Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Marius vs Sulla (88BC) 1.0
56 comentário(s)
orion 27/nov./2023 às 14:09 
Wanted to play Seleucids, but no goals.
Euro-Centric Military Historian  [autor(a)] 12/nov./2023 às 4:24 
Hello. This is a stand-alone mod so it doesn't require any other mods to play it.
timzerg009 11/nov./2023 às 21:59 
Hello, what should I do to play it?
btfuruta 7/ago./2023 às 3:29 
From what I understand, isn't 88 BC a touch too early for these events?
martyn.lavender 5/dez./2022 às 12:39 
does this work with DEI
BASICBEN85 19/mai./2022 às 11:11 
brilliant mod. anymore mods like this?
GOBLiN 16/abr./2022 às 12:34 
Can you make a mod reflecting the Mediterranean immediately after the death of Alexander the Great?
GGDOG 21/mar./2022 às 21:54 
Anyone has the issue with the premature death of faction female members? The wife of my faction leaders keeps dying at a young age ( 25 ):steamsad:
Shrike10011 2/dez./2021 às 8:22 
A nice mod, though I would suggest that maybe Marius and Sulla get unique faction traits rather than copy-pasting those of Pompey's Rome and the Julii respectively, especially as they don't exactly fit their leaders to a T
johndwilliams 9/nov./2021 às 10:13 

Having played the Sulla variation a few more times, the unified Gaul (Aquitania & Gallia) along with the Belgae are quite aggressive over time. They often do quite a number on the Germanic tribes, especially if Sulla takes it to Marius' holdings in Latium, Italia, Cisalpina and Sicily early.
MEXI 29/set./2021 às 16:49 
Good mod, if you want make another mod i recommande for you : the Social War with the map Rise of the Republic, the social war is the socii vs roman with, in this period, the greatess general : Sertorius, Marius, Sulla, Caesar (the great-father), Pompeius Strabo...I think it will be a good mod because is a forgotten period just before the civil war between Marius and Sulla.
johndwilliams 27/set./2021 às 17:36 
@Euro-Centric - if you have time in the next update, perhaps a little clean up on the Ptolemy Dynasty:

Dead Patriarch: Ptolemy VIII (DOB 184BC / DOD 116)


Ptolemy IX Soter (DOB 142 / Current Pharaoh)
Ptolemy X Alexander (DOB 140 / DOD 88 - just dead at the end of civil war)

Ptolemy IX's Kids:

Ptolemy XII (DOB 117)
Ptolemy of Cyprus (DOB 116)
Berenice III (DOB 115)

Ptolemy X's Kids:

Ptolemy XI (DOB 105)
Cleopatra V (DOB 100)

It is of course quite messy in a very Ptolemy way. ;-)
johndwilliams 27/set./2021 às 17:11 
I haven't played as Pharaoh, though it looks like a pretty standard Imperator Augustus Cleo campaign except for (i) not a client of Antonious, and (ii) stuck with a poor family tree where your "son" is the same age as you, and without the variety of sisters that are common in the Dynasty. This could be fixed by have "Ptolemy" be Ptolemy IX Soter, and mixing in the messy elements of the Dynasty that were alive in 88BC.

Seleucid is very much the rump end of that dynasty. I tend to enjoy playing Seleucid, and this one looks like a helluva challenge.

Armenia was one of the more fun campaigns, setting up a backstabbing of Pontus and Cap when Pontus' attention is elsewhere. You can even walk troops through Pontus to "help" with Sulla, only to have them positioned to attack Pontus from both ends and take Cap out at the same time. Critical thing is to have your trade and non-agressions treaties all around you already in hand before the heel turn.
johndwilliams 27/set./2021 às 17:11 
Pontus is more of a challenge than one would think by simply looking at the map. The positive is a wonderful sprawling Empire with a large western foothold in Achaia, Macedonia and Thracia, all of Asia and Bithynia et Pontus, most of Galatia, and other bits and pieces. The problem is that all that territories are radically underdeveloped and Pontus is dirt poor at the start. Worse, Pontus has big food issues, with that poor bankroll making it hard to upgrade food production + upgrading to money making buildings + upgrading the armies to have a viable force to stand up to Sulla's high quality early game armies. He is just over the hills with three nearly full stacks (+ the cash to start recruiting a 4th) that can make mince meat of Mithridates two armies in the area. One needs to make quick, hard and realistic choices as Mithridates or the whole thing can crumble fast.
johndwilliams 27/set./2021 às 17:11 
Sulla is considerably jacked up with starting forces and a massive war chest to make up for a negative income and a brutal starting position trapped between two enemies. It's not really comparable to the mess Antonious has to deal with in Imperator Augustus. It's perhaps closer to Sextus but with a massive war chest and better starting legions
johndwilliams 27/set./2021 às 17:11 
Fun campaigns.

Marius' is a variation on Octavian campaign in Imperator Augustus with Euro-Centric's 2nd Triumvirate mod. No Gaul, but the addition of Africa offsets that. A unified Aquitania & Gallia doesn't seem to be as aggressive as unified Gallic nations of the Grand Campaign, and more passive similar to the standard Imperator Augustus version. If one uses a force to annex the balance of Tarraconensis, it's not a stretch to turn and supplement it to focus on annexing Aquitania & Gallia. There is just the person in the Marius family tree to give that assignment to. One has a bit of an option whether to bother with attacking Sulla early or simply consolidating/expanding in other areas while creating enough of a defensive position opposite Sulla to entice him into throwing his resources at Pontus.
tonetone 21/set./2021 às 13:22 
Is this mod still being worked on?
YoshimochiSCHR 14/set./2021 às 8:35 
A quick tip for any one else suffering wrong the same "problem" as I did... There is a separate "Marius vs Sulla" Campaign under the Grand Campaign :'D
Great mod!
YoshimochiSCHR 14/set./2021 às 8:31 
I unfortunately don't seem to get the mod work, the start year is still 271BC and there are all the usual factions still in the faction selection screen, with some missing assets replaced by white boxes... I'm not running any other mods. Too bad, this looks like a really refreshing mod
BRAN MAC BORN 11/set./2021 às 18:36 
I have tested this and It works with the WARS OF THE GODS-ANCIENT WARS overhaul. EPIC! You must load this mod above the WOTG mod.
[GA] salgua76 11/set./2021 às 8:10 
@roxyfish also I'm italian. Sulla is he latin name of dictrator who we call silla. the same as ceaser who we call cesare. it is thi mod dei compatible?
NCR_Ranger2077 3/set./2021 às 14:55 
@roxyfish I'm sure many people know that but the english translation is Sulla same thing happens all over history
roxyfish 1/set./2021 às 13:01 
real name was silla not sulla i am italian i know
Brother Loken 28/ago./2021 às 5:27 
Impressive :emofdr::B1:
Lushiøs 25/ago./2021 às 8:58 
Is it possible for either Roman faction to form a confederation with the other once it becomes weak, becoming Rome as opposed to Marius/Sulla's Rome?
Gustavo Limbek 20/ago./2021 às 13:54 
will you make someday a dei verion of it ? :)

truedefender96 19/ago./2021 às 5:14 
thank you: we can finally play the last decades of the seleucid empire, reversing the trend and bringing it to dominate again the East ;)
alcazabillo 21/jul./2021 às 12:56 
I love this mod. I love historical mod reflecting other periods of Rome.
sc5879 19/jul./2021 às 0:01 
This is a GREAT idea MORE of this thinking refreshers RTW2 and adds depths.CA should be looking at this way forward,instead of revisiting past games.Let the modders who clearly love the game do their thing and give this game its full potential. THANK YOU to EURO- CENTRIC...
Euro-Centric Military Historian  [autor(a)] 15/jul./2021 às 10:20 
Hello PT8792: Try deactivating other mods you're using which modify campaign starting positions. That should fix your issue.
africanmercury 12/jul./2021 às 3:10 
Crassus vs Spartacus on Rise of Republic Map???????
Cyrus: Emperor of Mankind 11/jul./2021 às 9:08 
Honestly we need MORE of this.
Cararctacus 10/jul./2021 às 16:55 
decent mod fam can you do the same for Caesar?
Herrick 9/jul./2021 às 18:24 
Does this replace the grand campaign or IA campaign?
wujdionizy 8/jul./2021 às 16:54 
Great mod. Finally, Rome is a strong enemy to fight against. But as Pontus , I can't recruit swordsmen, they are only available as a general bodyguard for some reason. No bronze shield pikes, neither. I enjoyed my tiny Seleucid campaign, nice to make them great again. The only thing that bothered me, was the constant display of the Octavian movie from the Augustus campaign, after every battle. Could you cut it out, please?
Emir Ismael 7/jul./2021 às 21:03 
if to get it to work with DEI it would be awesome
Oddyseouss 7/jul./2021 às 8:58 
I love the historically accurate scenarios!!! I am also going to have to mention what many others are saying though, I do think that if you were to make a DEI version of this mod there would be exponentially more people playing this amazing mod. Anyways, I can't wait to dive even further into this mod!
SinaZerox 4/jul./2021 às 10:29 
Great mod thanks!
You think you could make it compatible for DEI?
KNOCK KNOCK IT'S ME, Big BIRB 12/jun./2021 às 2:06 
Can I use this with DeI? I can't seem to get it to work.
Ostrogoth2299 8/jun./2021 às 9:53 
This was a good mod
Fulcrox 6/jun./2021 às 21:39 
Looks good! my only recommendation is changing Marius Pompeii Blue to Antony White, because most ilustrations of this civil war show the red and white as predominant colors, anyway, nice period to ilustrate, will be Sertorius playable?
007 6/jun./2021 às 13:35 
Thanks for making this! 6/jun./2021 às 11:37 
Question for the author: why are Parthian Swordsmen missing from Pontus' roster? On that note, would it be possible to add in a unit of stronger infantry for Pontus to reflect the military reforms of Mithridates? Maybe Mithridatic Legionaries or something along those lines for some added historical flavor as well as a reflection of that nation's brief moment of power?
sc5879 6/jun./2021 às 8:44 
Great mod, must have for historic mod.Thank you.
jjpunk 6/jun./2021 às 3:48 
Wow, I love this! There is currently so many untold stories that would make great scenarios. I know the time of a modder is constrained and unthankful, but it would be fantastic to see this and/or future scenarios to be set in DeI.
7isto 6/jun./2021 às 2:55 
Absolutely love it! Plese make more of these scenarios .Great Mod.
hjchang23 5/jun./2021 às 21:51 
Great background for a new mod! I always wished CA to develop Sulla mod with Sertorius, Mithridates of Pontus, Tigranes of Armenia and Hasmonean Judaea. Maybe Pompey, Crassus, Cinna, Carbo, Metellus Pius can be included?
kevink69 5/jun./2021 às 15:36 
Can you make a unified Roman Republic at 100 BC?
Zigur 5/jun./2021 às 13:23 
You should do it for the DEI mod, it could interest even more people.
Lucius Domitius Aurelianus 5/jun./2021 às 8:42 
What a pleasant surprise! The only think I don't like is that I want to play as Marius as the red Romans, lol. That's fine though, this is a really good starting point for the Roman campaign.