Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Alex Ashikaga
109 Kommentare
jade harley!! 31. Mai um 13:24 
@Clone not even the maxed out one even at level 1 the ai is overpowered lol
not surprising from an oc character in my experience
IronSpiderH2O 3. Okt. 2023 um 18:54 
The Lorax but he'll fight you for the trees.
Unfunny_Luke 8. Sep. 2023 um 9:50 
I have this mental image of Android 17 dabbing up Alex and it's just so funny to me
Clone 4. Sep. 2023 um 2:42 
does ANYONE ELSE notice that the maxed out AI can just frame one parry any move and you can overall barely get any hits in on it due to it's good approach options and overall just baiting out your own parries for a combo on you or is it just me?
Blu Stickman 5. Juli 2023 um 23:13 
would be cool if the reimu and meiling alts had voice options for those 2 since their are voice clips from a japanese touhou fighting game,and for the oyaku it could just be the vtubers voice,kinda same with kens,but its just an idea.
sai  [Autor] 29. Juni 2023 um 11:17 
thats gay
Walter Black 29. Juni 2023 um 8:49 
Kuuro 18. Juni 2023 um 4:17 
i wish Fspecial and Nspecial switched, it feel so wrong each time i need to recover from me dead, fail every time. Or don't do that since i'm just bad and need to git gud instead
Smug 13. März 2023 um 17:12 
please release a "day 1 Alex", it was so much more fun to play :(
tim208293 1. Jan. 2023 um 21:37 
"He speaks for the trees, respect the nature, or he'll break your knees"
best single sentence i've heard all day
Peanut 12. Juli 2022 um 6:02 
All in all I LOVE this character an always will but please just show him some love instead of another kick to his combo potential. Other characters get to keep their weird perks and 0-death kills, so why keep hammering down Alex's best mechanic?

And also Raging Demon screen is the best thing I've ever seen in a mod good work :)
Peanut 12. Juli 2022 um 6:02 
Sad to see the character get common nerfs. He still remains a very powerful combo based character, but its a lot less fun the more his potential gets tampered with. Its beyond me how neutral special was given special fall, which doesnt even tamper with combo potential like I assume it was supposed to, but instead just gets him killed 80% of the time chasing after enemies off stage with it. I also see a lot of complaints about CPU AI, but honestly I adore the difficulty, they just must not be used to Sai character difficulty. After all, playing against Alex CPU is how I started to learn the basics after his first rework and what got me into playing him again despite my fear of the changes. Though strangely enough, I keep catching the CPU not put into his newly nerfed special fall after chasing me down with the neutral special, those damn hacks.
The ultimate dangerzone 10. Mai 2022 um 20:49 
Now I've heard of op furry characters, but this is ridiculous!

10/10 would cheese again
neurosis51 14. März 2022 um 7:24 
I also noticed cpu Alex never uses his projectile attack.
sai  [Autor] 13. März 2022 um 22:29 
finallly correct the ingame tooltip and update portrait. keep forgeting these
Lobster 28. Jan. 2022 um 20:07 
at least your self aware ig
neurosis51 20. Jan. 2022 um 1:35 
I know you tune the A.I. for your characters to be like snk bosses and not play by the same rules as the player. Aside from the obvious stuff like infinite recoveries did you also program them to act out of stun quicker ( I see this more often with saji where she can instantly counter with a D-tilt after being hit before you even recover from your attack animation) and lessen the cool down for them to use the dodge and parries?
HoboSorcerer 8. Jan. 2022 um 21:17 
I just had to come back here & comment on the absurd difficulty of maxed out A.I. It can parry pretty much any attack you throw out in neutral, and I'm convinced that the A.I. is just reading your inputs & reacting based on move data. Would love something that didn't feel so inorganic, even though I'd never expect it at this point.
xKIUx 11. Dez. 2021 um 11:08 
Soul Seeking Footwork had only ONE falowup? its a kick that barely concects with a full combo. Whata hell happen with Alex? Im not counting the Nattack, it cant connect in a combo after all.
xKIUx 11. Dez. 2021 um 10:57 
I miss only the demon rage
grainneagalvin 3. Nov. 2021 um 16:28 
Watdahec 3. Nov. 2021 um 15:07 
bring back interactions pls
grainneagalvin 2. Nov. 2021 um 15:34 
so i heard the ispcc saw sam and alex f##king around on their phones

and now alex is from a human boy to a furry god of destrution
grainneagalvin 26. Okt. 2021 um 0:30 
me too :(
HoppingBird 25. Okt. 2021 um 16:26 
I miss old alex :(
Watdahec 22. Okt. 2021 um 10:34 
why they gotta change the dash attack?

i never experienced the old version of the marks and now they removed the grab?

well, that sucks :'(,
hope he does not get nerfed again after this.
grainneagalvin 17. Okt. 2021 um 15:11 
i would like to spar with alex
HoboSorcerer 22. Sep. 2021 um 10:30 
The changes are definitely welcome after having messed around once more. The marks are less of an issue than they once were :D
GenericBonk 10. Juli 2021 um 5:33 
casually Messatsu Shovel Knight
YeaBoiii 26. Juni 2021 um 18:18 
Is there a way to download the older version of the character
HoboSorcerer 30. Apr. 2021 um 10:15 
Those solutions do work, although the former is rather unengaging & the latter relies on your opponent using nspecial outside of a combo situation, or not just using dspecial instead.

That being said I do see your reasoning in regards to some of the cast like Zetterburn & Maypul (even if I dislike their gimmicks for similar reasons), although at least both of them have specific moves which apply their respective effects -- whereas Alex applies 1-2 marks with nearly every attack.

Of course, I don't intend to command any changes from you or your balance team -- I'm just putting out my two cents ^_^ he's still definitely fun.
sai  [Autor] 30. Apr. 2021 um 8:59 
just time it out or hit alex when he approach with nspec in neutral (he fly right into your face).

You could see that many workshop chars have short-term counterplay like hit = gone, while base game status effect like Zetter burn or Maypul mark (work samey, lead to kill confirm, earlier kill, and also roots you) doesn't go away when you hit them, and they apply from single hit unlike Alex have to build it up.

With that being said. I'm not hesitage to nerf things, got a balance team and they suggest patch regularly.
HoboSorcerer 30. Apr. 2021 um 7:57 
Alex's gimmick in concept is nice, but the fact that opponents don't have a way to remove their own marks in the middle of a fight gives it less counterplay than I might otherwise enjoy. Perhaps hitting Alex should remove marks?
Shy 21. Apr. 2021 um 10:58 
also the new galaxy picture do I need to say more. METSU
Shy 21. Apr. 2021 um 10:56 
I don't know how you did it but you made Alex even better I like that I have to press attack to hit my opponent with neutral special. It really feels like it gives me more to do instead of wait until Alex hits the opponent automatically also I like how you have to use neutral special to turn forward special into a projectile its very clever, and doesn't allow people to spam the move Alex is the coolest Sai character hands down aesthetically, and gameplay wise as well. (to me atleast)
Qazzquimby. 20. März 2021 um 17:39 
Bug: Hitting sylvanos flowers with nspec sets y position equal to enemy sylvanos's y position. Presumably occurs for other articles.
syell1022 9. März 2021 um 17:57 
Haha funny plant go spike but seriously great character
OmegaJMushroom 18. Feb. 2021 um 3:30 
Nvm, most of SAI's characters have had their CPU ai's updated to be tougher now.
That's a good change, appreciate what you do for workshop.
OmegaJMushroom 18. Feb. 2021 um 3:17 
Did the AI for the CPUs get updated, because he taunts after kills and feel a lot harder now.
If so, that's amazing, I love the difficulty!
My Name Yuzu 13. Feb. 2021 um 7:57 
It's like a mix of Akuma and Oni
Rush Wheeler 8. Jan. 2021 um 15:08 
You don't have to do this but the move that occurs when you neutral special after using fstrong should be the neutral special
Rush Wheeler 23. Dez. 2020 um 18:52 
OK thanks
Dragonic Lycan 20. Dez. 2020 um 19:19 
@karusino Doing a down strong and pressing N special before the hitstun ends will cause you to do a down spike. Btw it kills most characters at 80% if near ledge
Rush Wheeler 20. Dez. 2020 um 19:02 
Once i was playing as alex and i ended up getting neutral b to spike. anyone know how that works?
somatic cellar 2. Nov. 2020 um 9:19 
hey, sometimes when im playing alex my neutral special will straight up teleport me to the marked character instead of just dashing me over there, anyone know how that works?
Rush Wheeler 29. Okt. 2020 um 6:04 
ash3241gold 20. Okt. 2020 um 7:11 
oh, sorry, it looked like he was wavedashing my bad
sai  [Autor] 19. Okt. 2020 um 17:36 
he foxtrot
ash3241gold 19. Okt. 2020 um 12:20 
in my first match, he wavedashed without me telling him to
sai  [Autor] 28. Sep. 2020 um 6:53 
Maybe in the next update. Intro stuff need to be update on all character at the same time