Kawaii Mod
55 comentário(s)
Star Baker 4 de fev. às 10:35 
On the note of the other mod, this will also have issues with Frackin' Liquids.
Star Baker 4 de fev. às 10:23 
NOTE: liquid id 127 mismatch with Lewdbound
Star Baker 30 de jan. às 12:05 
... why are you like this. Shouldn't this go on LoversLab like the rest of the lewd and lewd-adjacent mods?
Fishcookie 25 de jan. às 15:16 
Okay, I tried shazam'ing the ahem... '3.ogg' to no avail, as I was rather amused by it and wanted to know more.

So, I will third on the question of "What's the music used in this mod?".
projectmayhem  [autor(a)] 7 de jan. às 6:20 
Updated liquid ID so it does not match my other mod. The Kawaii liquid only has 1 interaction. Kawaii + Water = Kawaii.
projectmayhem  [autor(a)] 7 de jan. às 6:08 
Fixed issues presented by Lofty. Removed the code for small trees from the parallax files. Added kawaii in front of the monster png files.
eoinhoward3210 13/jun./2023 às 0:59 
Find Kawaii Planet?
LoftyLoftyLoftyLoftyLofty 4/jun./2023 às 17:44 
The five kawaii crabcano variations appear to be attempting to use images named

but the images in the folder show as

The monsterpart files in this directory seem to need updates to match the correct .png file names:
LoftyLoftyLoftyLoftyLofty 4/jun./2023 às 17:31 
These planets seem to have broken parallax.

[17:15:17.187] [Error] UniverseServer: error during world create: (BiomeException) Failed to parse biome: 'kawaii'

Caused by: (AssetException) Error loading asset /plants/trees/kawaii1/stem/kawaii1/parallax/kawaiismalltree/base/1.png

I see kawaiilargetree but not kawaiismalltree in the files for the mod
Serestia 26/mar./2023 às 10:33 
Bumping the question about the music! I really want to know what the song is for the planets as it's a banger!
Luna Tess 23/nov./2022 às 15:11 
does anyone know what the item id is for the kawaii liquid?
Luna Tess 6/nov./2022 às 10:41 
Mod prolly doesnt get updated or get attention anymore, but Depression planet's blood water replaces the Kawaii water for every planet
SketchSuke 12/out./2022 às 10:16 
What's the music used in this mod?
n3uva 7/set./2022 às 7:45 
cant find the planets, probably incompatible with truespace.
gMaImNeDs 23/mai./2022 às 22:16 
Yeah, the difficulty for certain planets seems to be locked unless they're along the lines of wild cards. If your old game is far along enough, I'd just suggest looking past the edges of the galaxy that you've already explored and find one of those.
Bunni 23/mai./2022 às 20:48 
Love the mod, however, every planet I've gone to has a dangerous threat level, none of them are new player friendly which is very frustrating!! I've restarted my game, tried looking all over the galaxy, I've tried everything and still, they're all hard!!:steamsad:
Oomfie(-AvnoArts 25/mar./2022 às 15:17 
Everything Kawaii
hypr 12/mar./2022 às 9:02 
having issues on ocean planets as well. One of he monsters is there but is invisible too
nya 26/jan./2022 às 9:29 
i keep getting teleported back to my ship randomly on a kawaii ocean planet
gMaImNeDs 1/mar./2021 às 12:32 
Dunno about kawaii, reminds me more of gyaru culture with those flashy colors.
Arvay6 6/jan./2021 às 19:12 
I get an error [22:09:25.867] [Error] Couldn't queue radio message '"kawaii"': (RadioMessageDatabaseException) Unknown radio message kawaii
ATTA 8/out./2020 às 7:37 
Will this mod continue to be maintained?
Shiro 17/set./2020 às 7:55 
Don't know if this is a bug but it seems the kawaii oceans seems to be using the liquid from the depression plants with your other mod.
warpnarget 6/set./2020 às 20:24 
the ocean ones are filled with "bloodliquid" and i don't know what other mod is causing it
14AD 30/ago./2020 às 17:53 
There... no more cuteness...
14AD 30/ago./2020 às 17:53 
...*Loud hissing noise as I transform the planet into a Greyscale planet*
ATTA 28/ago./2020 às 2:23 
and the planet looks too big,veil the sun in atlas
ATTA 28/ago./2020 às 2:15 
[17:05:50.333] [Error] WorldServerThread exception caught: (MapException) Key 'kawaiicrabcano5' not found in Map::get()

PLZ fix,it kicked me back to ship:SBHorse:
augustoxgamer1 22/ago./2020 às 21:43 
Does it work with Fracking universe?
trollking321 22/ago./2020 às 12:01 
Every time i try to go down onto the planet, it just sends me back to my ship.
Alesart 22/ago./2020 às 8:41 
exterminate this
Mr. Thiccums 21/ago./2020 às 18:16 
Or childish?
Baitofqualitycooking 21/ago./2020 às 8:57 
wouldn't a more proper name be pastel world?
RenTide4 20/ago./2020 às 19:13 
no one:

Hurrican999 20/ago./2020 às 4:43 
Oh no. What have I done.
Leon S Leon 19/ago./2020 às 22:14 
Any Nightar who dares tread this cursed land is either insane or brave
crossphase1 19/ago./2020 às 16:56 
go to unloaded space/stars. it doesnt spawn them in where youve already been
ATTA 18/ago./2020 às 9:28 
Something went wrong, I couldn't find kawai planet, what's the matter?
vandujr 18/ago./2020 às 8:59 
not to be confused with kawaiistuff+ aka sexy clothing inc
ATTA 18/ago./2020 às 6:28 
Thank you for your contribution!
projectmayhem  [autor(a)] 18/ago./2020 às 1:44 
Fixed, sorry about that.
ATTA 17/ago./2020 às 22:28 
[Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (TerrainException) Duplicate composed terrain generator name 'remixedMildSurface'

Can we have an another ID....? plz:RedChirppy:
bread gaming 17/ago./2020 às 2:27 
@I Want to Fuck SCPs Well thank you lol
greensniperhat 16/ago./2020 às 23:22 
Ah yes, Pyrovision *sniff*
ATTA 16/ago./2020 às 21:41 
*When someone LV144 join into an Apocalypse battle-royale game:lunar2019crylaughingpig:
SteelSirokos 16/ago./2020 às 19:56 
poop and diarrhea planets are better
bread gaming 16/ago./2020 às 15:02 
Puking. Fooking. Unicorns. Yes please.
warmainiac 16/ago./2020 às 14:58 
When the comments section gives a brilliant idea for the mod on accident
projectmayhem  [autor(a)] 16/ago./2020 às 14:47 
Puking Unicorns.... that is what this mod needs. Thank you sir.
Hurrican999 16/ago./2020 às 14:43 
its like a unicorn puked on a huge rock and called it cute