Space Engineers

Space Engineers

[Core Systems] Gimbaled Machine Gun
23 commentaires
Rusted Droid 11 mai 2022 à 14h43 
I find 10 degree is too small for my builds.
How about 25? So on long wings all guns will point at point of gatling gun.
Aetherial 8 févr. 2022 à 15h02 
Looks like it's broken and doesn't want to fire anymore.
NotRain  [créateur] 19 nov. 2021 à 16h10 
That's probably a good idea, changing the name to "GMG-1 Gimbaled Machine Gun"
DeansOnToast 17 nov. 2021 à 16h46 
Hope im not being rude with a suggestion but would help a lot with finding this if it could get placed into the block weapons tab in the g menu and have gimball added in the block name to help when typed into the search bar.
DeansOnToast 16 nov. 2021 à 16h05 
Love it just vanilla enough with standard sounds
Ilovetrains241 2 oct. 2021 à 18h09 
It can't be a MG because it is 25mm not something like 15mm or below for HMG. It would have to be an autocannon.
Ilovetrains241 30 sept. 2021 à 18h18 
And another thing, this can't be a machinegun.
Ilovetrains241 27 sept. 2021 à 9h38 
Ok what about a full Quad Turret version?
-Aya 27 sept. 2021 à 5h50 
any plans to add custom sound or will default gatling stay?
NotRain  [créateur] 26 sept. 2021 à 20h39 
Probably not @ilovetrains241 ... That would just be a worse version of the vanilla gatling gun
Ilovetrains241 23 sept. 2021 à 18h39 
Non gimbaled version maybe?
blub9529 31 aout 2021 à 3h25 
Just like the weapons in Freelancer :D
Love this mod!
NotRain  [créateur] 30 aout 2021 à 1h54 
I'm sorry, but I'm pretty busy irl atm, just doing this for fun
Death LoH 30 aout 2021 à 0h37 
@Rain42 I think it is fashionable today to be an old tower design with a modern look and style. For example ITCC Weapons Pack. Could you try to create a tower rheinmetall oerlikon just a suggestion.
If I knew how to make mods for Space Engeneer, I would try it myself.
NotRain  [créateur] 29 aout 2021 à 13h17 
@FuryBT Fashions? I mean, what is in fashion with turrets these days?
Xecutor 28 aout 2021 à 7h54 
Nice work dude! This takes lots of skill to do, keep it up!
Death LoH 28 aout 2021 à 5h57 
Very nice. Have you plan to do some more fashions with turrets?
xanchoq 26 aout 2021 à 19h24 
OMG yes!!!
DeAnti 26 aout 2021 à 18h29 
AMAZING!!! good job
NotRain  [créateur] 24 aout 2021 à 0h02 
There we go, images and videos should be up to date now
NotRain  [créateur] 23 aout 2021 à 23h42 
Oh, yeah, my bad, that is an early version of the mod
It uses the default gatling fire sounds right now
thorman123456789 23 aout 2021 à 18h39 
in the video there is no sound? was that just an early build of the mod or is there still no sound?
OttoArms 23 aout 2021 à 18h11 
Sweet I like!!