Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

5-Minute Marvel (Scripted)
Komentarzy: 39
Moretas 18 lipca 2021 o 11:08 
thank you very much for the reply!! appreciate it
Reudo  [autor] 18 lipca 2021 o 7:48 
I found a backup and reuploaded the missing files.
Should be working again.
Reudo  [autor] 18 lipca 2021 o 7:28 
Sadly I don't have the scans. Looks like the files got deleted...

I'll try to get them
Moretas 18 lipca 2021 o 1:45 
hi i cant play the game cause the door cards are completely blank, and the game says "load image failed unsupported format". any solutions?
JG 28 grudnia 2020 o 22:51 
thx!! have a nice day XD
Reudo  [autor] 28 grudnia 2020 o 12:29 
setInvisibleTo( players) Hides the Object from the specified players, as if it were in a hidden zone.
JG 28 grudnia 2020 o 5:24 
how did you make objects invisible? tell me plz
MeepleBits 30 listopada 2020 o 13:11 
Made video on using this mod, enjoy!
yukonzach 6 czerwca 2020 o 21:16 
This is a fantastic mod. Excellent scripting. Really helps the flow of the game, especially since you are being timed. Well done!
zavi 20 kwietnia 2020 o 7:23 
Thanks a lot for your work!
Reudo  [autor] 19 kwietnia 2020 o 5:34 
@Ficus Just load the save again. No need to exit the lobby and start a new one.
Maybe I'll add something but I don't know if it's worth the trouble... reloading is super quick.
Ficus 18 kwietnia 2020 o 18:00 
thanks a lot for the mod, it is really good! only a couple of comments:

1) if i flip the table and i go "back in time" to reset the table, all scripts break. the only way to fix this is to exit the game and start a new session.
2) could you please implement a "reset" button? at the moment, after one game is finished, we have to exit the game and start a brand new session.
caioae 14 kwietnia 2020 o 12:51 
@Reudo First of all, thanks for the reply. I solved the problem of yellow being receiving the cards that should go to white, I just renamed it correctly.
Nope, i found that the error that makes everything fly when you press "go", is in the red player. Whenever you press the button or when you "go" calling the action of the red "draw" button, it makes everything fly.
Reudo  [autor] 14 kwietnia 2020 o 8:06 
@caioae Hmm I don't know why but I found the problem with the stuff flying around.

How are two players set to yellow though? That shouldn't happen
caioae 14 kwietnia 2020 o 0:07 
I got the white player. In two places it is set to yellow, so the yellow starting hand is doubled.
caioae 14 kwietnia 2020 o 0:05 
@Reudo or someone. I'm trying to start the game and the table is always destroyed and everything is flying. What's wrong?
Atthem 10 kwietnia 2020 o 15:08 
@Reudo, yep, I started playing the game and came across the "2 cards at once" Event and thought "Ok, now that makes sense." Thanks for the reply! :-)
Reudo  [autor] 9 kwietnia 2020 o 13:31 
@Atthem That is actually something I left in the code but I doesn't use it anymore.
In 5-min Dungeon that was needed because sometimes you had to beat two enemies at once.
Also it doesn't happen at the same time, like the variable says it alternates the positions.
Atthem 9 kwietnia 2020 o 12:44 
I have a scripting question about the ALTERNATE_Y variable. This is used to alternate which space the next dungeon card goes. But that seems to create some confusion, because you end up with two face-up dungeon cards. Is this intentional? I've never played the physical version of this game, so I'm not sure if that's how it works IRL. Thanks!
gabywhipwreck 8 kwietnia 2020 o 13:25 
@Rabbit Great idea imo. Thanks again for your work MrMcMellow.
Rabbit 8 kwietnia 2020 o 4:09 
maybe as a temporary solution you can make the "draw" button draw from the resources deck and the player can draw from the hero deck manually.
MrMcMellow  [autor] 6 kwietnia 2020 o 12:47 
No, you are correct. Officially, you would play with two decks. We set it up this way to crate a functional auto draw button. For now we haven't got a solution to this.
Antihero FTW 6 kwietnia 2020 o 11:49 
Hi and thanks for this. Although I'm confused about the draw deck, aren't you supposed to have one draw deck of resources and another draw deck of 10 hero cards? Currently all cards are being shuffled together? Am I misreading the rules?
MrMcMellow  [autor] 4 kwietnia 2020 o 10:38 
Thanks again for the detailed clip. We found two bugs in the script one of which possibly caused the error with the door cards for some people. The other being the weird dance the boss mat for the Green Goblin does.

We couldn't exactly replicate the door card error, but I think we found the cause. If the problem still persists please tell us.
gabywhipwreck 3 kwietnia 2020 o 18:18 
I get the same issue. I played yesterday a 2 player game without any issue, but couldnt get to play a 3 player game today. The ''door cards'' wouldn't show up next to the boss. Anyhow, thanks for the quick answer and the awesome mod. We will wait until it's working again!
Pheeel 3 kwietnia 2020 o 10:19 
Very nice to see you guys responding so quickly. Thanks for looking into it.

I know nothing of the coding, but visually it looks like it tries to go to the bag to do the player decks at the same time as doing the boss deck and then glitching out before it assigns the cards onto the boss mat to use with the 'Go' button.

If it doesn't seem like there's any good solution, maybe you can try something like a 'Start P' button to set the player decks and a separate 'Start B' to set the boss deck to press afterwards.
Reudo  [autor] 3 kwietnia 2020 o 9:22 
@Pheel ty that was helpful. Usually the script sets the first boss automatically up if no boss was selected. Maybe there is something wonky. We'll update as soon as we fix it.
Pheeel 3 kwietnia 2020 o 8:51 
@Reudo & @MrMcMellow, here's a clip of the glitch happening -

For some reason the game has not started properly since the first 2 loads and always results in this. Should I try a different sequence to start?
Pheeel 3 kwietnia 2020 o 8:38 
@Reudo, the colours thing could be possible, but unlikely. We had several attempts as 2 player where we were put into the Blue and Green player seats. I just attempted again with 1p only in blue seat and the same glitch happens.

@MrMcMellow, very easy, I'm just following the in game instruction notes.
- Press easy, select boss (Green Goblin mat comes up)
- Drag and drop hero tile into centre of my player area, watch it slide into place
- Press start, hero/resource deck is assigned, but boss deck glitches out and doesn't get onto the boss mat.

I can record a short clip now to show it happening.
MrMcMellow  [autor] 3 kwietnia 2020 o 7:57 
Do you have a way to recreate the glitch with the start button or any idea what might have caused it or what you might have done right before that? I am trying to look into possible reasons why something like this might occur, but so far, neither of us could recreate the error.
Reudo  [autor] 3 kwietnia 2020 o 7:19 
@Pheeel the problem with the start button was probably because you played something else before with different colors? I added a little script yesterday that gives everyone a color that is used on my table.
I'll try it again but I thought I fixed that yesterday.

Yeah I combined the ressource and hero decks because there was no nice way to have an auto-draw function when they are both seperated.
Pheeel 3 kwietnia 2020 o 7:08 
@Reudo & @MrMcMellow, Thank you guys for this!

That glitch with the 'Start' happened to me and my friends. We had 2 games then after that, the start button would not create the boss deck properly. It jiggles around a little, then it just gets stuck and does not go on top of the boss mat. If we manually set the boss deck, the same glitch somewhat breaks the Go button as well. It does the cleanup but does not draw the next door card. The game 100% loaded for myself and friends. We tried with 2 and 4 players, trying all sorts of starting sequences, but couldn't get it to work again.

We also noticed the "how to use" instructions from this page is different to the ones in game note, but neither sequence would set the boss deck properly.

Is the reason why you've combined hero and resource decks for each player, because it was a limitation that you had to compromise with to make the auto-draw scripting work?
Reudo  [autor] 1 kwietnia 2020 o 13:14 
@NotCrystal I think we fixed it yesterday. Only tried it in hotseat though but if you and your friends play again let me know if there is still a bug :)
Nobody 1 kwietnia 2020 o 6:41 
@Reudo No problem mate. I appreciate every work you guys done. Thanks for your contribute!
MsBrightside 31 marca 2020 o 17:04 
Well made with great attention to details! :lunar2019grinningpig:
Reudo  [autor] 31 marca 2020 o 11:44 
@NotCrystal Okay sry that is something we didn't try. We'll fix that :)
Nobody 31 marca 2020 o 10:38 
Just tried with 6 people in a room 1 gm 5 players
It's glitch when I press start. Only 2 player get their deck.
Tried with 3 players no gm before. That time it's work beautifully.
Reudo  [autor] 31 marca 2020 o 6:07 
@Kryzos We played it multiple times and didn't notice any issues.
The thing with the buttons is actually intended. I don't think you should beat multiple bosses in one round.

If we beat one boss we just reload the game and select the next. I can look if we can somehow reset the game after beating a boss but I guess that is quite complicated.

I'll check the start button again but we played multiple rounds and it always worked without a problem maybe something didn't load as you started the game?
Kryzos 30 marca 2020 o 5:08 
First of all, this is a fantastic game and it's done really well. Not to mention the mod is really well created, too. That being said, I did come across two little bugs that I found on first time playing.

- The buttons for Boss Selection and Start Game disappear once the first boss is underway, meaning that you can't go onto the next boss without restarting the module or playing manually.
- More often than not, after pressing the start button, when the Crisis cards merge with the Door cards, the cards glitch and don't move to the boss playmat which I would imagine messes with the scripting and renders the "GO" button almost useless. It's playable, but once again it just means everything needs to be done manually.

Other than that, things work well, just some small things that can be tweaked.
