Arma 3
Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany: Compatibility Data for Non-Owners
294 comentarii
yarosan62 21 ian. la 12:24 
i just bought it....... :steamfacepalm::steamfacepalm:
USLBSYouTube 4 aug. 2024 la 11:10 
@SUPREMAWARGOD36 That video was CSLA Iron Curtain, not Cold War Germany. Just thought I'd point that out is all... I'm not trying to get myself involved in this or anything...
HANS VON ROMMEL 30 iul. 2024 la 8:17 
and wanna play mission
HANS VON ROMMEL 30 iul. 2024 la 8:16 
cent use this content make all unlocked ready to use pliz bro is pasybol thanx
SUPREMAWARGOD36 19 iun. 2024 la 20:01 
@Aurani this is not an official DLC, kinda like an official mod. Its the same thing for QRF and that 1944 DLC exept the 2 others are actually good and work. Check out Rimmy Downunder's video on the matter which shows everything WHY you shouldnt install this shit dlc
SUPREMAWARGOD36 19 iun. 2024 la 19:59 
its the DLC itself
[GFH] Brumton Newton 2 iun. 2024 la 7:07 
no key file?
Clorki 27 dec. 2023 la 7:18 
it doesnt need anything
Jaceiscoolandbetter46678 23 dec. 2023 la 20:35 
what DLC it needs?
RedCavalry_9 19 nov. 2023 la 6:38 
Is it only the map that would be unavailable? Can still play with the units?
Nomad 13 sept. 2023 la 19:04 
My coop missions (campaign) with this mod! -
DocBob 7 sept. 2023 la 15:21 
can i use this data for dlc required mods?
Robert Hawkins 7 mai 2023 la 3:07 
29GB, JFL!
Aurani 28 apr. 2023 la 7:45 
Nevermind, found the comments from 2y ago explaining the problem. Very scummy business philosophy, I'm refunding the DLC since this is clearly not avoiding the "splitting the player base problem" you supposedly support.
Aurani 28 apr. 2023 la 7:29 
Hi, I bought the DLC and hosted a MP game on Weferlingen (Winter), my friends installed this mod but they get an error saying they can't connect because they do not own the DLC.
StalkerOK 20 apr. 2023 la 22:47 
Hi, when is update?
Niki 25 mart. 2023 la 11:31 
Why can't a person log in if he has a mod installed and I have a dls?
Myst Leissa 6 mart. 2023 la 17:46 
@DrunkKazahkh, @[ I C E M A N], @Beff Jezos, many of the facts of the description link do not apply to this particular DLC, the linked description of Arma 3's DLC Policy is from 2014, there is a newer policy in which they divide content further into Optional and Mandatory and GM is optional, which means their under no requirements to support this.
Holly_Cat 7 febr. 2023 la 9:15 
29 ГБ!!! Це майже як основна гра!!!
Perkonty [390. IR] 26 dec. 2022 la 23:16 
is it still working? Planning a MP mission for my Clan, but sadly not all players own the DLC
CatEaterSenior 23 dec. 2022 la 17:32 
Wait you're telling me I bought GM for your Takistan mod and I can get it for free?...
the_chalk_outline 22 sept. 2022 la 12:40 
Has this stopped working? Got a mission file which uses GM content but now nobody without the DLC can play.
RipoffVietcong 5 sept. 2022 la 7:41 
A I S M 4 N 5 iun. 2022 la 18:10 
so wait, If people dowload this, at least can access to GM map? how does this work.
天龙八部 24 mai 2022 la 6:11 
gasoline huffing enjoyer 21 mart. 2022 la 13:39 
@Big Guy you should know that the uploader are the actual creators of the DLC
BIG GUY 12 mart. 2022 la 22:41 
how legal is this
Duff 11 mart. 2022 la 15:56 
Can't use any maps in singleplayer
Maui 23 dec. 2021 la 5:53 
Hallo ich beabsichtige eine SP Mission in Werferlingen zu bauen. In dieser werden Einheiten mittels Ravage Modul gespawnt. Damit es stimmiger ist will ich, dass die KI deutsch spricht. Im Moment nutze ich ein Script mit Sprachdateien aus dem WK II. Aber es währe besser gleich auf die des CDLC zurück zu greifen. Daher wollte ich fragen ob es möglich ist via Gamelogik die einzelnen Seiten die Sprachdateien zuzuweisen?
Akymos 9 dec. 2021 la 6:20 
@Gran Autismo - You need to go to your subscribed items in the workshop and unsubscribe from the mod. Once you've done this restart steam
JagdPanzer IV 25 nov. 2021 la 10:54 
i didn't realize this was a 30gb download how do i cancel it? i already unsubcribed but then download starts automatically every time i log into steam or start arma 3
Pickle 16 nov. 2021 la 9:23 
I need to know the answer to what crook said
Crook 10 nov. 2021 la 10:30 
So if I'm reading this correctly, people who don't have the DLC can still use the vehicles on servers correct? Will it bombard them with the purchasing watermark or no?
minhduc-dev 28 sept. 2021 la 2:31 
The media sound is so good I bought it.
The sound of the AK gun needs to be made more realistic, thanks
ctap2607 12 sept. 2021 la 2:39 
whats this
Kameradenschwein 10 sept. 2021 la 9:15 
Hey guys, in q&a video on YT u triggered me with a map named peenemünde for your dlc. pleeeaaaase release it, i would pay for it!!!
beeper 30 aug. 2021 la 11:38 
I am my server provider :) Thank you it's useful!
Christian1412 29 aug. 2021 la 5:13 
@beeper @Ravenger2709 This Mod is not to install GM on servers. Ask your Server provider or use guids like that one form Nitrado
Ravenger2709 14 iul. 2021 la 5:36 
How do i used this mod on my server? Why you don`t add multiplayer key? What a fu*ck?
beeper 9 iun. 2021 la 15:34 
Can it be separated to dedicated server and client parts? I need it only on my server but can't install without also on client part
Furia 22 apr. 2021 la 10:00 
@Vortex All I say that the information available here on the Steam workshop should be by itself suficiently clear without the need to go to other sites and reading DLC policies.
On this particular Workshop item, just here above in the "description" its mentions the following: "This Workshop item serves to allow players who wish to participate in multiplayer content containing GM assets (vehicles, weapons, etc.)"
What is the "etc" ?
A player that reads just the description of this workshop item should get a clear picture of wht he can do and not.
I think this mod is a good idea. I own the DLC and I higly recomend its purchase, but regarding the information available on this workshop page, it would take no effort to describe what you cannot use or do.
VORTX 21 apr. 2021 la 3:05 
@Furia if you look on the DLC page where you can purchase it it explicitly states "Subscribing to this Workshop item makes it possible for potential buyers to try out Global Mobilization DLC assets (such as weapons and vehicles) prior to purchasing. It also enables non-owners to join multiplayer servers that make use of Global Mobilization content. Be aware that access to the DLC's Weferlingen terrain remains exclusive to owners of the DLC, plus restrictions to the use of non-owned content apply."
[KKT] VaclavJEB 7 apr. 2021 la 7:04 
@Furia, that's how all the DLCs that add maps work.
Furia 1 apr. 2021 la 2:12 
I do own the DLC and I though this Mod would help to allow my friends to join in MP games using the GM Coop missions but apparently they cannot join any scenario performed in the Weferlingen map.
I find this "MOD" information misleading. There is no mention here on the page related to this Mod that allows only the use vehicles and weapons only in other terrains.
On the link provided here for DLC Strategy for Arma 3, basically mentions: "NO SPLIT:
You're not confronted with the DLC multiplayer content divide.
You can connect to any server running official content, no matter whether you own DLC."

So based on the information available on this page Mod page and the information available on the linked DLC Strategy for Arma 3, there is no indication that players with this MOD should not be able to join a server containing elements of this DLC.

If this is the case, please make it clear on this MOD description so people does not get the idea that they would be able to join any GM servers.
SZEJEN 30 mart. 2021 la 5:40 
please update info its 27GB data to download
Jeff 7 mart. 2021 la 12:40 
This is very helpful!! Thanks a lot
Xindet 10 febr. 2021 la 4:47 
So a user of this mod cannot use the map if i am correct?
pi123263 4 febr. 2021 la 3:31 
Acest comentariu nu a fost încă verificat de sistemul nostru automat de analizare a conținutului. Va fi temporar ascuns până când verificăm dacă include sau nu un conținut dăunător (de exemplu, linkuri către site-uri web care încearcă să fure informații).
OMFGitsST6 3 febr. 2021 la 19:45 
@pi123263 Forgot to mention this was on Malden. The only GM assets in the op were objects. No players or AI were using GM assets.