Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Heroes of Normandie (scripted)
152 comentários
Quickle  [autor] 21 de ago. às 17:09 
I'll certainly make an announcement :) The DPG folks also said they'd make an announcement when I finish!
DarkneZz 21 de ago. às 16:54 
Great to hear that! Let us know about the update when it's done. :)
Quickle  [autor] 21 de ago. às 16:44 
@DarkneZz - Thanks for reporting the issue in such detail! I'm gradually working on upgrading this mod with complete 1-click setup which will fix all scripting issues.
DarkneZz 21 de ago. às 11:51 
Error in Script (Global): Object reference not set to an instance of an object <6>
Load image failed unsupported format: UNKNOWN
Supported formats: .jpg, .png, .webm, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .rawt, .unity3d
at [​ ]
Error in Script (Global) function <call/_InvokeHandler_>: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Error in Script (Global) function <OnClickScenario>: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Error in Script (Global) function <call/_InvokeHandler_>: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Error in Script (Global) function <OnClickScenario>: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Load image failed unsupported format: UNKNOWN
Supported formats: .jpg, .png, .webm, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .rawt, .unity3d
at [​ ]
DarkneZz 21 de ago. às 11:51 
Hi! When I open any scenario I get error.

Load image failed unsupported format: UNKNOWN
Supported formats: .jpg, .png, .webm, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .rawt, .unity3d
at [​ ]

Load image failed unsupported format: UNKNOWN
Supported formats: .jpg, .png, .webm, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .rawt, .unity3d
at [​ ] <11>
Quickle  [autor] 17 de jun. às 16:59 
@Chief - Luckily DPG's situation has no bearing on my ability to add expansions to this. I still have permission for adding mods, and I'm still in contact with them and able to get files when needed. I'd like to add Pegasus Bridge and Pointe du Hoc after I update the mod with 1-click setup. I already have the files for both.
Chief 16 de jun. às 21:47 
Do you plan on adding any more expansions to the workshop as DPG is now defunct?
Quickle  [autor] 5 de jun. às 18:08 
@IDJESTER: Can you try re-loading the mod? Sometimes TTS randomly doesn't work the first or second time you load a big mod like this.

If that doesn't work, would you mind pasting some of the errors here?
IDJESTER 5 de jun. às 17:32 
I am getting all kinds of download errors for this modual... any help...
e.michau.74 21 de mai. às 13:44 
Many thanks @Quickle, your are simply the best.
Quickle  [autor] 20 de mai. às 18:41 
Hi @e.michau.74, good news. I've started working on the new 1-click setup system (using Memory Bags, like I do in my newer mods). This will fix the scripting errors and also provide automatic setup for the armies.

I can't give an ETA yet, but this mod is my focus right now.
e.michau.74 19 de mai. às 15:28 
@Quickle - Hello, I'm facing same troubles as @Mario.
Did you solve the problem, please?
Quickle  [autor] 28 de jan. às 18:05 
@Mario - Thanks for letting me know that you're getting errors for all the scenarios you try. That's a real bummer, but does help me with troubleshooting.
Mario Olivier 26 de jan. às 16:27 
@Quickie - I get errors no matter which scenario I load. Some actually set up the map but all seem to give me errors. Mostly "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Not the end of the world. I appreciate you having a look even though you are busy.
Quickle  [autor] 22 de jan. às 17:47 
@Mario - I just gave it a look. It seems like scripting is broken for a few of the scenarios, but not all. (I spot checked about 8 scenarios.) It also appears switching from one scenario to another is broken.

In your experience, are all of the scenarios broken? Did any of them work?

Unfortunately I can't promise I'll fix the scripting anytime soon, since I'm busy with other projects and code bugs caused by TTS updates are a pain to fix. In the long run I plan to switch this mod over to the "Memory Bag" system used in my newer mods. Then it will have true 1-click setup (with the forces included).
Mario Olivier 12 de jan. às 10:49 
Is the scripting broken at the moment? It won't set up any of the scenarios, just gives me an Error in script message.
huoxin 10 mai. 2023 às 12:39 
Support you, waiting for your update
Quickle  [autor] 18 abr. 2023 às 17:17 
Hi Adzi, thanks for your question and comments.

1) I'm not 100% certain, but I think the only army-building components that have a different quantity than the physical game are the generic Gear Options (Grenades, Ammo, etc.). The physical boardgame has multiple copies of some of these, whereas the TTS mod only has a single copy of each.

My original intent was for players to copy & paste as many copies as they want. As far as I'm aware, there are no component limits in Heroes of Normandie. HoN is a sandbox game where a player could purchase multiple copies for the sake of creating custom missions.

Quickle  [autor] 18 abr. 2023 às 17:17 

That said, I perfectly understand why people prefer limiting themselves to the amount of components in the physical game. I've added a TODO to update this mod so the army-building components are represented 1:1 with the physical boardgame. In retrospect, this is how I should have made the mod in the first place, since players like me can always copy & paste if they want more copies.

In the meantime, you could use the well made Heroes System Army Builder ( to create your forces. This tool limits game pieces 1:1 with the physical boardgame.
Quickle  [autor] 18 abr. 2023 às 17:17 
2) Some day I would like to update this mod so the scenarios automatically set up the forces too. When I originally created the mod, I tried to solve automatic setup with scripting so I could accommodate all content from the Heroes System (HoN, SoN, etc.) in a flexible way. Since then, I've learned the mod doesn't require such flexibility and that the Memory Bag is perfect for the task.
Quickle  [autor] 18 abr. 2023 às 17:17 
3) I was actually intentional with making the US and Germany initiative tokens separate. The initiative tokens are separate in the Shadows over Normandie game. I originally planned to put all Heroes System content in this single mod and wanted the initiative trackers to be consistent across the different game systems (HoN, SoN, etc.) and easily able to be mixed & matched for custom scenarios.

Nice job finding a workaround by attaching the two pieces together! Another workaround that you may find easier is to add the image of one initiative token onto the back of the other. Instructions: "Right Click > Custom" on the US token. Copy the "Top Image" URL. Then "Right Click > Custom" on the Germany token. Paste the URL into the "Bottom Image" field. Click "Import".
Adzi 18 abr. 2023 às 3:20 
I wonder...

1) What about component limits? I'm not sure if the numbers of various unit and upgrade tokens are the same or lower than in the physical game, for purposes of game balance if copy&pasting
2) a bit sad that the pre-built scenarios do not automatically setup the forces, even if they are 100% pre-determined by the scenario.
3) a small nitpick... the turn-tracker token should have a US side and a Germany side, while in this mod the US and Germany turn tokens are same-sided. I work around it by attaching them to each other, but it's still an error.
Quickle  [autor] 30 jun. 2022 às 21:12 
Hehe, I'm glad that's all the problem was!
Ward 27 jun. 2022 às 23:22 
Thanks Quickle. very embarrassing how i missed it. didnt zoom out far enough...
Quickle  [autor] 27 jun. 2022 às 16:32 
The units should be found on the large side table inside the "Memory Bags". Click the small button next to each nation's bag to place all their troops on the side table. Does that work for you?
Ward 24 jun. 2022 às 15:44 
So basically i see everything except actual troop units. i see all the bags of terrain tiles and supress/vehicle dmg markers etc.. but no units. enjoy the camping trip, maybe i just dont know how to find the units..
Quickle  [autor] 23 jun. 2022 às 13:21 
@sunrec - Devil Pig Games told me they prefer not bringing solo mode to TTS at this time since it sells well as a physical product.
Quickle  [autor] 23 jun. 2022 às 13:14 
@RollerBlade Guy - I'm on a camping trip so I can't check until I get back. I think the 1-click setup is broken right now due to a TTS update, however all the units, terrain, and tokens should load. So you could play Free Battle Mode or manually put together the official scenarios.
sunrec 13 jun. 2022 às 17:05 
any plans to add the official solo mode?
Ward 11 jun. 2022 às 21:48 
IS this working with all the units and scenarios? i know the BRO and CAEN have a few scenarios, but what about this one? couldnt see any units etc..
Quickle  [autor] 16 mai. 2022 às 0:31 
(Note: the rulebooks are still on Google Drive because it's easier for people to browse & download that way. There shouldn't be any problems downloading the rulebooks, since it's just a few files - there would be no throttling by Google Drive.)
Quickle  [autor] 16 mai. 2022 às 0:24 
Update - I migrated all assets to the Steam Cloud. There should be no more issues with downloading the images. Let me know if you still have any issues.

I discovered that Google Drive was throttling people when trying to download 200+ images at once. That was the root cause for most people. Moving to the Steam Cloud should fix this problem.

@Fabio, @RCcola0, & @Boresight- I apologize for not responding sooner. Somehow I became unsubscribed from this thread!

@Boresight - You can get the US & GE v2.0 card backs by going over to the V2 mod: Just right click on the decks, click "Custom", then copy/paste the URLs into your browser.
Fabio 9 mai. 2022 às 7:21 
Is there a way to fix the load image failure problem? It's a shame that an awesome module like this can't be utilized
RCcola0 1 mai. 2022 às 16:49 
Why are there so many load image failed problems? It look like the PNG files have a . before the extension.
Boresight 7 abr. 2022 às 12:20 
Looking for the back image of the US and GE backs of the v2.0 cards
Quickle  [autor] 18 nov. 2021 às 0:18 
Hey soldiers, friendly reminder that there's a ranked league going on. You can join at any time on Discord:

Play as many or few games as you'd like. Earn prizes based on your ranking.

The games take place in the V2 mod: Heroes of Normandie: Big Red One Edition [Official] [Kickstarter] [EN, FR]


Hé soldats, rappel amical qu'il y a une ligue classée en cours. Vous pouvez rejoindre à tout moment sur Discord :

Jouez autant ou peu de jeux que vous le souhaitez. Gagnez des prix en fonction de votre classement.

Les jeux se déroulent dans le mod V2 : Heroes of Normandie: Big Red One Edition [Official] [Kickstarter] [EN, FR]
Quickle  [autor] 9 nov. 2021 às 11:43 
Thanks for asking Boresight! Yes I'll work on adding the V2 Commonwealth action deck, plus the V2 US and German decks (which are already available in the Big Red One/V2 mod:
Boresight 8 nov. 2021 às 5:35 
Is it possible to get the updated Action cards for the CW?
Knaughx 1 set. 2021 às 9:20 
Epic mod!
Quickle  [autor] 30 mar. 2021 às 15:32 
Hi JimmyHammer, the future is a bit uncertain at the moment, but one thing is for sure -- the Heroes System Tactical Scale will continue to grow on Tabletop Simulator :)
JimmyHammer 30 mar. 2021 às 14:24 
It seems that we have unlocked many pre-launch stretch goals. It has been a very successful Kickstarter. But still a lot of time until release. My plan is to play as much as possible your Mods or DLCs. Do you have more info to share about the future of your work? Thanks a lot
Boresight 25 mar. 2021 às 5:46 
I believed HOS was available for TTS
Quickle  [autor] 12 mar. 2021 às 13:54 
Quick update - This mod won't be taken down after all. Although I might need to remove the big box expansions (St Mere & Carentan). More details to come next week or two.

I'm sorry for the confusion here.
Quickle  [autor] 25 fev. 2021 às 21:28 
Hey soldiers, I have exciting & bittersweet news today.

I've been talking with Devil Pig Games about the future of this mod.

On March 9th:
• I'll take down this mod at the request of Devil Pig Games.
• I'll publish a new mod containing all content from the new Heroes of Normandie Big Red One Edition , which is coming to Kickstarter [] on March 9th.

The future:
Devil Pig Games would like to make official DLC for the entire Heroes System Tactical Scale range (HoN, HoS, SoN, HoBR). DPG just started communication with Berserk Games (owner of TTS). Let's keep our fingers crossed that they are able to work out a deal! We have a couple backup plans incase Berserk Games doesn't want to make official DLC. So rest assured, the Heroes System range will return to Tabletop Simulator!
Quickle  [autor] 28 jan. 2021 às 23:03 
Hey soldiers! Please help unlock the Omaha Beach pre-launch stretch goal by signing up for the Kickstarter announcement here:
Detrian 10 jan. 2021 às 13:25 
Thank you!
Quickle  [autor] 10 jan. 2021 às 6:58 
I've fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know it was broken. And you were right, it was the American initiative tile.
Detrian 10 jan. 2021 às 4:31 
Well, Steam ain't helping removing links like that... but yes, I'm pretty sure it's american initiative.
Detrian 10 jan. 2021 às 4:30 
Thank you so much for your hard work. I've been getting into WW2 games and this is a fantastic mod for what seems to be a fun game. I seem to be having problems with a custom tile however, one that fails to load because it points to these:


I think it might be the american initiative tile?
Quickle  [autor] 5 jan. 2021 às 17:23 
FFI complete! The mod now contains all FFI ever released!

Civilians Under Fire []
Gazette 8 [] - Units only, no poster board or scenarios. I've scanned the rules, but need to scan the poster. The posters I found online are not the correct version (see this post []).
Cthulhu Mythos Call 3 [] (FFI only)

I also added 1-click setup for Gazettes 0, 1, 2. The content was already in the mod, but the scripted setup was missing.

Thanks to Dracolich and Andy Spaven for help preparing the images.