Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Movable Bridge Mod (Beta)
295 commenti
StayHungryStayFoolish 2 giu, ore 23:45 
This mod is on the list of Avoid these mods! Use Moveable Bridge - Refixed (1.17) which is part of the Treasure & Hunt compatible modlist.
casameyers 2 giu, ore 23:35 
casameyers 2 giu, ore 23:33 
Ku 12 ott 2023, ore 6:33 
imagine playing Poly bridge 3 in cities skyline :steamhappy:
StayHungryStayFoolish 12 apr 2023, ore 13:29 
This mod is broken. Use the new fixed version, which is listed in the Hubs & Transport compatible modlist.
Fulanodetal 12 apr 2023, ore 12:46 
I can't find any movable bridges for rail. Can anyone direct me to some please?
IronBee 21 mar 2023, ore 10:04 
:steamthumbsdown: dosn't works.
Misused chair 27 feb 2023, ore 6:07 
I hope someone makes one for one way roads
yao_zhou 14 dic 2022, ore 20:17 
fahlkn 2 dic 2022, ore 1:42 
I was very surprise to find functioning Vertical Lift Bridge (from 2021) using this mod!!!

I checked on here and around for new versions periodically.
MisterHamstring 21 nov 2022, ore 3:13 
The update is here
Misused chair 20 nov 2022, ore 10:23 
either they're fixing it or they forgot about a mod that keeps ending up on the front page
Artur6768 19 nov 2022, ore 12:28 
Update everyone:
There is another fixed version:
toadsurfering 19 nov 2022, ore 5:06 
not updated. do not use until updated.
StayHungryStayFoolish 18 nov 2022, ore 14:36 
This mod is broken. Unsubscribe!
SIGMA_SNAKE_86 18 nov 2022, ore 12:22 
The new mod doesn't work either.
MisterHamstring 18 nov 2022, ore 10:14 
mod is broken. please fix?
Briggzy 8 nov 2022, ore 18:29 
A user created a plazas and Promenades compatible version of this mod. You need to unsubscribe from this one before using the fixed version.
Here's the link:
Muunkkuuu 1 nov 2022, ore 17:29 
The bridges for me dont work and just show and error message and i cant seem to make them not crash my game whenever i click play after placing them in. i dont know whats causing this because i have installed all of the recommended and required mods for these 3 bridges but to no avail. i am at the moment in the process of trying to see whats wrong because the error message doesn't tell me.
Meesmoth 1 nov 2022, ore 0:13 
Blame yourself and not the mod for ignoring descriptions. Turning off notifications in this thread. Goodbye.
Muunkkuuu 1 nov 2022, ore 0:00 
IT CRASHED MY GAME FILE. how do i fix this
Muunkkuuu 31 ott 2022, ore 23:57 
how do i make them moveable bridges generate? i cant seem to find how to actually make the bridge because i can only make the road.
Plazmafield 1 ott 2022, ore 22:01 
@AaronSadlerUK Thank you :) I'll let you know if I have anymore troubles. Didn't see your comment until now, but glad to know you've spotted the problem
AaronSadlerUK 22 set 2022, ore 5:45 
I've pushed an update to fix the double IUserMod issue
AaronSadlerUK 22 set 2022, ore 5:17 
I've probably included one to many DLLs in the package, I'll look later on today.
jacko_2110 20 set 2022, ore 16:28 
Same as Plazmafield for me.. I'll wait til this 1 is fixed
Artur6768 20 set 2022, ore 15:07 
@Plazmafield just ignore the warning, the fixed version works fine
Plazmafield 20 set 2022, ore 14:59 
@AaronSadlerUK I've tried restarting Steam, etc, the typical tricks, so I'm coming to you to ask how to resolve this matter.
Plazmafield 20 set 2022, ore 14:57 
cont from below...
I've tried deleting the old .dll file in the folder, and I'm of course unsubscribed to the previous version. I do have previous city saves that might've used this mod, but I am not trying to load those cities in. In fact, I'm just looking at the content manager right now. Anyway, removing the old .dll only creates issues
Plazmafield 20 set 2022, ore 14:55 
@AaronSadlerUK I'm getting a yellow warning icon message from my error reporting mod that indicates the following:
"Multiple IUserMod implemented for the same mod. On one IUserMod is accepted per mod." Followed by the path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\2865223016

cont. above
Peeetmanski 20 set 2022, ore 0:54 

do not press play, bulldoze the movable bridges when paused.
Artur6768 19 set 2022, ore 19:05 
Thanks, you will save many cities :D
AaronSadlerUK 19 set 2022, ore 13:02 
I've uploaded a fixed version for 1.15.0-f7...

It works fine with my city, so feel free to give it ago here:
gregorj 19 set 2022, ore 6:31 
I can confirm, the sulution is to:
- Tell the game in the settings to pause when you load up a save game
- Load up your save with the Movable Bridge Mod and moving bridge assets
- Once it loaded, no not unpause
- Delete all moving bridge assets AND all moving bridge asset roads from the whole map
- If you truly did delete every assset and road, you can unpause and you'll see no errors.
- You can unsubscribe from the mod and all assets now.
j-j- 18 set 2022, ore 17:36 
@Peeetmanski thank you for your solution, I was able to save my city. I also want to add that in addition to deleting the bridge, I also had to delete the Koninginnebrug road which came with the bridge asset.
Artur6768 18 set 2022, ore 17:09 
I don't think it will get fixed soon :(
Pan 17 set 2022, ore 11:16 
BTW In the process Paradox sent me a link to this super useful google doc - there are 3 tabs at the bottom 1) Broken mods 2) Incompatible mods 3) Mods broken by P&P
Pan 17 set 2022, ore 11:12 
Thanks @aIanda_b @geospil @StayHUngryStayFoolish - managed it in the end!! There is a gap between the game loading and running so I was able to select the bridge with MoveIt & delete it the second the game started. That seemed to solve the problem finally :-) :steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
alanda_b 17 set 2022, ore 8:12 
@Pan Go into the game options menu and tell C:S to load your game in a paused state. That way the game will be paused when you first load your city.
geospil 17 set 2022, ore 5:02 
@Pan try to press pause in that 0,1 seconds. I mean, it is hard, but it is possible. Then delete the movable bridges and then unpress the pause. It should work then. I am simulating a bridge repair and closed the bridge and the roads to it. However, I really hope this will be looked into. I loved my city with this bridge, so this mod is essential to me.
StayHungryStayFoolish 17 set 2022, ore 3:49 
@Pan with the right combination of the mods, your city will be reloaded just fine. Make a new save after you have replaced the bridges, or wait until Boformer does the update.

The right combination you can find in the Plazas & Promenades DLC Compatible modlist.
Pan 17 set 2022, ore 3:46 
I am completely stuck and seem to have lost my 2000 hours city. I can't bulldoze the movable bridge because the error is always there blocking the screen. Clicking OK gives 0.1 seconds before it comes back again. Deleting the mod just breaks the load completely . . . usubbing from the bridge assets the same . . . any ideas??? Have spent the last 2 days since p&p dropped trying to fix this but so far no dice :-(
Volske 16 set 2022, ore 21:54 
Finally found that this was the mod spamming errors, hopefully it gets a fix soon
geospil 16 set 2022, ore 8:03 
I can also confirm, that deleting the bridge stops the ''Problem'' messages.
Whenever you have time, boformer, please look into to it. This is an amazing mod.
snkiz 16 set 2022, ore 0:39 
"Will my save be lost if this mod stops working?
No. Bridge assets are backwards compatible with the vanilla game. Of course they will no longer open up and cars/trains/ship won't stop, but your city will continue working!"

Well that didn't work out. And i just wanted the bridge roads, I bulldozed the only bridge I'd placed as per troubleshooting.
JamesOfJames 15 set 2022, ore 20:42 
Confirming previous - after piecing through my ~50 mods, one by one, loaded the save with 2 movable bridges loaded & this mod active, encountered rapid fire "Problem" error messages. Once I bulldozed those 2 bridges, no further errors.
Peeetmanski 15 set 2022, ore 7:34 
Movable Bridge Mod (Beta) is broken and I can confirm!

This is how you guys save your city:

Issue of an Exception when pressing play of a savefile that has a movable bridge asset in it:

Simulation error: Could not load type 'Problem'.
at (wrapper dynamic-method) NetManager.NetManager.SimulationStepImpl_Patch2 (NetManager,int) <0x00fd7>
at SimulationManagerBase`2.SimulationStep (int) <0x0004c>
at NetManager.ISimulationManager.SimulationStep (int) <0x00024>
at SimulationManager.SimulationStep () <0x00693>
at SimulationManager.SimulationThread () <0x0018a>

Keep Movable Bridges active!
Load Game.
Bulldoze or Remove all movable bridges with move it mod.
Save game under different filename.
Unsubscribe from Movable Bridges Mod.
VeeTHis 15 set 2022, ore 5:51 
I'm also having the same issue. The only fix is to bulldoze all the movable bridges I've placed. If I don't, I just get an infinite error loop when I unpause, which Extended Error Reporting says is coming from this mod.
jacko_2110 14 set 2022, ore 19:10 
@boformer can confirm the same as below.. game was working fine earlier today, have sorted all my mods to the point the game was running fine. Start simulation and was getting a loading error with no details. I bulldozed my moving bridge and simulation was then back to normal. I'd have a look at this if you can, it's a great mod.... thanks