Cities: Skylines
Motor City Online Pack #24
4 ความเห็น
cameranutzii 30 พ.ย. 2019 @ 1: 35pm 
Gotta have!
tomb 27 พ.ย. 2019 @ 9: 03pm 
Great work, as always. These are THE American Sportscars - Stingray, T-Bird, Mustang. You can't get any more classic and I smile every time I see one of these on the road. Rarer and rarer to see, but they're still out there. Thank you for recreating them in C:SL!
TheIronMenace 27 พ.ย. 2019 @ 2: 44pm 
Thank you so much for these. I love doing 1950s cities and these are perfect
craigrz 27 พ.ย. 2019 @ 2: 03pm 
Luv um!