Space Engineers
The Sun is not yellow
Коментарів: 51
Cc8tv 15 лют. 2024 о 12:24 
i thought i was pumking xd
Pumking0456 5 трав. 2023 о 12:25 
i prefer the yellow since its slightly easier on my eyes
Major Jon  [автор] 5 квіт. 2023 о 14:15 
only if the mod is added to the server, then it's active for everyone. Theoretically you could overwrite your base game files with these, but I don't know the consequences of that. The game might change them back, or you get kicked of the server or something, so try that at your own risk.
steamapps\workshop\content\244850\2722299710\Data -> steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Data
Don't overwrite the files directly, change the values inside the sbcs that are different in the mod files.
Dante 5 квіт. 2023 о 9:11 
major John first and foremost, love your ships. second, is it possible to add this mod where I don't see a yellow sun while playing online?
Aperson 15 груд. 2022 о 5:50 
this just made my sun yellow :steamfacepalm:
John Separatist🐀 27 верес. 2022 о 9:44 
Alright, thank you
Major Jon  [автор] 27 верес. 2022 о 9:06 
no, but you could do that yourself quite easily. Make a new folder in AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Mods\New_Folder, go to steamapps\workshop\content\244850\2722299710 and copy the Data folder into your new folder. Then delete the Environment.sbc from inside the data folder. When you load a world you should see a local mod called New_Folder, just use that instead of this workshop version.
John Separatist🐀 27 верес. 2022 о 6:16 
Is there a version of this that doesn't darken the skybox? It interferes with other skybox mods and makes them much darker than they should be
BikerDusty 9 верес. 2022 о 0:41 
im guessing u paid attention in science class:selike::selike::selike::selike::selike::selike::selike:
Destruction 23 серп. 2022 о 15:12 
Color exists or does not in the same way chairs exist or do not. This is philosophical and there is no concrete answer.
In my opinion, an object is a chair as long as it performs its function, and color exists. Someone else may hold the opinion that there is no such thing as a chair and that color isn't real.
White also isn't the absence of color in pixels. White is R=255 G=255 B=255 and as such is literally the same as light. The absence of color in pixels is R=0 G=0 B=0, or black. You know, the same color that appears from absence of light?
JolanXBL 28 лип. 2022 о 15:59 
For pixels, white is the absence of color, white = not color
For light, white is all colors of light combined, white = all colors
For paint, it's no pigments, no color.
Color doesn't actually exist; things are only colored by the reflecting light.
Andrew K 11 лип. 2022 о 15:41 
Of course white is a color that exists! Why would we have paints that are white, or pixels that are white, or call lilies white and roses red, or call the sun yellow in this place, and white in that place, unless these words meant something about the color? It would mean nothing to describe something's color as white if white was not a color.
Vulpy 1 лип. 2022 о 9:05 
Also, your monitor is not the sun, it consist of a collection of light emitting pixels that themselves only radiate in a specific distribution, typically peaking around red, green and blue. If you look at a white image on your screen, all pixels light up roughly evenly, depending on color calibration.

So, if we were to measure the wavelength distribution of the sun in space and accurately depict it with less intensity on a computer screen, I'd expect it to look more like it does with this mod.
Vulpy 1 лип. 2022 о 9:05 
The misinformation that people spread about color in this comment section...

The sun is not white, because white is not a color that exists. Actually colors themselves don't exist. The sun merely emits a continuous spectrum of radiation at different wavelengths. Our retinas have a set of different photoreceptor cells that are sensitive to different wavelengths. Our brain then interprets the different signals. If all of the different cone cells are stimulated evenly, we perceive the radiation hitting our retina to be "white". This is what happens when we directly look at the sun while it's roughly around zenith. In addition to this, the atmosphere also absorbs certain wavelengths more and others less.
Star_Kindler 25 черв. 2022 о 12:15 
@ninjawizard The sun as seen from space, or even from earth when it's high in the sky, is white, not yellow. Just look at any real image of the ISS with the sun in the picture.
ninjawizard 24 трав. 2022 о 1:25 
the sun is yellow, class G star, white stars are class F i think, still nice to change colors
<†>Baigle1<†>™ 22 квіт. 2022 о 17:46 
"Realistic skybox, environment and sun" by Torqs is a combo modpack alternative to this and some other common and popular mods. Consolidating assets helps to simplify for stability, performance, and prepare mods for future vanilla additions.
Nitro 17 квіт. 2022 о 4:52 
Any way to remove those squares on flares from the sun?
paulson 3 квіт. 2022 о 15:35 
We would have plain black and white images because the sun is plain black and white, the sun emits mostly white light, pictures taken of the sun from space will therefore be white. even if you use a color camera
DWal 29 берез. 2022 о 19:13 
Why would we have only black and white images? This is 2022, color cameras exist
sascha.pascal 24 берез. 2022 о 12:45 
Also, you must know, our star is a G2 star. G2 is near to the F class of stars, which are perfectly white. Our sun is therefore in reality mostly white with a green-yellowish taint. And don't come me with "pictures show the sun is yellow" - these pictures are false colored to make the structures on them more appearing to our eyes. The images in reality are just plain black and white ;)
sascha.pascal 24 берез. 2022 о 12:38 
The suns surface might be yellow, but that don't mean that it looks yellow in space. The light it exposes is bright enough to be mostly white. Only our atmosphere makes it look more "yellow", as the blue parts of its light are reflected into the atmosphere (and make the atmosphere blue looking).
Blank 12 берез. 2022 о 10:39 
weird last time i saw surface photos of our sun it was yellow......
Typhon Plume 8 берез. 2022 о 21:43 
@spock the builder Eh I checked on it as that answer seemed odd. 10 different scence facts latter, and talked to 2 astronomers via email.. the answer is.. what are you smoking and how do we make sure to avoid it?
Psycho Eyes 8 берез. 2022 о 7:42 
Deus Vult
Spock The Builder 1 берез. 2022 о 8:46 
Technically our sun is very slightly green, not a pure white, but its more realistic than the default yellow sun
vitalya_pik 18 лют. 2022 о 4:54 
Очень крутой мод
commie._.tears 11 лют. 2022 о 6:03 
the sun is sun
Major Jon  [автор] 9 лют. 2022 о 15:41 
They change the exact same files, you just have to decide which one you like more.
Nexi 9 лют. 2022 о 15:02 
this mod doesn't work with space just got real mod does this add the same effect
First Consul 6 лют. 2022 о 13:43 
I recently watched a video about green stars, so this was a perfect find.
Mojo 24 січ. 2022 о 14:39 
@TheRedMafiaPanda The Earth is in space, so basically it is our spaceship and we in fact then do live in space. lol
stedo 23 січ. 2022 о 23:01 
I like it
I am having no part of the arguments below :D
TheMajesticCarabao 22 січ. 2022 о 23:05 
btw, this mod made the silver skin much more darker
BadAssAtron 22 січ. 2022 о 14:28 
what is happening here. The sun still orbits the earth like planet. So lets just take it easy lol :"D
TheRedMafiaPanda 21 січ. 2022 о 16:08 
As far as im getting tha here's the keyword "In space" while it is technically white its also yellow orange and red due to our atmosphere so really is there a wrong answer here the reason i say that is because well we dont exactly live in space
CaitSith 21 січ. 2022 о 14:24 
The fact that sunlight's maximum intensity is in the green zone of the spectrum doesn't mean our sun is green. You need to take the spectral sensitivity of human eyes into account. It's white, for most of us.

As a matter of fact, everything in the universe, from things in our daily life, to astronomical objects, no matter what color you call them, they are all actually emitting photons across the whole spectrum. See that red car parked in front of your neighbour's house? It emits IR radiation as well. Does this make it not a "red" car?

The Sun is white. If you don't agree with this, you're either sick (color weakness/blindness) or you're an alien.
Major Jon  [автор] 21 січ. 2022 о 0:38 
I love the comments here lol, so many opinions :)

For all the physics nerds here:
Our sun emits a wide spectrum of light from uv to infrared, which is pretty close to black body radiation. The maximum intensity is at roughly 500 nm (green). From space, it looks perfectly white, but in the earth's atmosphere, the shorter wavelengths are scattered away, making it look yellow. The scattered blue light is the sky. Different stars can have different colors, depending on their temperature. The range goes roughly like brown, red, orange, yellow, white, blue with increasing temperature. D3Seeker made a good point, but I'd like to point out that 6 out of the 8 vanilla planets are from our solar system, only Pertam and Alien are completely different.
Projekt Pleasure 20 січ. 2022 о 17:15 
i love how many ppl are all saying the same thing but differently. man, this reminds me of politicians.

I love this mod keep up the good work!
D3Seeker 20 січ. 2022 о 15:16 

You realize that suns (stars) come in a variety of colors, temperatures and elemental compositions dictating such right? And the default solar system is only "like" ours right?....

A visual overhaul is one thing, but it seriously sounds like someone needs to go back to astronomy class the way you spun it.
Incanatus 20 січ. 2022 о 14:31 
Did you know that our sun is actually green? It emits more green light than any other color, this can be used to explain why the chlorophyll in grass is green.
VeyOwlet 20 січ. 2022 о 10:25 
not sure if it works with my skybox mod i have on which makes the sun look smaller
Zombie 19 січ. 2022 о 17:20 
how about a light sky blue so it is not so hard on the eyes in general
Mojo 18 січ. 2022 о 15:20 
@Pred Nah, we all know the suns color is periwinkle!! :)
BlueBronco1 18 січ. 2022 о 11:48 
this be great with realistic skybox
Pred 18 січ. 2022 о 5:44 
It's yellow/orange/red for us because of atmoshperic light scattering. If you were to look at it from space, it would be white.
tihker 18 січ. 2022 о 2:05 
No, « techically » the sun is white only white, not yellow, when his light cross our atmosphere, nitrogen in it scatters the blue light, so sun appear yellow for us… oh ! And sky is blue because of that.
TheRedMafiaPanda 17 січ. 2022 о 19:22 
Technically the sun has multitude of colors but it mostly gives off a yellowish color not white
Sharpie 17 січ. 2022 о 16:34 
Where's the sun's smile though? I can't install an unrealistic mod
C4PTRAMPAGE 17 січ. 2022 о 16:20 
if i knew i could make the sun look white in space like it should without affecting planets i'd have done that in my rebalance years ago... i'm going to need to update a bunch of stuff for warfare 2 anyway, i'll look into doing this.

thanks for the idea.