Medieval Overhaul Tweaks
155 comentarii
Zaphiel 11 aug. la 3:57 
Thank you. :Gifting:
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 11 aug. la 0:48 
@Zaphiel you can try. If you do be sure to disable overlapping patches in one of the other mod
Zaphiel 10 aug. la 13:32 
Hello, can we use this along with the "Medieval Overhaul Patches" mod?
Flamangos 30 iul. la 3:54 
second on the meat not being an ingredient. Its the reason i use this mod!
creatura.exe 20 iul. la 14:35 
latest update seems to have gotten rid of some errors, but I still get one more: https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/e16178532c83ab50be2b94626e01f7b4
RadioAk7iV 19 iul. la 11:49 
I'm not completely sure, but somehow my dried meat is no longer used as an ingredient in meals. Is it the mod or something else?
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 19 iul. la 9:52 
@creatura.exe pushed a fix a few hours back (it was just a copy paste error)
creatura.exe 17 iul. la 15:42 
ah, immediately getting this error log upon adding it to my mod list:
creatura.exe 17 iul. la 14:12 
OMG! you're my savior, i was just looking for VFE Tribals integrations!
Fabeco 16 iul. la 5:18 
Thanks for the update! :3
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 15 iul. la 22:51 
@nchorbajian wooupsie :D thanks
nchorbajian 15 iul. la 20:43 
Thank you for the update I noticed the MOT_MakeOre_jade products is supposed to be <Jade>1</Jade> (the j should be Capital)
Fabeco 26 iun. la 11:42 
I'm desperate for an update :(
ComradeCorvus 19 mai la 14:04 
Something does seem to be going wrong with this when I use it on 1.5, so I wouldn't necessarily say that.

The game loads up all fine, but it spits a bunch of recursive research errors in the log. I can generate a world and all that, but the second it goes to generate the map I chose, the game crashes. Removing this mod fixes the problem, so its definitely an issue with something this mod is doing.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 6 mai la 23:31 
I’ll be updating this as soon as I can, it should work for 1.5 disregarding the incompatibility warning
Vakaria 5 mai la 10:22 
This mod is SO useful! Thank you!! Will you be updating to 1.5, please?
Cinna 12 apr. la 8:26 
How to complete research in VFE-T if the research spot is locked at the end of the VFE-T research tree under Culture ?
MercuryRiver 11 mart. la 22:48 
Could you consider adding wheelchair patch? I was bummed its so far down in research when it should totally be possible with wood and wheels. Tried and failed fixing it myself ha
Sublime 23 febr. la 21:03 
One of the original issues between VFE Tribals and Medieval Overhaul was that you learn to make walls and doors with VFE Tribals but then lose them the moment to research any MO techs until you research the MO tech that gives you walls and doors.

Apparently there's still issues with this, in my game I started with walls and doors and then lost them the moment I got research points into construction from the wildmen start.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 13 febr. la 16:52 
That's true, I'll update the description, VFE doesn't have a way to add descriptions in-game
Cringe Shaymin 13 febr. la 16:01 
@TheCakeIsALie thanks for the update, though do you think you could add in the mod description more details for what each toggle does? I don't know the difference between "VFE-T research integrations" and "VFE-T research generic patches", and I have no clue what "Generic dangerous MO recipe patches" could mean.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 13 febr. la 15:31 
Weapons are using Logs finally
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 13 febr. la 14:51 
@Cringe Shaymin

Fixed in latest version, It's VFE-T that adds Complex Furniture as prerequisite and MO simply _adding_ Simple Furniture as requisite. I did test it with my wip fork of MO, so I didn't catch it
Cringe Shaymin 13 febr. la 11:04 
The vanilla research bench is now behind complex furniture, which says it requires the VFE-T researching spot which gets overridden by the MO research spot. It also means that the MO advanced research bench is actually earlier in the tech tree than the vanilla bench.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 23 ian. la 12:05 

I'll take a look at all this soon
MajorityOfTheInternet 13 ian. la 4:31 
There's an oversight with VFE Tribals: throwing stake (a weapon) costs timber instead of raw wood
Milkman 10 ian. la 19:10 
any chance you could make it so jerky from VFE classical doesnt go into drying rack?
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 6 ian. la 12:40 
@DrBossWatson that's unintended behavior of one of the patches, I'll fix it. In the meanwhile disable the patches in the configuration.
DrBossWatson 6 ian. la 6:54 
Please list MO as a dependency; recently reworked my mod list to do a not medieval focused run and missed removing this mod. Was unable to build some things from DBH and took longer to figure out than it should have. Other than that absolutely needed mod for me when I play with MO.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 26 nov. 2023 la 15:11 
Interesting, I might try my hand at playing some seeds please. I'll see if I can do something about that.
Also the tree layout being messed up is my fault, Oskar's original tree looks much better without my addition (I should also fix that)
Frostiken 25 nov. 2023 la 17:44 
V - For example, pumpkins are unlocked in Cultivation, but Pumpkins are ALSO unlocked in "advanced agriculture", which is waaaaaaaay down the tree. As a result, there's very little you can actually grow if you're using Seeds Please, Tribals, and MO.
Frostiken 25 nov. 2023 la 15:50 
So there's a kind of problem with this, Tribals, Medieval Overhaul, *and* Seeds Please Lite. Basically the tech tree is starting to get kinda messed up but the root of the problem is that while lower levels of agriculture unlock plants, they're ALSO unlocked by Basic/Intermediate/Advanced agriculture up in the Medieval Era.

Additionally, Medieval Overhaul has always had a problem where the DankPyon version of Carrots (and everything else) drops a DankPyon Seed... but in every iteration of this game I can play, unlocking any relevant research, it seems that Seeds Please only wants to grow crops from the Vanilla Crops Expanded seeds. It doesn't recognize the DankPyon seeds as being valid at all.

Now, I'm not opposed to some crops being still locked off, but the ONLY food crop I can grow despite all the Paleolithic techs related to it being unlocked, is Rice. I'd at least like a *couple* of extra plants, possibly choosing crops so every starting biome has a choice of at least one crop.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 23 nov. 2023 la 7:46 
added a new tribal research that will unlock cutting raw wood into lumber at the crafting spot
Wsufyrjd 23 nov. 2023 la 6:51 
Mods like VFE make me want to create expansion mods myself.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 22 nov. 2023 la 13:33 
You are right, I think I'll add a new research, it just makes sense
Frostiken 22 nov. 2023 la 11:33 
Maybe just a whole ass new research tier after Fire that is a prereq for Construction (instead of mining)? So you can unlock Timber early separately as needed.
Frostiken 22 nov. 2023 la 11:32 
Appreciate that. I have one more bit of feedback, regarding the 'Timber' recipe. Timber might need to be moved to lower tiers, since researching things like Animal Handling gives you fences, but without the timber recipe, you can't really do much until Construction, and you have to rely on the starting lumber, which may or may not work out for you.
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 20 nov. 2023 la 4:38 
I'll move the generic patches to a toggle, that should avoid errors with stepping stones
Frostiken 19 nov. 2023 la 21:12 
So that little piece of code down there, needs some kind of exception marking for techs RR_Organization and RR_LateralThinking.

The problem is that just putting in more AND NOT operators will work fine if you're running VFET and RR:SS at the same time, but I suspect it'll cause problems for players just using VFET.
Frostiken 19 nov. 2023 la 20:50 
<!-- <li Class="PatchOperationAdd"> -->
<!-- <success>Always</success> -->
<!-- <xpath>Defs/ResearchProjectDef[not(prerequisites) and not(defName="VFET_Fire")]</xpath> -->
<!-- <value> -->
<!-- <prerequisites> -->
<!-- <li>VFET_Culture</li> -->
<!-- </prerequisites> -->
<!-- </value> -->
<!-- </li> -->

I commented this out and it works... kind of. I see what this patch is intended to do but it just doesn't work with Stepping Stones. Obviously not having this patch causes a lot of issues with the Tribalist progression.
Frostiken 19 nov. 2023 la 19:54 
I'm using this mod in conjunction with VFE:T and Research Reinvented Stepping Stones.

Under normal VFE:T it is fine. However, with this mod, the Stepping Stones have been scrambled a bit, and instead of being the first tech, the "Lateral Thinking" and "Organization" techs are the LAST techs in the tree. Organization is necessary to unlock the basic ground sleeping spots. So I need to research everything up to 'Culture' just to get to them.

I specifically remove this mod and the Animal tech tree unfucks itself. This is specifically caused by something in here.
CrackaJack 19 nov. 2023 la 15:37 
yeah, this is perfect o.O
CrackaJack 18 nov. 2023 la 2:56 
thanks a lot!
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 18 nov. 2023 la 2:50 
@CrackaJack that's probably the case, in the end these are very simple patches. I'm going to update the mod and provide a description with the changes
CrackaJack 18 nov. 2023 la 2:47 
could be conflicting with ferrets culture unlocks all other research, or vfe tribal mod patches
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 18 nov. 2023 la 2:45 
@CrackaJack uh you probably have another mod patching it already, I'll add a few ignores to the patches
CrackaJack 18 nov. 2023 la 2:43 
what does your vfe tribal integration do?^^
CrackaJack 18 nov. 2023 la 2:43 
if you have vfe tribal patches active, you get this at startup:
[Medieval Overhaul Tweaks - Start of stack trace]
Verse.PatchOperationAdd(xpath="Defs/ResearchProjectDef[not(prerequisites) and not(defName="VFET_Fire")]"): Failed to find a node with the given xpath
VFECore.PatchOperationToggableSequence: Error
[End of stack trace]
The top operation is the one that failed, the ones below it are the parents
Source file: D:\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2730497766\1.4\Patches\VFE_Tribal_Patches.xml
TheCakeIsALie  [autor] 17 nov. 2023 la 8:34 
@2962342497 you can enable/disable patches found in this mod. If you find any error in the log you can disable the corresponding patch. If other patches are well written there should not be any error
2962342497 17 nov. 2023 la 7:28 
Does this MOD support Medieval Overhaul Patches?