiliated with the mod at all.
Posh Octavia 18.6. klo 17.36 
did the great war redux get taken down? i cant find it in the workshop and links to it lead nowhere
Nik  [tekijä] 15.6. klo 15.31 
This must mean that someone using it (or GWR itself) doesn't have the latest version installed, steam doesn't always update properly, you might need to resub to the mod to have it work. As I said, this mod should absolutely not make multiplayer impossible, there's no changes to the checksum.
nya 15.6. klo 10.28 
I couldn't join the multiplayer game and had to disable it as it said I was on a different version. once I disabled this it worked
Nik  [tekijä] 15.6. klo 4.05 
No, it should be compatible, as it is purely a graphics mod.
nya 14.6. klo 7.52 
is this incompatible with multiplayer?
Nik  [tekijä] 11.5. klo 1.23 
@jim adventure
I have done a test run of GWR+GAR and there seems to be no issue present, at least for me, no crashes before, during, and past 1911.
Nik  [tekijä] 11.5. klo 0.01 
@jim adventure
I haven't added any new event pic that would cause this (to my knowledge if something was wrong they would be the only thing that made the game crash).
So it must not be a problem with my mod but rather Great War Redux, or some other mod you have enabled.
jim adventure 10.5. klo 21.35 
Crashes in 1911
Nik  [tekijä] 6.5. klo 8.59 
Sure thing, dude.
Wertom 5.5. klo 23.46 
ANTI ANIME ACTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nik  [tekijä] 30.4. klo 4.09 
FYI it is now changed, to "Peace and Tranquility".
Nik  [tekijä] 25.4. klo 10.20 
@nate1500k it should be "Monster Siren - Keep The Torch"
nate1500k 25.4. klo 5.56 
what is the name of opening song?
Nik  [tekijä] 8.4. klo 8.57 
This submod is purely cosmetic, being that it only replaces certain elements of the base mod and doesn't add anything of it's own that would interfere in some way, like change the checksum. If my mod being there really stop the MP from working then I have no idea how to fix it because this shouldn't be a problem that it could cause.
Dat Dumb Guy 8.4. klo 7.00 
Multiplayer doesn't work. I couldn't play with my friends on this for whatever reason.
Human72 18.3. klo 19.23 
now this is funny, works and much more. let the anime fly. :D
Nik  [tekijä] 2.3. klo 10.57 
It should function in theory, as I've made proper additions to the dependencies list. However some portraits may be named differently or missing altogether, and I am sorry that I can't account for that.
Abyssal Lord 2.3. klo 10.33 
Will this function in the base TGW mod also, or will it have mixed results?
There is a need of Anime portrait for TWGR submod Reworked Qing.
Nik  [tekijä] 6.2. klo 12.20 
@K1ng ну я проверил мод, у меня всё работает, играл аж до середины великой войны без крашов, вышел потому что уверен что в будущем их тоже не было бы. Я думаю что это проблема не с модом, а чтото ещё шалит.
Nik  [tekijä] 6.2. klo 4.56 
@K1ng ок, я проверю мод сегодня на рабочесть.
k1ng 6.2. klo 2.00 
не работает мод, не знаю почему включаю только его
Nik  [tekijä] 4.2. klo 9.43 
@tricup я тебе ещё больше скажу - это я делал заказ видоса.
tricup 4.2. klo 8.11 
Nik  [tekijä] 9.1. klo 12.11 
Tested it (also asked a friend to do the same), and the mod works fine. @Ананас the problem must be on your end somehow.
Nik  [tekijä] 9.1. klo 1.03 
I can't understand what causes it without details, like what mods you're using. And, as a small note, I was testing the mod less than a week ago and it was functional.
Ананас 8.1. klo 20.28 
it doesnt work only the great war modification work
Nik  [tekijä] 5.1. klo 1.16 
Monster Siren - Keep The Torch
DUSTVIK 4.1. klo 19.19 
name song in loading page?
Nik  [tekijä] 25.12.2023 klo 9.08 
I am pre-occupied with work on a different project at the moment, so I sadly cannot divide my attention for that.
Vũ Thanh Phong 25.12.2023 klo 5.26 
Can you make portrait for Reworked Qing?
Nik  [tekijä] 20.12.2023 klo 9.52 
Thank you for the notice, it seems I was missing the tag altogether. It is now fixed.
Dovah 20.12.2023 klo 6.43 
Matthaios Kofidis, the leader of the Republic of Pontus' democratic party (tag PON) is missing a portrait.
grsfdgdfgdsfajaj 19.12.2023 klo 7.41 
oh, ok thanks you anyways :steamthumbsup:
Nik  [tekijä] 18.12.2023 klo 6.29 
I asked the head dev of GWR, and it seems this issue is with GWR itself, and not related to my mod. Apparently a bunch of people have already reported this happening to them, so it's a known issue but not yet resolved.
grsfdgdfgdsfajaj 16.12.2023 klo 1.36 
the other works well
grsfdgdfgdsfajaj 16.12.2023 klo 1.36 
when germany wins ww1
Nik  [tekijä] 14.12.2023 klo 6.35 
Well okay, then can you reproduce this crash to desktop? Which peace treaty causes this?
grsfdgdfgdsfajaj 14.12.2023 klo 6.32 
im using great anime redux and great war redux only
Nik  [tekijä] 13.12.2023 klo 9.42 
What mods are you using? Other mods may be the ones causing this.
grsfdgdfgdsfajaj 13.12.2023 klo 7.53 
the mod colapses when peace treaty
john yakuza 29.10.2023 klo 0.24 
it will never not be funny seeing willhelm II as an anime girl with massive boobs
Nik  [tekijä] 28.10.2023 klo 4.08 
A small addendum - the mod is up to date, in case anyone was wondering.
没有梦想的咸鱼剑 16.10.2023 klo 19.26 
update please
grsfdgdfgdsfajaj 15.10.2023 klo 7.33 
good mod
Manamajef 29.9.2023 klo 16.16 
Nik  [tekijä] 24.9.2023 klo 0.10 
I would imagine them not really giving a flying f*ck about HoI4, and any mods that it may have. Getting offended on behalf of those that aren't with us anymore may sound noble to you, but it really just comes off as pretentious.
GrassToucher 23.9.2023 klo 16.11 
imagine the people who fought in world war ones faces when they learn that somebody would make a hoi4 mod based off the worse thing ever to happen in their lives just for someone to make a submod replacing their leaders with fucking anime girls
Nik  [tekijä] 27.8.2023 klo 22.26 
For Wilhelm II it's Bismarck from Azur Lane, for Wilhelm III it's Bismarck from Kantai Collection.