Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Node Spacer (DEPRECATED)
68 megjegyzés
jfwfreo 2022. febr. 25., 1:56 
Is the source code to this available anywhere?
majin_kratos 2022. febr. 19., 5:16 
What is the difference of using with fine road tools and in settings via start? Why does nothing change in the second case?
gardenstater 2022. febr. 5., 20:09 
@zimmy Does it break the standalone parallel road tool or the one included in Network Multitool?
Zimmy 2022. jan. 3., 20:43 
for anyone that wants to know this mod breaks parallel roads tool. i subed to this after i was using parallel road tool. had to unsubscribe to eeach mod i subscribed to after that to figure out this was breaking parallel tool. it wasnt allowing me to place the second road i wanted parallel to my original road.
Decima_ZA 2021. máj. 5., 7:50 
Great mod, but the "max segment length" slider toolbar sits in the top left of my screen and I cannot make it go away.
Samtoxie 2021. márc. 3., 8:24 
Hi Quboid, your new updates seems to cause some trouble for me on linux. Any chance you have a github repo from where I can compile the older build and check for a possible cause? Thanks :)
otrwalter 2020. dec. 29., 22:58 
The "slider" becomes integrated into "Fine Road Tools" so it's not in the way any longer.
me22ca 2020. okt. 28., 0:05 
Amazing work, thank! Exactly what I needed to get nice even power line spacing without them wanting to go atop my road segments.
Epeira 2020. aug. 18., 13:52 
I couldn't make "max segment length" slider toolbar disappear. It was covering info tab and I couldn't click trash - education. is there a way to move slider ?
vtk 2020. aug. 17., 4:24 
Thanks, I've been manually limiting segment lengths for ages!
Sunshine 2020. aug. 12., 21:49 
The_Gidbin 2020. aug. 7., 13:22 
Quboid  [készítő] 2020. aug. 7., 7:37 
@patriot62589 - Yes. The Fine Road Tool panel doesn't show for all network types, but the value set there is used.
patriot62589 2020. aug. 7., 6:58 
Can this be used for electrical lines and other utilities? I love this, thank you
Hemmorhage 2020. júl. 9., 5:53 
Cities Skylines is just getting better and better! <3
兄弟我歇逼了 2020. júl. 2., 0:58 
Luk_MC 2020. jún. 30., 2:05 
Great mod
Prinz Valium 2020. jún. 29., 22:51 
Great mod!!!
How about the slider snaps in 8m (1 ingame unit) increments while holding Shift or something? So the measurement doesn't get messed up? :) :hardhat:
AX.Procyon 2020. jún. 28., 23:41 
Is it possible to extend max length beyond 256m (32u)?
Ingall 2020. jún. 28., 17:32 
@bcberbert - I think I had the same problem until I updated to the newer Network Skins so I'd give that a try.
bcberbert 2020. jún. 24., 15:33 
@Quboid I am/was using the network skins parklife compatible mod. I see there is a network skins 2 mod that I can certainly try.
Quboid  [készítő] 2020. jún. 24., 12:26 
@bcberbert - I haven't been able to replicate this problem. What version of Network Skins are you using?
bcberbert 2020. jún. 24., 7:22 
As an update if it helps troubleshoot, even after turning this mod off and restarting the game, the network tiling does not work. Still shows, still lets me think i'm changing lights/trees, but it will only upgrade or build vanilla assets.
bcberbert 2020. jún. 24., 6:43 
So, i'm loving the features of this mod, but it seems to be interfering with the network skins mod. I still see the network skins mod, and it says its letting me change trees/lights for road segments, but when it constructs the road it only builds the vanilla trees/lights anyway. Anyone else experience this? 2020. jún. 22., 5:39 
codewitch 2020. jún. 19., 11:22 
Awesome! Exceptionally useful for 14x10 grids and 14x14 grids thanks to some math in a featured article.
nana 2020. jún. 13., 22:51 
thank you, no pillar was nice but it felt unrealistic
MeiQueen 2020. jún. 5., 19:19 
Vegik_Bloodfang the Fine Road Tools menu can be moved itself
Rock Garden 2020. jún. 5., 7:57 
此mod向“精细道路工具”添加了一个面板,可让您设置网络(道路,铁路和其他可拖动资产)网段的最大长度。 例如,代替默认的96m(12u)长段,您可以构建具有48m(6u)段的桥,以获得更逼真的柱间距。

使用此工具以正确的拱形尺寸(通常为64m长)建造Railway Project桥梁,但要确保检查铁路资产。


需要使用Fine Road Tools 2,强烈建议使用Fine Road Anarchy 2和Precision Engineering。
NWriot19 2020. máj. 31., 1:19 
Absolutely brilliant!
Vegik_Bloodfang 2020. máj. 28., 3:33 
How do you remove it from the display? Since it is covering the Info area for me
shyavi 2020. máj. 14., 19:54 
You smart cookie Q! :heartp:
jc_here2000 2020. máj. 10., 16:08 
This is what I've been looking for!
Alecthelm 2020. máj. 10., 13:47 
love it, thx a lot!
boliqua2 2020. máj. 8., 16:51 
@brandon Yes it Does . I use it for more realistic Power lines specifically the 345 volt towers to have more wire lag between the towers
Brandon 2020. máj. 7., 16:35 
This looks awesome! Does it also work with minimum node spaces as well? E.g., if I wanted longer than the default?
azamazz 2020. máj. 7., 16:07 
likd will help to divert traffic as traffic prefer to travel through route with less node..
I had try with highway with more noide that smalled one way road,,,the traffic will choose smalll road as it has less node,..

Tips, if you wondering why traffic didnt travel with the route you prefer. Try to use less node your route and add more node to the high traffic route..
Quboid  [készítő] 2020. máj. 7., 11:10 
@lolifarted96 - It should work with the older version, but I haven't tried it. The older version has a couple of minor bugs, so it's worth updating anyway.
OSHA_Violator 2020. máj. 7., 10:31 
Does this need Klyte's Fine Rood Tool 2.0.4, or can it support Fine Road Tools 1.3.7 by BoogieSam?
aro 2020. máj. 7., 8:22 
I think the latest update has fixed that issue. Thanks for the quick update!
Quboid  [készítő] 2020. máj. 7., 3:10 
@aro - Are you still getting this error after the update?
aro 2020. máj. 6., 11:23 
I have the same error as Oddboom. I think it doesn't seem to play nicely with Network Tiling Mod (which is a requirement of some other mods I have installed).

Ghostrider 2020. máj. 6., 9:25 
Ahh k thank you did not realize it uses FRT, I stopped using FRT due to issues I was having with it..
Quboid  [készítő] 2020. máj. 6., 8:57 
@Oddboom - I've updated the mod to avoid this issue, thanks again for the feedback.

@Ghostrider - It should be attached to Fine Road Tools, so it can be moved by moving FRT.
Ghostrider 2020. máj. 6., 8:24 
While I like the mod is there a way to move the slider box, as where it is positioned on my screen is right in the way of the top part of the side info panel..
Oddboom 2020. máj. 6., 8:09 
Hmm I was convinced that the 1st time it happened was on a 1st load, after starting the game.
But yea it turns out that it occurs on 2nd load even from main menu, and if I restart the game, I can load just fine with the mod enabled.
Quboid  [készítő] 2020. máj. 6., 7:36 
@Oddboom - you're right, that's a dead end. Does this error always happen, or is it only when you load a city for the second time since loading the game (either from the Load button when in-game, or by quitting to the main menu and loading from there)?
Oddboom 2020. máj. 6., 7:00 
I don't see anything interesting here []
Quboid  [készítő] 2020. máj. 6., 6:38 
@Oddboom - thanks for the report. That error means that the code Node Spacer is supposed to alter isn't found. Can you run Mod Compatibility Checker and upload its report?