

Faction Raid Cooldown
46 kommentarer
Narlindir 10. aug. kl. 15:37 
eventually you dont get any raids at all
kinda not fun
artaszx 26. juni kl. 5:26 
Shame it's not include mechanoids, i really bored getting raided by tons of blaster centepides and warqueens every few days. It's not difficult, it's just irritating that you as player can't do anything to reduce danger. Still, great mod, i like to reduce amount of dead raiders.
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 3. juni kl. 15:56 
there is none
Anon 3. juni kl. 15:55 
It ends up with just manhunter packs, what is the point
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 31. maj kl. 14:41 
Oh and I don't have any plans on adding anything to this mod, it does what the name says it does, adding anything else would be out of scope. I had plans to make a Faction Resources 2 which would have been a lot more complicated and dynamic, but I haven't played Rimworld in awhile so I've had no desire to work on it. Maybe whenever I get back into Rimworld, who knows.
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 31. maj kl. 14:38 
You're pretty much right, when the game wants to send a raid it keeps trying to until it finds a faction that can. This mod just tells it "no" if it's on cooldown.

If all factions are on cooldown it will send a Mechanoid raid which are considered "hidden" by the game as they don't show up on the faction screen normally. I'm not sure if any of the DLC adds any other hidden factions that can raid, if so they will also be a candidate when all non hidden factions are on cooldown, same with any other mod added hidden factions, since this mod does not restrict the hidden factions.

It doesn't really override the storyteller's cooldown, all this does is say "no", it doesn't turn a "no" into a "yes".
Daimyo 31. maj kl. 13:42 
First off, thanks for this mod and love the idea without going full RimWar (I'm playing 1.4 multiplayer so this is a great in-between while hopefully being compatible).

My questions:

When the story teller decides to trigger a normal raid (based on storyteller cooldown), will the story teller cycle through each faction and when it sees your cooldown restriction, it will skip to the next faction?

If all factions happen to be on cooldowns, what will happen?

Is your mods cooldown overriding the cooldown from the storyteller?

Do you have plans to add in a threat pool similar to what I think you were trying to do with Faction Resources (so factions feel strong/weaker when they attack/get attacked)?

T_GabiUel 1. maj kl. 5:43 
It appears that factions don't respect the cooldown when it comes to pollution retaliation. I'm wondering if it is a bug or an intended feature. Thanks for the mod anyways.
JRobs3930 3. apr. 2023 kl. 11:06 
Thanks so much for this one and for keeping it updated. It really helps solve the problem of factions feeling like infinite enemy spawners. I've currently got it combined with several mods that change faction & pawn behavior giving me a bit of a RimWar lite setup and so far haven't noticed any issues.

I'm wondering if it would be possible to make pawns killed on caravan or event maps count for less? As is deaths during Dynamic Diplomacy's simulated battles count towards the cooldown which is a neat interaction between the mods that I want to keep but the effect is a bit stronger than I'd like. I think it also makes sense thematically since a failed raid should scare the faction off more than a battle in the field that cost manpower/resources or a player raid that would incite revenge.
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 17. nov. 2022 kl. 9:45 
It doesn't affect the default mechanoid or insectoid faction.
pickpickpickpickpickpickpickpick 17. nov. 2022 kl. 7:39 
Im assuming this doesnt affect mechanoids or insectoids? Especially using Vanilla Factions expanded insectiods?
dawg 17. sep. 2022 kl. 16:49 
after so long my 1000000000 wealth colony doesnt have to worry about a raid happening every second
kongkim 6. aug. 2022 kl. 5:03 
Ok maybe there aint any yet. :D just startet.
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 6. aug. 2022 kl. 4:15 
It's on the faction screen when there is an active cooldown.
kongkim 6. aug. 2022 kl. 2:04 
And i have been in the faction screen to look.
kongkim 6. aug. 2022 kl. 2:04 
I turned on the display cooldown option, but i can't see it anywere?
Xeonzs 27. sep. 2021 kl. 4:21 
Gotcha, that makes sense, thank you for taking the time and patience to explain.

In that case I'll indeed use both, since the illusion that humans are limited is pretty lore-friendly :)
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 26. sep. 2021 kl. 18:23 
There is no "humanoid timer" in vanilla. The same faction can raid you over and over again repeatedly. This mod adds a cooldown to how often they can raid you based on their losses. It will not result in more or less frequent raids because the game will send a mechanoid raid at you if there are no factions available to raid. That's just how the game works in vanilla. So you will have the same exact amount of raids as you would otherwise.

I never recommended to use this with ESP to "fix" an issue with ESP. I recommend using them together because I wrote them at the same time to "fix" the same issues with vanilla: Suicidal enemies from factions with seemingly never ending people to attack you with. Using both mods gives the illusion of the enemies not wanting to die and the factions having limited people to send at you.
Xeonzs 26. sep. 2021 kl. 18:02 
I think I phrased the question wrong in that case, what issue exactly is the mod fixing?

Reading your comment I come to this understand:
There's a mechanic in the game that spawns mechanoid raids if humanoid raids are still on cooldown
This mod instead changed the humanoid timer from a static number to a variable (depending on raiders killed) cooldown for humanoids, if used in conjunction with ESP likely resulting in more humanoid raids vs mechanoids?

Let me ask a 2nd question while I'm add it, it's a different question but can potentially also lead to an answer to my confusion:
Does using this mod with default settings in combination with ESP typically result in more frequent or less frequent raids?
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 26. sep. 2021 kl. 17:52 
This doesn't counter that and I never said it did... so you're not missing anything? I recommend using them together to help mitigate all factions being on long cooldowns and you getting repeated mechanoid raids because of it.
Xeonzs 26. sep. 2021 kl. 17:15 
I've been using your Enemy Self Preservation mod for a while now, but you suggest in that one to use it combined with this one because ESP makes combat easier due to them fleeing.

How exactly does this counter that?
I'm already facing raids of 15-20 pawns and the only thing this sister mod seems to change about that is that it increases the time between raids, doesn't it make the game even easier, because not just are individual battles no longer a fight to the death, but also now there's more time to recover between raids?

What am I missing?
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 3. sep. 2021 kl. 15:31 
yes, you'll get an error the first time you load the game without it but you can ignore it.
Babaloo321 2. sep. 2021 kl. 23:45 
Is this safe to remove mid save?
Corbloc 9. aug. 2021 kl. 20:31 
dose this make the game easier or harder?
The Blind One 16. juli 2021 kl. 5:22 
Any chance of adding a separate modifier for raiders who fled instead?

I'm thinking if a raider fled, it should count the same as if they had died BUT ... with this small but also huge caveat. They will come back in force to take revenge once the timer is up! The guy who fled knows your defenses better and will be smart enough to bring a larger attack force to overpower you next time. They wouldn't send in the same raid force again. Knowing your defenses they would prepare carefully (increased time to get raided) but when they come back they come prepared. (probably toggleable or scaled somehow with difficulty lol). Defeating them a 2nd time should double the prepare time for the next raid, and so on for the third and on.
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 23. juni 2021 kl. 11:31 
This does not affect the mechanoids, it only affects the factions listed on the faction screen.
Wololo 23. juni 2021 kl. 4:59 
Hello, I wanted to know if the machanoid is counted as a faction with this mod! In any case it looks really nice and it will allow to diversify the raids!
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 25. mar. 2021 kl. 16:18 
Weird, I have no idea why it's not working. Maybe there's a mod that is forcing raids? It works on my end.
[Я_Я] OMG67 24. mar. 2021 kl. 23:24 
got attacked, killed some of them so 2 days without raid. s3 hours left from the cooldown and got attacked.

The cooldown was because of another raid that had happened before, not the one on the picture.
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 24. mar. 2021 kl. 15:54 
was it 23 hours before the raid or did it become 23 hours because of the raid?
[Я_Я] OMG67 24. mar. 2021 kl. 9:44 
Nesano 24. feb. 2021 kl. 19:51 
Dude, this is such a good mod to go with Custom Death Randomness and No One Left Behind.
KeremTheVerem 12. jan. 2021 kl. 4:39 
thank you
Malminas 6. jan. 2021 kl. 20:41 
Thank you!
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 6. jan. 2021 kl. 16:06 
@Malminas, yeah I'll try to add that in.
Malminas 6. jan. 2021 kl. 14:51 
Can you add an option to allow certain factions to be excluded from your system?
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 5. jan. 2021 kl. 14:00 
@Karmapowerd, thanks for the kind words, I 100% agree with you. Having enemies pop out of thin air does feel incredibly lazy. It turns Rimworld from a colony builder to a tower defense game in the later stages. I have some ideas to add more context to everything, and real consequences for the other factions in the world, but it's just a matter of having the time to do it. Rim War and Empires are great, but I want to make something that feels a little more vanilla.
Karmapowered 5. jan. 2021 kl. 7:45 
In the meanwhile, thank you very much for creating and sharing the mod with us (and all of your other mods too, actually). Best wishes for a happy new year, and thumbs up for the mod.

Karmapowered 5. jan. 2021 kl. 7:43 
The way vanilla currently does it is lazy, boring since being raided with clockwork precision becomes a certainty after a while no matter what, and leads to stupid results and consequences on gameplay. Why should players be penalized by all the extra wealth sitting on corpses outside the home area if these resources never get traded or used ? The game leads us to constantly abuse loopholes and exploits, instead of making smart use of our very varied and interesting environments.

Second, my mini-rant aside, I'm REALLY looking forward to your mod being used by other more ambitious ones in the future, like "Rim War" or "Empire". I dream of being able to play a RW one day where factions, geography and environment play a *central* part in achieving its "end goal", whatever it is (leaving planet with a ship or dominating it), either through peaceful (basically cooperation) or aggressive gameplay (stealing faction resources, manpower or knowledge, slavery, military conquests, etc.).

Karmapowered 5. jan. 2021 kl. 7:42 
First, the concept of the mod is great and a much needed addition to RW. If the game was limited to just one map, I'd understand that enemies kept dropping out of thin air over time like they currently do. Tynan however went out of his way to create a whole world around the colony, with biomes and ecosystems, resource-trading factions diplomatically interacting with each other. It's a total nonsense to me not to try to make something *more* and better out of this wealth of "information".

Dub's mod was one step in the right direction (factoring in geographical distance), your mod is another one (factoring in delays). There are many more still needed, including coming up with sensible reasons as to why a nascent colony gets attacked by people sometimes from across the globe, and improving how colony wealth is factored in after successfully repelling raids.

Tyrant 3. jan. 2021 kl. 17:17 
I would be very interested in seeing a vicinity based mod as well.
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 2. jan. 2021 kl. 10:31 
A faction's timer is only effected when one of their pawns dies. So if you capture and release a pawn the timer wont be reduced because it was never increased in the first place. The problem with Faction Resources was all of the conditions for when to add and subtract points, I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible for this one. That way it will be much more compatible with mods, and less likely to be broken by any future official rimworld updates. And at the end of the day, Faction Resources was basically a delay on how often a faction could raid you, based on how much damage you caused them. So this is just that boiled down to it's base components.

As far as the distance thing, maybe that would be better as it's own mod. A raid point multiplier based on vicinity to the closest base from that faction... it would give the player an incentive to destroy nearby enemy bases... hmm, not a bad idea, maybe I'll play around with it.
Holgast 2. jan. 2021 kl. 3:35 
ooh, I like this idea
I blame Earthshaker 2. jan. 2021 kl. 1:31 
Cool. With regard to the Safely Hidden Away mod, I've never used that one before, so can't be sure. However, at least from the description, it seems to apply a distance calculation to all possible raiding factions/faction bases. The end result might be the same, or instead that raids only/always "come" from the closest hostile factions (or caravans from closest friendly factions). I was more referring to adding some sort of multiplier to raid spawns based on distance from your closest base being raided (in case of multiple bases), so that distant hostile factions still raid, just much less often. Combining that mod with the cooldown from that mod might achieve the same effect anyway, assuming they are compatible.

Unrelated, but if you end up releasing pawns back to factions, does that still reduce the spawn timer? This of course assumes that a raid will still happen after pawns are returned (since most factions gain happiness upon pawns being returned).
Murmur  [ophavsmand] 1. jan. 2021 kl. 21:00 
It depends on how pre-emptive strike handles raids, I haven't tested but this should have a much better chance of being compatible. As far as distance calculations go, doesn't this mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1322196379 do pretty much what you are looking for?
I blame Earthshaker 1. jan. 2021 kl. 20:48 
Same as your other mod, how likely is this mod to be compatible with mods like Pre-Emptive Strike (or its forks)? Seems like this newer version doesn't mess with the same code, so I would assume generally compatible, but I would rather just verify than assume.

Unrelated, but since this is a more light-weight version of your Faction Resources mod, can you add any distance calculations to raid generation if it won't cause excessive cpu usage (assuming this isn't already done)? As far as I can tell, vanilla game doesn't really take faction distance into account when generating raids, sometimes you get a bunch of raids in a row from factions on the other side of the planet (not counting hidden factions). Admittedly, I mostly play Randy, so entirely possible that's just the nature of Randy. But figured I would at least ask...