Pawns are Drowning
45 commenti
6-2 375 23 ott 2022, ore 2:46 
does this work in 1.4
Chisato 6 set 2021, ore 2:48 
miku567 5 set 2021, ore 13:55 
@Chisato can you upload it?
why are we here? just to suffer? 22 ago 2021, ore 0:26 
I blame Earthshaker 14 ago 2021, ore 14:14 
Chisato 7 ago 2021, ore 4:46 
I recompiled it for good measure (source is included in the steam download) and updated the tags in about.xml, works fine in 1.3.
Ayane 25 lug 2021, ore 20:25 
I've tested it, it's working as is in 1.3
Dizzy Ioeuy 24 lug 2021, ore 11:51 
Betrayer! LOL! That mod is overkill- I just want my pawns to die in water. That's all. :(
123nick  [autore] 24 lug 2021, ore 3:46 
For now, if you want drowning, Natures pretty sweet (continued) adds a drowning mechanic similar too mine, and a lot of other cool stuff. its what im currently using.
123nick  [autore] 23 lug 2021, ore 23:36 
ill see if i can update for 1.3. May already work just fine and need some about.xml changes, might need to get visual studio too cahnge the plugin. idk yet. Thanks for the support.

Ayane 23 lug 2021, ore 0:04 
Has anyone tested if it works or not with 1.3?
Dizzy Ioeuy 20 lug 2021, ore 11:11 
Mod is dead in 1.3 though... right?
condottiere 19 lug 2021, ore 22:39 
I love to hate this mod. :D I'm in my first jungle colony with it, and all that dark green marsh water is a lot more dangerous in the middle of a fight, now.
Nana to Many Monsters 31 mag 2021, ore 12:21 
I love this mod. I just wanted you to know!! :MysteriaGodOfDeathHappy:
Ascythian 25 feb 2021, ore 20:06 
Can pawns drown naturally or do they need to be incapacitated while in the water?

If they can't then maybe a % chance of drowning combined with traits like strong swimmer/poor swimmer?
Mur Derer 14 feb 2021, ore 23:16 
I agree with Geojak. A bit better performance optimization would be nice
Geojak 11 feb 2021, ore 10:54 
but this should definitely be base game. made the game devs decided to ingetrate it, it could be done in a more perfomant way
Geojak 11 feb 2021, ore 10:54 
nice mod, unfortuenly quite TPS taxing.
Miyuri 11 feb 2021, ore 8:09 
123nick  [autore] 1 feb 2021, ore 12:44 

i mean, it depends. You can disable drowning for any race in the mod settings, i like too go ahead and disable it for all mechanoids. Sorry they arent disabled by default.

On the other hand, one could maybe see it as short circuiting due too water on delicate components. although i sorta think mechanoids would be atleast waterproof. But its up too you really.

If they still drown with drowning disabled for them in the mod settings, then thats a bug. Tell me if it happens.
Undeadbanana 30 gen 2021, ore 17:32 
fyi, if you enjoy playing marshy or swampy areas don't enable this mod. You won't make it in time to people who fly in on drops. Forgot I had this mod and saw people dying from events, didn't care until it was one of my colonists and I checked his log.

Don't be like me and forget that even though it's green, it's still water. :steamsad:
Red 10 gen 2021, ore 21:58 
I guess it makes sense abiogenist, most machinery doesn't take kindly to being waterlogged.
snailfucker¹⁸ 5 gen 2021, ore 14:02 
In water chimps will drown.:Rivals:
the_abiogenist 9 dic 2020, ore 8:36 
I noticed downed mechs (because of what the hack) drown. Is this intentional?
Nimble102 30 nov 2020, ore 3:54 
Alright, that makes sense. Im not exactly a person who knows modding well so your reply helped me understand. Thankyou for explaining.
123nick  [autore] 30 nov 2020, ore 2:51 
NEW UPDATE! now you can set which races can drown, and which apparel makes you immune too drowning!
123nick  [autore] 30 nov 2020, ore 2:50 
that.....shouldnt be this mod. i mean, ive had similar times where adding some extremely small mod ends up with big, completely unrelated issues. but this mod, im running it with 359 others ( heres my mod list: https://gist.github.com/8ff472fd2858d421d2bbc67fb7bc4e18 ) and it works fine, although i had too had some help from someone too edit some files too get rid of weird bugs (an erroring plugin or smth caused everything too be bugged). so in that case, adding this mod too your modlist might end up breaking it in a similar way. but, when you have a lot of mods its hard too see how they all interact.

You can try asking for help on the Rimworld discord, in the troubleshooting channel, with posting your logs, or the Rimworld Mod Market can help aswell, perhaps.
Nimble102 30 nov 2020, ore 2:14 
With this mod i encountered a glitch where one of my pawns didn't want to move unless drafted. Oddly enough they started to move when they were hungry, but after eating the simple meal they stood in one place. Im playing with a lot of mods but none of them affect movement, and this glitch happened when i started to play with this mod, so i sadly had to remove it from the playthrough to fix the problem.

I'd love this glitch fixed unless its a one-in-a-lifetime glitch, since this mod would be great to have.
Dizzy Ioeuy 28 nov 2020, ore 15:56 
Life preservers! LOL
123nick  [autore] 28 nov 2020, ore 8:33 
Soon, ability too disable drowning for specific races will be added

Soon, ability too add a tag too apparel that prevents drowning will be added

these 2 things will come in same update, probably wont take any longer than a day or 2 at most, but maybe a couple hours at soonest.
Sir Doggy Jvla 28 nov 2020, ore 6:46 
I blame Earthshaker 27 nov 2020, ore 19:04 
Seems like this mod needs integration with the Nature's Pretty Sweet mod (since that also adds swimming). However, that mod hasn't been updated for months, so prolly not something that needs to be addressed that soon...
nukechicken64 27 nov 2020, ore 16:10 
Holgast 27 nov 2020, ore 16:08 
I like this a lot, it reminds me of MGSV where if an enemy is knocked out while face down in water, they can drown (and ruin your no kill run)
Hurgablurg 26 nov 2020, ore 23:24 
Is there a compatability with EVA (SOS2) tagged armours to prevent drowning?
Seems silly that a sealed helmet should allow a pawn to drown.
OptimusPrimordial 26 nov 2020, ore 14:44 
Sharks need to move to breathe, if it's knocked unconscious it will suffocate.
Arendeth 26 nov 2020, ore 5:50 
is it possible to exclude certain npc types like sharks from biomes: islands (with terrainmovement kit active)
Dr. Ben Carson 25 nov 2020, ore 15:19 
Draegon1993 25 nov 2020, ore 15:11 
My my, this will be awesome for Biomes! Islands and other Biomes! mods that are water heavy!
Dizzy Ioeuy 25 nov 2020, ore 14:36 
I'm so tempted but... my colonists... they die so much so ready so many so ways so often so sad so....
123nick  [autore] 24 nov 2020, ore 23:40 
@Krazyfan1 maybe in the future, if they have a high breathing stat theyll take longer too drown i think.so you could give them higher breathing ability

@literally yeah, its save game compatible.
literally 24 nov 2020, ore 16:22 
save game compatible?
Krazyfan1 24 nov 2020, ore 10:53 
what about race mods that don't breathe? or the fish one? could they have an immunity?
Kangaroo Salesman 24 nov 2020, ore 8:39 
Hmmmmm. Yes.
Praise the Sun 24 nov 2020, ore 8:00 
now i can drown prisoners, very nice.