Nicer Avali
78 comentário(s)
Stachman 25 de mai. às 20:10 
its over.......
Avalon has fallen...
Trillions must die
Ammy 13/dez./2023 às 22:32 
Part 2
[00:29:04] [Info] Quest generator broke: [string "/scripts/questgen/pools.lua"]:190: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)
[00:29:05] stack traceback:
[00:29:05] [C]: in function '_ENV.pairs'
Dunno what is causing it but figure give a heads up here incase it might be fix and warn others who are searching for their own culprits.
Ammy 13/dez./2023 às 22:31 
Part 1
Bug squashing in my personal Starbound server and found this coming up during lagspikes.

[00:27:16] [Error] Could not apply patch from file /dialog/converse.config.patch in source: ..\mods\2298724700.pak. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'avakin' in pathApply("/converse/avakin/avali/1")

[00:28:41] [Error] Could not apply patch from file /dialog/converse.config.patch in source: ..\mods\2298724700.pak. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'avakin' in pathApply("/converse/avakin/avali/1")
akfin 23/nov./2023 às 15:15 
i want an excuse to kill all the npcs in a town
akfin 23/nov./2023 às 15:14 
can someone make a racism mod?
akfin 23/nov./2023 às 14:25 
so is there a mod out there that makes humans afraid of all other species
Armok 16/jun./2022 às 22:08 
it is kinda amusing you mention Impervium here, it's technically still canon thanks to the Imperviray (a fish) of all things, which was added in 1.1
TheSkullton 13/mai./2022 às 1:39 
I always hated how the Avali were mean to Humans. All the other Races are civil with Humans, so why just to Avali? Hell, from what I've seen, a lot of Floran and Hylotl are civil with each other and the Floran straight up stole the Hylotl's planet lol. So it wouldn't make any sense for ALL Avali to hate Humans.
GaruuSpike 11/mar./2022 às 20:20 
I agree. The Avali's hatred of Humans is based entirely on a piece of dogma (the idea, with no logical evidence other than ancient personal accounts, that Humans may-or-may-not-be the Predecessors that screwed over the Avali a long-ass time ago), and since the Avali are individual people, it's not unlikely that some of them might question this belief due to its lack of evidence.

Some might even want to check out Humans themselves and see if any of the "hUmAnS aRe eViL" stuff has any shred of validity. They might go to a bar, have some nice booze and some nice conversation with some humans, and walk out thinking "Well, they don't seem so bad." Then they tell other Avali about the pleasant experience they had with some Humans. And it spreads.

Cue the infighting within the Avali over this, between the old Avali that are stuck in their ways, and the open-minded younglings. Ah yes, generational friction. A tale as old as history itself.
PentaSquares 20/dez./2021 às 14:30 
I suppose it kinda seems realistic for them to feel a little bitter towards humans.
I mean, quite a bit of people generalize others and hate them for something their government did centuries ago.

Thankfully the hate tends to diminish over time. (though that time tends to be very long).
Perhaps it would be nice to have some Avali be nice while others are still a little bitter. -it all depends on how long ago the thing was. I haven't gone very much into the lore so I wouldn't know.
Rylasasin  [autor(a)] 22/nov./2021 às 9:38 
I'm not sure you got my message on Discord, but yeah you (or someone else in triage) is free to do so.
Unfortunately I'm rather busy with other stuff these days, so you'd have to do it yourselves.
Fevix 16/nov./2021 às 21:47 
I'd be open to integrating this into Triage if you'd like. I do agree that the speciesist lines are very outdated, but I haven't found anyone who wanted to actually rewrite them.
Tekno 5/nov./2021 às 17:00 
@Stachman, Something they have in common with the bunnykin by default is their hatred for humans, though on different sides.

Avali hate humans just cuz why tf not.

Bunnykin hate humans cuz the USCM or the cultists invaded their homeworld and decide to put the blame on ALL of humanity.

In reality, they're just xenophobic by default.
Stachman 5/nov./2021 às 15:06 
bruh avali so based thay hate all human skin tones and say all human racial slurs, includeing the n word!
Stachman 5/nov./2021 às 15:02 
i like the racism as a consept, its just the diolog seems a bit over done if you ask me, like their diolog make me want to fucking strangle them, and then thy have the audacity to ask you to get one of their freinds that got lost, or bake a fucking cake for them, only for them to shit talk you when you do the quest. but i feel like the avali being racists could be funni tho
Sebbie 29/out./2021 às 20:40 
removes what made me hate them in the first place
Artificer 17/set./2021 às 17:58 
honestly want something where it's just like this mod but makes the avali have some nasty things to say about Lethia and Lethia only. (I just hate Lethia cause the idiots didn't help with the problem with the erchius mine mission and instead abadoned it entirely.
Bib 27/jul./2021 às 9:43 
Yeah, a big part of the community was pretty disappointed when they completely revamped the lore to be less dark and got rid of thousands of lorebooks for the final release. I think it was something about the age rating, or a change in developers.

At least the dark past still kinda lives on in the Hylotl's dia/monologue about the Florans and some of the planets and dungeons
Nihil 18/jul./2021 às 15:00 
Knowing this actually makes me want to not change it, like the Avali didn't get the memo about the changes back on Earth and or have hard feelings about it.
Tekno 1/jul./2021 às 4:33 

Same with the bunnykin lol
Teranus 30/jun./2021 às 4:49 
"*Nicer* avalis"
Yes avalis are fully cruel lololol
MozarteanChaos 26/mai./2021 às 5:08 
@thoman imagine being this upset about a game saying "being nice good :)"
like. if you prefer the old lore, thats chill, but "optimistic cringe be nice bullshit"? legit? for real?
Local Snorlax 26/mar./2021 às 0:43 
This is a nice change of pace. If even the floran and hylotl can have friendly dialog despite a war, why do the avali have to be bastards for debunked lore?
XM-1-24-B 14/mar./2021 às 18:40 
It doesn't seem that this mod works in multiplayer. is this a technical issue, or is this the first you've heard of it with this mod?
Azure Fang 3/fev./2021 às 21:47 
I'm stealing this term. :happypug:
LIVAN 2/fev./2021 às 12:46 
I played avali and I never encountred those nasty comments to humans. Only when directly scanning uscm stuff
randompereon 31/jan./2021 às 4:13 
Guy below me be spitting facts,
Tekno 31/jan./2021 às 2:15 
Guy below me is a normie degenerate.
The Golden Skull 30/jan./2021 às 15:19 
@ashwest lmao
ashwest 29/jan./2021 às 18:55 
The kkk is a cult, do I hate all white people? No.
Lexi Lunarpaw 29/jan./2021 às 11:38 
One word "Occasus" Occasus Cultists are xenophobic humans who seek to wipe all other races from the universe.
MozarteanChaos 28/jan./2021 às 3:25 
@APS64 bruh did you not read the description? that reason technically shouldn't be a thing anymore
Lexi Lunarpaw 27/jan./2021 às 16:06 
they hate humans for a reason
@Dreki nah Lets make the Humans explode instead
Cat 26/jan./2021 às 16:43 
i could use some hugs
B 18/jan./2021 às 22:35 
i enjoy that jean pierre polnareff is making friends with galactic furries
Gwenan pe Ki-Dour Brezhoneg 16/jan./2021 às 11:42 
Fuck humans, long live the xenos !
energeticmouse 13/jan./2021 às 12:30 
Now make it so they spontaneously explode when a human approaches.

#HumanMasterRace #AvaliSuck #HumanGang
Morbid Curiosity 8/jan./2021 às 11:08 
"Protectoretcon" is the best portmanteau I've seen to date. :steamhappy:
2/jan./2021 às 19:38 





AhzuulRetrovali 30/dez./2020 às 2:52 
Now I just wish we had a mod like this, that just added more dialogue when your an Avali talking to another Avali, since there are very few new dialogues dialogues for them. Or just more dialogue for Avali npcs in general, since all they say as of rn to any other race, is like 1 of 2 different things...
SPEED RUNNER - Z 29/dez./2020 às 11:30 
client side or server side?
Warden 27/dez./2020 às 20:20 
I'm still finding quite a bit of nastiness... does this work with mods?
Raf-raf♀ 25/dez./2020 às 11:21 
Times have changed and it's good for once
Q wQ
Rylasasin  [autor(a)] 16/dez./2020 às 21:54 
... I don't see why it wouldn't be.
nymphikit 16/dez./2020 às 19:21 
Is this compatible with Avali Objects+ or nah?
unknownCleric 10/dez./2020 às 16:35 
This was literally my biggest pet peeve with the species, and I am SOOOO glad that their rude behavior is no longer canon and was supposed to be removed. ;w;
Hetuni 9/dez./2020 às 10:57 
The primary thing on this is that Ryuujin basically just left the Avali as "slightly suspicious" of humans but people never read the little tidbit of "little love was lost". They never hated humans.
CrocOsnake 7/dez./2020 às 15:03 
Nevermind i just noticed it requires that mod anyway
CrocOsnake 7/dez./2020 às 15:02 
I love it, this works amazingly with the Avali Race Mod so that its not lore breaking.
Darmonděj_CZ 7/dez./2020 às 9:01 
Human = friend