Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

12 comentarii
Treeost 11 iun. 2023 la 21:17 
I realize that, and actually remember a similar post you had made before stating that, so I have no real idea why I created my post. I had meant to come back and delete this post when I remembered that as I just noticed the issue after using for a couple of years.
Avanya  [autor] 11 iun. 2023 la 4:35 
@Treeost: My recycling centers are from a time before Green Cities and any official recycling center. I balanced them around the existing garbage options at the time and didn't want to make them way overpowered compared to other custom recycling centers. I'm probably not going back and rebalancing them again, sorry.
Treeost 30 mai 2023 la 15:54 
Default for recycling is 240 a week for 24000 or every unit you spend you process 100. Yours seem much more expensive than that ratio to me. I do not believe I have anything that would effect change to your pricing, but 1248 a week for 46000 is each unit you spend you only process 37.
Avanya  [autor] 25 mart. 2021 la 23:41 
Thank you! ^^ I use a mix of Surface Painter and these "brushes" to get nice edges. Then decorate with props and decals where it makes sense. :)
HisAlterEgo 25 mart. 2021 la 17:13 
Oh, I also noticed some nice gray concrete areas in your pics that look like finished lots. Are you using a surface painter as I couldn't find a mod that looked like what you did?
HisAlterEgo 25 mart. 2021 la 17:08 
Thank you Avanya. I did get NExt2 after that post but will give your recommendations a try now. By the way I subscribe to a bunch of your work which is top notch and just makes the game that much better. Thank you for all the hard work you've done.
Avanya  [autor] 23 mart. 2021 la 1:54 
@HisAlterEgo: Yes, the tiny roads (1 tile wide) are from Network Extensions 2. I would recommend avoiding the mod though if you aren't already using it. You can use the tiny roads by Delta 5-1 instead.

Here's one of them:

They just need the Zone Adjuster mod:

All in all it's a better combination than Network Extensions 2, as your city would be lost if NExt2 breaks one day.

In the screenshots I also use the Service Road from the Parking Lot Roads pack. It's a bit narrower than the regular 2 tile road and I really like the look for industrial areas.
HisAlterEgo 22 mart. 2021 la 15:05 
May I ask what roads you used in the pics between the buildings? The regular roads seem to be too wide to allow connecting of those building bridges top the next building. I saw reference to tiny roads from next? Is that a mod?
AeSix 4 iun. 2020 la 9:37 
TehFocus: It's not uncommon for authors/developers to upvote their own stuff in many communities. I personally don't, but I don't see anything wrong with others doing it.

Avanya: Nothin' wrong with looking at your own stuff objectively! I wish more creators would lol

Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse: Are you a moderator? Or just social police? The FCC allows "damn" to be broadcast over air. This includes words such as "bitch" and "ass" as well. Though I understand that the FCC does not regulate online speech (nor should it), and that Valve owns, operates and moderates it's private community here, there is something to say regarding what, at least in the US, is socially acceptable "dirty words" Basically, get over it or report it - stop being a language nazi.
Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse 4 mai 2020 la 7:30 
Watch yo profanity
Avanya  [autor] 28 apr. 2020 la 2:09 
Damn straight I upvote my own stuff! Partly it's a habit of "checking" something as ready to be published (handy when doing several items at the same time), partly it's because I think my stuff deserves it (well, most of it anyways). I don't see a reason to treat my own stuff any worse than I would had it been made by another creator.
TehF0cus 27 apr. 2020 la 17:13 
4 people rated this up, including Avanya
