Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
3.350 commenti
algernon  [autore] 21 giu, ore 17:38 
@Chattanooga Why would you want to do that? That's a good way to wreck your game, and certainly should NEVER be done in bulk. Replacing a building's AI should only ever be something you do on a case-by-case basis.
Chatta 21 giu, ore 10:54 
@algernon What I mean is, enabling the in game local settings for the rico buildings all at once rather than one by one.
algernon  [autore] 21 giu, ore 6:14 
@Chattanooga What do you mean by 'enable'? RICO buildings don't need to be enabled.
Chatta 20 giu, ore 21:14 
Is it possible to enable all rico buildings at once? I'd rather not have to enable them all manually.
Kevonorium 19 giu, ore 18:58 
@Hazzacookie your buildings are on fire?
Hazzacookie 19 giu, ore 8:51 
Oh my building never seem to catch fire when this mod is activated?
algernon  [autore] 18 giu, ore 18:45 
@Hazzacookie No.
algernon  [autore] 18 giu, ore 18:44 
@Priidikman Check your options panel settings for the mod (and see the wiki linked in the description above for help) to make sure that your growable building settings are set correctly for what you want.
Hazzacookie 17 giu, ore 8:57 
Does this mod disable building fires?
Priidikman 17 giu, ore 5:44 
I have issue with all new buildings which i just placed will despawn, but old building which i placed down before dont despawn.
algernon  [autore] 17 giu, ore 0:15 
@Ken the Foxxo That means that you've hit the game's CitizenUnit limit. See the FAQ in the wiki linked in the description above.
Ken the Foxxo 16 giu, ore 21:00 
Having an issue where i plop down a condo it does not add households to the building it just reads 0/0.
putereastefan 12 giu, ore 12:50 
Thank you man, it really helped me.
algernon  [autore] 9 giu, ore 7:32 
@putereastefan It sounds as though you've encountered the issue where Steam randomly deletes mods from your computer, even if you're still subscribed. This is a bug that was introduced in the last Steam Workshop update and which remains unfixed.

Try unsubscribing and resubscribing to force the download.
putereastefan 9 giu, ore 4:23 
For some reason this mod does not work for me anymore. when I load up a city and go to the settings of the mod the settings disappear. and I can not use the mod. Does anyone know a fix? thanks
KyL1n 27 mag, ore 0:42 
Cool man it saved my passion for the game
BMO7 1 mag, ore 20:28 
YE HA! :steamthumbsup:
ANALityk 12 apr, ore 9:40 
丰龚伟烨 11 apr, ore 21:59 
algernon  [autore] 11 apr, ore 17:29 
Updated to version 2.5.6:
- Update translations
algernon  [autore] 5 apr, ore 17:01 
@XxTzeavaXx Can you come to the Discord (invite above)?
XxTzeavaXx 5 apr, ore 6:28 
i used both of the sites you recommended me. i dont know what to do
algernon  [autore] 4 apr, ore 16:06 
@Vlady Same issue again - try a different site.
XxTzeavaXx 4 apr, ore 10:26 
algernon  [autore] 4 apr, ore 5:07 
@austinluppo Most likely you are using out-of-date broken mods, but I couldn't say without seeing your output log.
algernon  [autore] 4 apr, ore 5:05 
@Vlady That link was removed. Try using a site like or
austinluppo 3 apr, ore 17:58 
Hello Algernon, I am wondering if you could help me. In my cities skylines save, buildings will not spawn naturally on zoned property and I am unable to place down natural disasters. I am not sure what is causing this, but I thought you might be able to help.
DocRainbow 3 apr, ore 6:48 
@algernon will post the link for as soon as i get the Email Verification from the side... because i need the 6 MB for the text.
XxTzeavaXx 3 apr, ore 5:45 
algernon  [autore] 2 apr, ore 22:56 
@ DocRainbow Steam will remove any link it deems suspicious. is always permitted, usually gets through (but not always).
DocRainbow 2 apr, ore 19:45 
okay, @algernon i tryed to post the log now 2 times but the download link gets nuked by Steam... how do i send it to you?
algernon  [autore] 2 apr, ore 15:21 
@Vlady That would most likely be a mod conflict. Can you share your output log ?
algernon  [autore] 2 apr, ore 15:21 
@DocRainbow Okay - that's very strange, and would indicate that this mod is not the issue - although yes, I don't have any other candidates off the top of my head. Can you share your ouput log for me to have a look at?
XxTzeavaXx 2 apr, ore 11:32 
no i didnt. this mod is just not working properly for me, when i place down buildings they have to get constructed even tho i turned off construction, and sometimes they dissapear if theyre not zoned but i disabled that too
DocRainbow 1 apr, ore 7:16 
Hi @algernon. no the buildings dont have local settings!
also i looked a bit further into the game, it seems like my Residential buildings also get delivered by Cargo Trucks... WTH...there breaking my whole streets xD
but like i sayed if you cant reproduce the error its probably another mod, but i am at a complete loss which one could do it...
algernon  [autore] 31 mar, ore 14:59 
@Vlady Did you add any local RICO settings?
XxTzeavaXx 31 mar, ore 6:46 
the menu on the toolbar, and the configs in mods settings, i wasnt clear
algernon  [autore] 31 mar, ore 4:46 
@Vlady Which menu? Which configs?
XxTzeavaXx 30 mar, ore 13:00 
there arent any buildings in the menu and none of the configs are working
jonathanspencer03 30 mar, ore 3:29 
will this mod be on Cities Skylines 2
algernon  [autore] 29 mar, ore 20:28 
@Nss93 First, make sure that your game is up-to-date and that you're not using a pirated copy.
algernon  [autore] 29 mar, ore 20:26 
@qwer I'll need to see your output log from immediately after you pressing 'add local' and can't do anything.
algernon  [autore] 29 mar, ore 20:25 
@DocRainbow Yes, but when you check in the RICO settings for those buildings, do they have local RICO settings enabled?
Nss93 29 mar, ore 17:18 
@algernon, unfortunately this mod is causing:

" Could not load type 'Problem" [System.TypeLoad Exception]

once I unsubscribed from the mod, the error went away. any solution ?
qwer 28 mar, ore 19:19 
@Algernon yes i did. In fact, i did everything necessary for change just like before. But it simply does not work now.
DocRainbow 28 mar, ore 14:58 
@Algernon, no the Building where like the same for years now, but all of a sudden without any Option Change or Mod Change, the Buildings just start to act like Commercials/Industries and get deliverd by trucks... the Creators of the Undergorund Power Cable and the Pavement had sayed there dont changed anything, but i also dont know if its a Rico Problem... i am on Search for the Problem still, but i think it has do do with Rico because i dont have other mods installed which change Buildings
algernon  [autore] 28 mar, ore 14:47 
@DocRainbow But was the issue that those buildings had local RICO settings assigned?
algernon  [autore] 28 mar, ore 14:46 
@qwer Did you press 'add local'?
DocRainbow 28 mar, ore 14:02 
@algernon, yes i know that but i didnt changed anything on the Building with the Rico Settings.
there are no Local Saves. and it just started to happen at one point, thats why i am a bit confused
qwer 28 mar, ore 7:06 
nope. I just cant modify the settings