

Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent
154 Kommentare
Akira 19. Apr. um 15:05 
how about the anomaly women as a storyteller ?
Oskar Potocki  [Autor] 16. März um 11:26 
Storytellers don't have lists of events. This means that any storyteller has access to any events.
Constipated Turnip 15. März um 17:53 
i assume this includes events from VE as well as thhings like alpha genes and similar concepts in general?
Kaadjo 20. Jan. um 19:45 
i hope this guy can send enough raids to feed my ravinous cannibal tribe and not send 300 plagues
Average Genestealer 10. Aug. 2023 um 12:59 
A free cowboy hat, why thank you sir. Now my wife wouldn't allow me to wear such a thing.
Very good craftsmanship though. One more thing. You said that you uh, you were taking care of 6 beggar children? Where are they now?
Oskar Potocki  [Autor] 28. Juni 2023 um 10:00 
Contact me on discord and I will see what I can do: oskarpotocki
Golem Of Time 28. Juni 2023 um 6:32 
Hey I don't suppose you've got a press kit available for Vanilla Expanded do you? I'm an editor and a high res version of Perry would be super helpful. Cheers!
AUGUSTUS 10. Feb. 2023 um 21:25 
very very
Izadumb1 13. Jan. 2023 um 9:17 
perfect for impatient idiots like me!
Zenuge 17. Dez. 2022 um 5:15 
Finally, after 800 hours the games not boring.
cassius 4. Dez. 2022 um 11:02 
As modding can be pretty thankless, I just wanted to say that this is easily my favorite storyteller!
Thank you for all the work you put into Vanilla Expanded!
Typhlotion1010101 29. Okt. 2022 um 18:05 
columbo reference
Resurrectionem 26. Okt. 2022 um 5:16 
Columbo Gaming
Beggar 🐀 25. Okt. 2022 um 19:59 
i love this story teller. Re piola el Columbo este re bueno recomendado
Oskar Potocki  [Autor] 21. Okt. 2022 um 12:47 
Please read Patreon.
Velxra 21. Okt. 2022 um 12:27 
Please update to 1.4
oofie1996 15. Okt. 2022 um 11:40 
the other story tellers section still uses the old sprites (like empress evil) and old names (like diego industrial) and it isnt updated to ungrey newly created story tellers (winston waves)

(and i guess rimworld rick aswell but hes a special case and should not be listed on that)
Erok031 15. Sep. 2022 um 14:56 
The game for some reason doesn't load the storyteller, I tried to add it mid game tho? But it should work i guess?
Cectut 26. Aug. 2022 um 3:26 
columbo refernce
Holly 21. Juli 2022 um 4:47 
columbo refernce
Jipiee 16. Juli 2022 um 0:31 
Hi, i'm getting this error below. Presumably I have to adjust my load order, but I'm really dense about this stuff. Can anyone give me a hint? Much obliged.

Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Faction_32 of type RimWorld.Faction. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=VanillaStorytellersExpanded.RaidGroup curPathRelToParent=
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Connie (she/her) 28. Juni 2022 um 10:58 
columbo refernce
Petrus Aurelius 24. Juni 2022 um 15:01 
So is this the storyteller for those of us thay enjoy playing the same colony for a long time?
TheGameKiller 18. Mai 2022 um 10:49 
Does this mod work with the expanded event pack or only the vanilla games events
Oskar Potocki  [Autor] 4. Mai 2022 um 16:06 
Don't blame the storyteller, blame the vanilla game for only having 3 events.
Weorhtleas 4. Mai 2022 um 15:02 
I liked the idea of this storyteller for the double population size, but the constant events are pretty tiring due to the fact that it's always the same 2 or 3 events. If you want non-stop transport pod crashes, then use this storyteller. Otherwise I'd stick to a different one
ScumMonkey22 8. Apr. 2022 um 8:07 
@Spook because they werent out when this mod came out i guess
Manul 29. März 2022 um 0:47 
If you're only getting one kind of quest/event, i'm pretty sure its more based on the difficulty you selected.
kangyipeng 23. März 2022 um 4:30 
Somehow I'm getting raids almost everyday with this storyteller, don't know if that is intended or not.
SpookyDorf 8. März 2022 um 13:04 
why cant you access winston and ronald?
Seipherwood 3. Feb. 2022 um 9:03 
Does Perry really do anything besides Cargo Pods, Transport Pod Crashes and Wandered In? I seriously am getting nothing but overloaded with colonists ...
groovybluedog 5. Okt. 2021 um 9:28 
I'm quite far in and noticed I don't have any quests from the Empire even though they're a +100 ally. Sticking with a vanilla one for now.
Harkon 26. Aug. 2021 um 6:56 
Yeah it was fixed on the last update
ASMR gaming 26. Aug. 2021 um 4:36 
im getting ruin and archonexus ones with perry as well
Croctus 13. Aug. 2021 um 7:12 
Can confirm what others are saying. I'm getting the basic Ideology ruin quests but not any for relics and no archonexus. Swap to Randy and got archonexus instantly.
Vatheron 11. Aug. 2021 um 2:30 
I can confirm what Tooth mentioned. The instant I swapped to a vanilla storyteller or a modded one with said lines, I immedaitely get the archo nexus quest.
Obliza 8. Aug. 2021 um 22:03 
"Seems to be unable to spawn any of the new events/quests" I've also noticed that Perry seems to spawn the same few events and not the new ones.
Tooth 28. Juli 2021 um 6:42 
Seems to be unable to spawn any of the new events/quests. Idk for sure how storytellers work, but I found these lines to be missing:

There could be others, idk.
Droante 26. Juli 2021 um 0:51 
Love this storyteller, now would like one that wants ya to have a small pawn pop
Beast 25. Juli 2021 um 2:43 
Yes, was about to say the same thing. It doesn't spawn raiding opportunities so you need one of the Vanilla main game storytellers if you have a raider ideology.
Jakov 24. Juli 2021 um 14:11 
I think I found a conflict with this storyteller and the "Raider" meme with Ideology. I used Perry Persistent for two years ingame, and not a single "Resource camp" had spawn (which are forced to spawn with the raider meme, from what I've understood), and as soon as I swapped to a vanilla storytellers, I had camps spawning back ingame. I don't think it's a coincidence, but I don't know if I can check through the logs.

Feel free to ask me some logs if you don't know what could have caused the conflict between Perry Persistent and the Camp spawning, thanks for looking into it !
DonSmith 22. Juli 2021 um 7:00 
This mod is my favorite storyteller! And yes he does work in 1.3!
RuneWulv 20. Juli 2021 um 14:04 
Hey does this guy know what happened in 1992?
Naiyasfury 18. Juli 2021 um 14:41 
Blind Joksie 18. Juli 2021 um 12:09 
When people dont know how to change the story teller KEK
Oskar Potocki  [Autor] 6. Juli 2021 um 9:29 
ASMR gaming 6. Juli 2021 um 0:17 
is this good to use on 1.3
Oskar Potocki  [Autor] 6. Mai 2021 um 10:47 
Gonna need a hugslib log, get a mod called hugslib and a hugslib token fix, and then go to dev console and press the green Share Logs button.
4D 6. Mai 2021 um 4:40 
Yeah, I checked it several times due to the lack of events.
Excuse me, but what's the procedure of bug reporting?
Oskar Potocki  [Autor] 6. Mai 2021 um 3:12 
Then report it as a bug. You sure you’re using this storyteller?