Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Standardized Sprinting XP
38 Yorum
ripmaikel 15 Tem @ 14:45 
the same with the Standardized Nimble XP mod
ripmaikel 15 Tem @ 14:44 
Hi, in multiplayer, players without special permissions can change the xp multiplier, breaking progress, is there a solution so that the xp multiplier can be configured from the server configuration?
Gentleworm05 26 Haz @ 6:37 
Since installing this mod, I've been gaining sprinting levels significantly faster. Good to know just how badly RNG screwed me over.
Wolbobus 24 Mar @ 1:15 
does it only fill up for sprinting? or does it also fill when running? i know the base game gives xp equally for both
Eternal Night 30 Ara 2023 @ 8:33 
makes grass black :(
Dioury 15 Eki 2022 @ 20:18 
Thank you!
Tim Shady 13 Eki 2022 @ 19:39 
Played and tested for 30 mins working perfectly with 41.77
Bunnies&Cherris 18 Tem 2022 @ 1:15 
Doesn't have big enough titties to be ben shapiro.
Cynical Nerdist 5 Mar 2022 @ 13:54 
is that ben shapiro
тутанхамончик 22 Oca 2022 @ 1:59 
Is it possible to do same mod but with lightfoot and/or sneaking? tried doing it myself basing on your code but failed
incendiary 17 Oca 2022 @ 17:08 
All in one mod pls!, i really liked your mods
Phaeic Smiles 13 Oca 2022 @ 14:00 
Does this work in MP?
Tame 12 Oca 2022 @ 7:31 
Goon 6 Oca 2022 @ 14:20 
Agree with FrancisPJ , that would be great.
KarpJoe 27 Ara 2021 @ 0:43 
Any chance of just getting an all in one mod? Your's are pretty awesome.
asierm 25 Ara 2021 @ 4:36 
This and your other mods are available to mp?
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 23 Ara 2021 @ 1:25 
@Rafał No problem at all. Glad you enjoy it!
Rafał 22 Ara 2021 @ 20:18 
Now I understand. Thanks for explaination! Sorry for not understanding at first (now that I read it, I see - you gave me really all information in first answer).

I think I'm fine with mod, as it is. I thought this mod replaced vanilla mechanics, but now that I think about it, vanilla XP rates are extremally slow, even though I picked gymastic sprinter, so I'm anyway getting it way faster than I would without those multipliers.

Thanks for cool mods : )
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 22 Ara 2021 @ 17:42 
@Rafał The amount of XP in vanilla is calculated through what is essentially "luck". You can get similar vanilla xp rates with an xp reward of about 1, and 1500 or 2000 delay. This would be about vanilla rates, if you have standard luck. However, due to the luck based vanilla xp not being removed by this mod, if you do the above settings, you would get double vanilla rates (1x from vanilla, and another 1x from the mod settings). I can upload a possibly less compatible (with other mods that is) version which would stop the vanilla xp gains if you would like, making only the mod settings give you xp. Just let me know! Hope this helps.
Rafał 22 Ara 2021 @ 14:43 
I meant - if for example I run to train with this mod and I run to train without this mod, will the speed of gaining XP be same? Or how to set up mod, so it doesn't give me more XP then vanilla would?
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 22 Ara 2021 @ 13:53 
@Rafał The mod,in order to be compatible with other mods, does not change or remove the vanilla xp system. This means that any xp settings you have are bonuses to vanilla xp.
Rafał 22 Ara 2021 @ 10:21 
Hello, how does default settings compare to vanilla game? I mean I have 10x and delay 1000. I guess it is balanced to be roughly same speed as without mod?
Point is - I don't want to exp those skills faster, I just want to see them go up gradually while I run.
Mehdi 20 Kas 2021 @ 15:49 
@Conqueror Koala its aight brudda thank you, and yh i was looking for a mod like this for so long (if you could do that with every other skills, just be able to set the xp gain in general for any skill would be really nice, it would be a really cool mod, and i haven't saw one mod that does this)
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 20 Kas 2021 @ 14:09 
Oops! Sorry, I had thought this was the Nimble XP page because I did not pay enough attention.
I have now implemented ModOptions into Sprinting XP, so make sure you have the latest version!
With ModOptions support now release, you can simply follow my instructions I had given for nimble XP, as Sprinting should now appear in your Mods option tab.
Viper 20 Kas 2021 @ 8:02 
@ Conqueror Koala could you enable the Mod Options for this mod too? Same as the other guy, I would like to tone it down slightly. Sprinting XP is really easy to get with these default settings.
Mehdi 20 Kas 2021 @ 2:23 
@Conqueror Koala ah nice thank you, but what about the sprint xp?? i can't find it anywhere
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 19 Kas 2021 @ 13:59 
If you want to change the options, be sure the mod called: ModOptions
is installed. When it is installed and BOTH my mod and ModOptions are enabled, you can go to options->(mods)-> and there is a tab for xp rewards and xp delays for nimble
Mehdi 19 Kas 2021 @ 9:25 
where is the parameters to change the amount of xp you gain please guys i feel like its op
E_Tgirl 10 Kas 2021 @ 0:27 
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 9 Kas 2021 @ 16:11 
@Smolcream Standardized Nimble XP is now available. Requires ModOptions, and allows you to change the XP rates through the ModOptions tab in the menu and in game.
E_Tgirl 9 Kas 2021 @ 13:19 
that be awesome! I find it weird its rng?
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 9 Kas 2021 @ 12:42 
@Smolcream Nimble works the exact same way as sprinting, but it requires you to be in combat mode (holding right click or ctrl), and sure I can make a mod for nimble as well. Expect it on the way!
E_Tgirl 9 Kas 2021 @ 9:35 
I never had any idea that sprinting worked this way in the vanilla game. Is this how other skills are like nimble too? if so do you have plans on making some type of mod that would add another way like this but for nimble. Only asking because I was trying to level it and I think i have walked around the house for a full in game day and barely have gotten any where in the nimble skill, could only imagine level 10 nimble is close to impossible.
Ickerion Kane 4 Kas 2021 @ 7:32 
Oh, that's some good insight - should've checked the comments earlier. In any case, thank you for your work - that's a great mod to relieve some grinding off player's shoulders!
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 2 Kas 2021 @ 18:10 
I mean, judging by your words there will be two independent sources of experience

Yes, there are two independent sources of experience for sprinting, vanilla and my own.
I made mine separate so that other mods that edit the XpUpdate.lua file will still be compatible.

Lastly, if I find out how to incorporate Mod Options, I will be sure to do so; however, I would not have high hopes as lua is so new to me.

Hope this helps!
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 2 Kas 2021 @ 18:10 
Oh, and is the "15.65" seconds modifiable via mod-options, or it is required to go into files and modify it yourself?

I was not able to figure out to implement Mod Options into my code, mainly because I am not familiar with Lua, so you must enter the files and modify it yourself. I formatted the code to be extremely straight forward so its easy to modify.
To get to the file navigate to:
Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2638088934\mods\Standardized Sprinting XP\media\lua\server\XpSystem
Inside is a file called SprintingXpUpdate.lua that you can open with notepad.
there are only two variables inside, both are labeled:

SprintingXpMultiplier is your XP reward for filling the progress bar, and
SprintingXpDelay is how long it takes to fill the progress bar. 1000 is around 15.65 seconds, and
100 is around 1.565 seconds and so on.
Just hit save and reload your game, and your new XP values will be in effect!
ConquerorKoala  [yaratıcı] 2 Kas 2021 @ 18:08 
@Ickerion Kane
Does it get modified by typical *(number)XP from additional level of sprinting in chars or is it completely standalone, as you mentioned, and will grant you 10 xp indiscriminately?

There are two things at work in this mod, the XP reward for filling the progress bar, and the progress bar itself. The traits you pick at character creation, such as the Runner trait, do impact the XP reward; however, they do not make the progress bar fill any faster.
Example: it takes 15.65 seconds to fill the bar with or without the runner trait.
The XP reward is 10xp without runner and around 12.5xp with runner.
It is hard to find out the exact way that the xp multipliers impact the XP reward, because I could not find that piece of their code, sorry!
Ickerion Kane 2 Kas 2021 @ 6:02 
I like the idea of your mod, but what are the specifics? Does it get modified by typical *(number)XP from additional level of sprinting in chars or is it completely standalone, as you mentioned, and will grant you 10 xp indiscriminately? I mean, judging by your words there will be two independent sources of experience, so I'm curious how the numbers will be affected. Oh, and is the "15.65" seconds modifiable via mod-options, or it is required to go into files and modify it yourself?