Ruined Ecumenopolis
Коментарів: 38
Tempest 3 лют. 2023 о 10:57 
This mod has been updated and reuploaded here:
xDanilor 22 січ. 2023 о 4:49 
please update!
borsk 28 серп. 2022 о 19:01 
Is there a compatibility patch with PD - more arcologies? It would be nice to be able to restore a ruined ecu into a fortress arcology, for example
Maldrood 29 жовт. 2021 о 14:39 
Please Update!
Philosopher of Aesthetics 26 квіт. 2021 о 12:24 
Please update.
cheetah71114 19 лют. 2021 о 14:40 
whats the differnce between this and a relic world
Sam_  [автор] 24 лип. 2020 о 18:54 
Gimp is what I use when decomposing channels like I said. The Nivida program is only to generate the bump map. Photoshop has that functionality built in.
Syphilis 24 лип. 2020 о 15:41 
Thanks! It makes some sense. I might have to check out that program, Ive been using gimp
Sam_  [автор] 24 лип. 2020 о 12:53 
The normal and diffuse maps in this mod are modified versions of the ecumenopolis map. I recommend you try and use existing normal and specular maps from the base game even if you have to cut them.

But my process for creating new normal maps is to use a tool called Nividia Texture Tools Exporter Standalone (requires signing up for an Nvidia program) and opening a greyscale heightmap that you have created. That will produce a traditional bump map, but to get that to work in Stellaris you need to recompose the RGBA channels so R = R, G = R, B = nothing and A = G. This part of the wiki has what you need for that

Specular maps are easy to make, you just need to paint three greyscale images for specular, metal and glossiness, and then compose them into RGBA channels correctly as the wiki explains.
Syphilis 24 лип. 2020 о 10:18 
Hello, I was wondering what is your process to creating specular and normal maps. Id presume you create them from diffuse maps. Ive attempted the same but I cant seem to get the correct values causing my maps to be very harsh
Entity 11 трав. 2020 о 18:06 
The circle tag of the ecumenopolis/planet misses description and appears two times on it, which is a minor annoyance.

I don't know if the normal ecumenopolis star system is random, but if not its is a sad system, maybe lesser gigants and one terraform candidate would complete the menu. Additionally the debris should disappear if one repairs the ecumenopolis. I don't feel home there.

And I have an "UI Overhaul Dynamic" mod problem, so it is optional. The picture isn't big enough to completely fill the window, if I select the ecumenopolis.
Zhadow Glaive(Lord Tola) 24 квіт. 2020 о 18:57 
kinda wish there was a toxic planet with green or purple clouds and maybe glowing seas like the molten Awesome mod tho even tho ive only every found them an the other side of the galaxy
Mr. Calcium 22 верес. 2019 о 20:23 
I'm assuming this requires Utopia?
Sam_  [автор] 5 черв. 2019 о 22:27 
Updated. A few minor changes, such as sound effects and GFX, using the new relic world. As to additional functionality using the new relic systems, I haven't had a chance to play the DLC yet, so that is on the todo list.
The Shootist 15 трав. 2019 о 16:09 
@Sam_ its fine
Sam_  [автор] 14 трав. 2019 о 22:42 
Oh, I also made a typo in my first comment, it should be "pc_city_ruined" and not "pc_city ruined". If that was the error then that is my fault.
Sam_  [автор] 14 трав. 2019 о 22:40 
Then you are doing something incorrect. If you have any planet/asteroid/star/gas giant selected and you type planet_class <class> filling <class> with any valid planet_class such as pc_continenal or pc_city_ruined then it changes to that body.
The Shootist 14 трав. 2019 о 15:55 
@Sam_ its not working now...
The Shootist 13 трав. 2019 о 15:18 
wait... it worked at firt but now it says "Ecumenopolis has 1 variety"
The Shootist 13 трав. 2019 о 15:08 
Sam_  [автор] 12 трав. 2019 о 17:44 
"planet_class pc_city ruined" and "planet_class pc_city_molten"
The Shootist 12 трав. 2019 о 17:41 
@Sam_ is there a console command?
SurrealMonk 26 берез. 2019 о 19:34 
Do the ruined ecumenopolises give the same bonus to discovering the megaengineering tech as the regular ruined megastructures?
JDawg147 3 берез. 2019 о 15:28 
Cool, and great mod btw
Sam_  [автор] 3 берез. 2019 о 14:56 
They are unnamed, so they use the random name pool.
JDawg147 3 берез. 2019 о 14:15 
Just a little question, what are the names of the systems the ruined ecumenopolis spawns in?
Sam_  [автор] 19 лют. 2019 о 2:54 
I used to edit the original texture of the ecumenopolis, cut holes out of it, used the ruined ringworld textures as a dark background for those holes (or the molten world in the case of the molten ecumenopolis). I used various filters and techniques to rough them up some more and add scorch marks, and manual detailing to damage the major features.

You also need to edit bump maps and specular maps, but since I sourced textures from the base game I can mostly chop and change the corresponding bump and spec maps from the textures I used.
Reddert 19 лют. 2019 о 2:36 
How did you make the textures?
Sam_  [автор] 1 лют. 2019 о 3:47 
The ecumenopolis should now appear on the expansion planner.
Kyllian 1 лют. 2019 о 3:14 
Great mod.
The system spawns with the ruined ecumenopolis, but they don't appear on the expansion planner tab or on the galaxy map. Not really and issue if u don't forget where it is, to colonize after researching the techs. can anything be done about it? thanks
Kelsier Vin 30 січ. 2019 о 9:54 
Is there any way to search for the planets once you find them? In my most recent game I found the molten one way before I had the tech to restore it. Once I did get the tech I couldn't remember where it was.
슈팅스타 26 січ. 2019 о 4:13 
is this mod changes first league homeworld to ruined ecumenopolis?
Violent Beetle 25 січ. 2019 о 13:48 
You made those ruined textures yourself? If so, can I borrow them?
♤ |_Pandora_| ♤ 24 січ. 2019 о 8:58 
Pss. Russian mod? :0
Sam_  [автор] 24 січ. 2019 о 8:32 
Yes, unowned planets can't have a timer on decisions, so it already works through events. The main issue it deciding when the AI should spend the resources.
Violent Beetle 24 січ. 2019 о 8:30 
Perhaps you can use an event or an edict. It might mess AI's budgeting though.
Sam_  [автор] 24 січ. 2019 о 8:29 
That is what I thought. I had a bit of trouble trying to get decisions to work at all with unowned worlds. Hopefully the system gets patched by Paradox one day. In the mean time I'll do some testing and find a workaround.
Violent Beetle 24 січ. 2019 о 8:26 
Just so you know, tests show that AI won't pick decisions for worlds it doesn't control. If this is how you deal with ecomenopolises, you might want to re-think (Haven't had an opportunity to test your mod yet)