Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Ganymede Solar Tower
61 件のコメント
Vorg 2023年10月10日 16時31分 
A wish list item would be ether a built in camera for using the turret controller or a raised area in the center of the panel to mount a camera
ATF_Coldblooded Carebear || 2022年4月2日 11時43分 
For the tracking you gonna need isy's solar alignment script for it.
As the modder as explain on a post that his own script had issue and so he removed it
arcticwolfmp8908 2022年4月2日 11時08分 
I'm not having the crashing issues everyone else seems to be havin but I have noticed that it no longer places as a single unit like you said nor does it track automatically
EMERL 2022年3月18日 21時21分 
I can't load worlds with this mod enabled. I was having the same problem with a few other mods, I play offline so all the mods had to be manually copied to use them, and after sorting through them, I found several I was having the same problem with, but for some reason, renaming the folder for a few of them allowed them to work, but not this one.
Noobtoobster 2022年3月5日 20時45分 
Yeah every time i put this in my survival game and build it up the panels after functional crash me every time.
Ravo 2022年2月9日 16時35分 
I did some digging and some of us are having problems with scripts and mods using scripts in the new version. It is quite likely the mod is working fine and the problem is local.
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2022年2月6日 16時41分 
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll look into it.
Ravo 2022年2月6日 16時07分 
Broken after Warfare 2 update? The base and rotor head appear, but hinge, hinge part, and solar panel themselves do not.
Goolix 2022年1月1日 10時19分 
I have the same issue like KnuckleDragger34. It's not tracking/following the sun.
KnuckleDragger34 2021年12月31日 23時43分 
Built in survival just fine. It just will not auto-track the sun. It stays pointed straight up 24/7. Is a script required for this mod?
Azariasz 2021年9月21日 1時12分 
@Star Do Quickloads work? Or do i have to leave to the main menu? Or even completely leave the game?
Star 2021年9月17日 13時31分 
For anyone curious there is a bug that causes the Share Inertia Tensor to stop showing up on Pistons, rotors, and hinges (Just have to keep reloading the game to get it to come back). This had been a known issue since the Heavy Industry update along with the Piston Head bug (Control panel on the head does not go to the piston and the game no longer recognizes the piston head cargo port to be able to dump inventory into with Alt+Left Click) have all had multiple bug reports but they refuse to look into it because "Nothing changed with those blocks so it must be a mod causing it".
ATF_Coldblooded Carebear || 2021年6月21日 20時23分 
the option of the share tension is no longer on the base ... has there been a change??
Dakroth 2021年5月8日 9時08分 
I have an issue of the tower beating its base to death with its panels any time they move. In natural gravity, the panels fall shortly after placement and destroy the base, and in space when it is built, it tracks the sun at 3RPM and damages the base. How does one prevent wasting a lot of resources (in survival, obviously) and actually using this effectively?
DiZ_1989 2021年5月1日 11時05分 
Yeah, the option's there. I don't know how I missed it, but that's my bad. Sorry about that.
DiZ_1989 2021年4月30日 11時11分 
I'll check again to be certain, but I couldn't find it. In the end, I solved it by deleting and replacing it with creative tools, but it started up again the next in-game day.
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月29日 18時26分 
Share Inertia should be on the tower blocks control panel. Technically the tower is considered a rotor in SE.
DiZ_1989 2021年4月29日 12時20分 
Was Share Inertia Tensor removed from the game? Or did you get rid of it? Because without it, the rotor and hinge have a habit of wigging out and can't be stopped without deleting them.
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月29日 12時12分 
He does great work. I learned a lot from modifying his design and looks great in SE
Dottor Martino 2021年4月29日 7時28分 
Aaa, a beatiful solar tower of 3DHaupt design i always wanted in SE, thanks!
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月25日 10時41分 
fixed some issues... let me know if your still having similar issues with the auto build process and sync etc.
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月23日 17時40分 
I’ll be pushing an update tomorrow removing the auto placing feature and allowing you to manually place the pieces. This will fix the build and sync issues.
Mr E 2021年4月23日 15時50分 
So i have build the tower base as well as the head and the rings but when it comes to the ACTUAL solar panels, i can neither destroy nor build them. They are stuck at 4%
Zeinath 2021年4月22日 21時01分 
Ah, nvm. The base tower adds in like 4 other things in wire frame that have components that weren't listed. Love your design aesthetic fyi! Such beautiful blocks in all your mods!
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月22日 19時13分 
It is? The solar array shouldn’t be zero solar cells. The tower is zero cause it’s a tower but the actually panel shouldn’t. I’ll double check this in the morning.
Zeinath 2021年4月22日 18時10分 
"This tower has been balanced based on cost to build, size, and power output.
The output of this tower is equivalent to 18 vanilla solar panels." Though, it costs 0 solar cells?
Grebanton1234 2021年4月20日 7時56分 
@DiZ_1989 then it might be the aerodynamics mod. it might add some sort of wind that makes the solar panel just fall
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月20日 5時35分 
I think I am going to remove the auto placement functionality since I dont think there is a fix for it.
500kg Bomb Enthusiast 2021年4月19日 17時36分 
Running into the same Sync issue, fortunately it doesn't waste the components as I retrieve them when I grind it down, but it refuses to build. Same issue with the reactor in the Jump/Drive Reactor pack.
DiZ_1989 2021年4月13日 1時11分 
@Grebanton1234 I can build it just fine. The only hiccup is that it can get caught up from time to time, but turning on Shared Inertia Tensor fixes it. Other than that, putting it on a mobile grid causes Klang's mating call, though there was no actual trouble.
Grebanton1234 2021年4月12日 12時15分 
it cant be built in survival as the solar array folds down before you can do anything (destroys the solar tower). I suggest removing the other parts of the tower at placement and then adding a button to add the parts like rotor heads
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月7日 8時49分 
Only certain skins will work.. use the skin i showed in example and it will work
sentinalquake 2021年4月6日 20時20分 
i cant get mine to be colored using the key binds that you gave
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月6日 10時49分 
I will be updating the mod in the interim while we find a solution for the sync issue. The update will include the ability to manually place all the solar panel parts. I should have the update released by tomorrow.
Wektis 2021年4月6日 8時34分 
Just tried to build one from a projected blueprint, the solar head wouldn't project, had to grind it down and place it manually for it to work. Was using build and repair like a previous user but didn't miss any parts and things went fine after that.

But... but... my new shiney solar array clangs after dark >.>
Shinku_Shi 2021年4月2日 20時24分 
Okay, i just did what xinax did, and yes, it actually added the components but didn't show it was built or had progress until i re-logged in
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月2日 20時23分 
Thank you for feedback I will investigate further.
eragon8864 2021年4月2日 20時19分 
Spawns in the bottom panel visually, and the other three physically but not visually, and all seem to spawn even in creative mod as an admin on the server with 29 steel plates already in but won't accept any other components. Also can't manually re-add the hinges or the panels but removing the head allows for re-adding all. But the panel does seem to align to the sun like it should so that's functional, but the panels that aren't built aren't producing any power so there's some issue at least syncing progress/building the panels fully.
Shinku_Shi 2021年4月2日 20時03分 
yep having an issue where it wont accept components for the array portion of it, and hand welding it, i have the steel plates, but it wont apply any.

also, didnt figure it out until my build and repair started yeeting components into oblivion
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月2日 6時25分 
is anybody else experiencing this issue? I have not hear of this issue from anybody else. It may be related to your server in general.
Xinax 2021年4月2日 4時38分 
I have narrowed down the bug. When I place the Solar in Survival on the server I can build it until the solar panels itself, the i build it in creative mode and the progress doesn't go further. The I relogg on the server and theres is now some progress but it wasn't dinished, then I wielded further and relogg again and then it was finished. So it seem's that the server does not correctly sync the progress to the client.
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月1日 20時05分 
Are you building it in survival mode?
sentinalquake 2021年4月1日 19時16分 
A friend of mine tried building the array and it still didn't work after relogg
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月1日 19時00分 
The panels are from no other mod. They were made for this mod.
Babbayega 2021年4月1日 17時14分 
mainly i was after the solar array. just like the look of it. i have the solar hinge mod, but not seen what mod those solar panels are.
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月1日 17時07分 
The tower isn’t made from standard blocks. It’s a custom model.
Babbayega 2021年4月1日 17時02分 
any chance of a blueprint of the tower?
Xinax 2021年4月1日 15時48分 
Information, when it seems, that you can't finish the last part, relogg. I had the Problem the last part was semi-finished and I can't finish it, After relogg it was fine.
Dorimanx 2021年4月1日 6時30分 
Sargonnas  [作成者] 2021年4月1日 4時18分 
This is survival ready :)