Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

More Dark/Torchless Marvin Seo's Wraith - Class Tweaks
12 kommenttia
InconTheTeacher 9.2. klo 23.13 
This will need to be updated to the new patch
(also, could we have all buffs/etc visible rather than without tooltip?)
darkcreep  [tekijä] 5.3.2020 klo 12.43 
Reap, Guillotine, Hook and Slice all get +4% crit per 20 stress.(this buffs are hidden-no tooltip)
JACKET 18.2.2020 klo 6.07 
when he got crit with reap. he most likely crit with reaper easier what buff make him do that?
Skeleton Knight 17.6.2019 klo 19.39 
Your patch makes wraith a great companion for Darkwraith in torchless runs
InconTheTeacher 11.5.2019 klo 9.50 
Okay. Thank you very much!
darkcreep  [tekijä] 11.5.2019 klo 9.16 
With Notepad u can open file: wraith_ms.info.darkest

Then look for this lines and edit them:
hp_reaction: .hp_ratio 1.00 .is_under false .effects "Wraith Tag at 100" "Wraith_stress_heal_party"
hp_reaction: .hp_ratio 0.40 .is_under true .effects "Wraith UnTag at 40"
InconTheTeacher 9.5.2019 klo 13.43 
I honestly think that the Wraith probably should be marked from when he has >90 or 95% HP until he drops below 60 or 70% HP instead of how right now it is from when he reaches 100% HP to when he goes below 40%. Spiders can very much ruin him at the moment.
Tried doing it myself but I fear I don't know anything about modding this game and I can't find it in the mod files.
darkcreep  [tekijä] 7.4.2019 klo 13.58 
You need to put this mod above Wraith class mod(on mod list in game).
Sundead13 7.4.2019 klo 11.21 
Well i got both mod and he don't work... i just get a purple skin :/
All Thriller, No Philler 6.4.2019 klo 20.06 
Hey you did this really, really well! On paper it looks a little like buff-central, but you make it a "high risk, high reward" style of gameplay that is REALLY on the edge! VERY fun, and I hope that Marvin Seo notices and you guys can collab on stuff in the future, because your tweaks really made his mod "pop" for me. :cozybethesda:
Men in Black ? 4.4.2019 klo 14.08 
Making him even cooler nice mechanic nice idea
darkcreep  [tekijä] 3.4.2019 klo 14.43 
Any feedback is welcome. I will add an darker skin soon to give him dark vibe.