Space Engineers
[EEM] Disabled Respawn Ships
Коментарів: 21
Thraxus  [автор] 24 жовт. 2024 о 20:53 
Yeah, that's the vanilla system at work. Nothing I can do unfortunately. My answer from 2022 still applies.
the last TRUE gamer 24 жовт. 2024 о 19:42 
its been a while so im not sure if its been fixed and if it still applies, i have two seperate starter planetary spawn vehicles and it randomly chooses between them...
Thraxus  [автор] 22 груд. 2022 о 15:09 
Anytime :)

Slight clarification on the below as well. SE only recognizes 1 respawn ship per planet / planet type, but if you have multiple, you'll essentially get a random result (you have no choice).

So, for instance, if you had the EEM Rover, the Vanilla SE Drop Pod, and a Workshop mod for planetary landers (that didn't overwrite / reuse the vanilla definitions), then there would be a 1/3 chance every time you respawned of getting any particular ship.

My Discord link is in EEM'd mod description in case you need it :) A quick comparison of the vanilla definitions vs the one in 2073200387 should show you what needs to change though.
amsedal 22 груд. 2022 о 14:42 
Thank you Thraxus, I appreciate you letting me know because I thought I was going crazy. I thought for sure I was doing something wrong. I appreciate your explanation and solution. I was thinking that myself, about having to make my own but I wasn't even sure where to start. I appreciate your time responding to me!!!
Thraxus  [автор] 22 груд. 2022 о 14:02 
Your best bet is to just make a mod that meets your expectations with dropships honestly. It's not hard, just a few .sbc's to modify if you already have prefabs (i.e. ships) you want to use. 2073200387 has everything you need laid out, you just need to change some values and add your own ships. If you need help, hop in my Discord and send me a message.
Thraxus  [автор] 22 груд. 2022 о 14:02 
The way SE has respawn ships configured is more than annoying tbh.

Planetary and lunar respawn ships can only have 1 definition each. Space respawn ships can have multiple. This can only be bypassed by planet specific respawn ships, and even then you can only have 1 per planet type.

This mod exists because EEM has to disable the vanilla respawn ship's definition in order to add the rover. In order to bring them back, I have to remake the vanilla respawn ships with a new ID, else they won't work (since the vanilla definitions are disabled).

There is a better than zero chance any mod you use to replace the vanilla respawn pod for planets simply reuses the vanilla definition and substitutes their prefab instead for it. This isn't incorrect, but it is lazy, and leads to the type of conflict you are describing.
amsedal 22 груд. 2022 о 13:30 
So, I have been having some trouble and I hope someone can help me out. I do not want any rovers. I used this and 2305988634, which work together fine. But if I want to add any more respawn types, something conflicts and I only get a space suit. I tried this with other mods and the same thing, only a space suit. I have tried this and the the one that brings back the vanilla respawn ships (2073200387) and I just get vanilla ships back. Does anyone have a combination that take out all respawn ships and allows me to add other's workshop respawn ships and works. I have restarted over and over with different ones and I am either doing something wrong, or I am doing something wrong... UG... please help. Does anyone have a working combination of respawn ships that do not include a rover or pod. I would like just atmosphere, no atmosphere and directly space ships?
Stunna 15 серп. 2022 о 13:35 
LeonserGT 20 серп. 2021 о 12:03 
Damn, I like this thumbnail, lmao
КАПIТАН ЗАЛУПА 26 трав. 2020 о 10:51 
time for a change

(╯ ° □ °) ╯︵ ┻━┻
Thraxus  [автор] 25 трав. 2020 о 6:33 
I liked the dramatic name, but fair enough. Renamed. Though the thumbnail stays! :)
КАПIТАН ЗАЛУПА 25 трав. 2020 о 0:35 
I think you need to rename your mode, its realy hard to find it...
Nieechi 26 квіт. 2020 о 17:57 
Ohh nice! tyvm!
Thraxus  [автор] 24 квіт. 2020 о 21:41 
Nieechi 13 квіт. 2020 о 12:11 
Oh awesome, no rush or anything using the mod ones for the time being :)
Thraxus  [автор] 13 квіт. 2020 о 10:30 
I just had another request for that on Saturday. Nothing exists of that sort right now, but I will be working on one shortly. I'm not 100% sure it's doable with how everything is setup, but I'll make a comment here when I know one way or the other.
Nieechi 13 квіт. 2020 о 6:20 
Is there a version/ a way to reverts back to vanilla rather than an overall disable?
Thraxus  [автор] 13 квіт. 2020 о 4:42 
EEM disabled vanilla, this disables EEM, so by virtue of inheritance, both vanilla and EEM are disabled with this.
Kuera 13 квіт. 2020 о 1:40 
Hey thanks for posing this. Just a question. Is is supposed to disable spawn ships completely or just the EEM ones. I loaded it and I dont get any options at all.
Thraxus  [автор] 6 лют. 2020 о 20:10 
Np :)
Bensn 6 лют. 2020 о 14:13 
Nice! Many many thx!