Climbing Gear - Infinite Rope
댓글 19
Echo Demon 2022년 9월 21일 오전 2시 06분 
can we add infinite soup? we can make this AI paradise, if we try
Alb  [작성자] 2019년 9월 23일 오후 6시 58분 
You mean iron? Yeah probably. I should change it. I was on the fence about using metal in it.
Biodarek 2019년 9월 23일 오전 8시 19분 
shouldn't it be made with one steel instead
Me whne 2019년 6월 1일 오전 8시 32분 
@NamesNetworkNick No, its worse
Nicolete Lovejoy 2019년 5월 11일 오후 10시 16분 
Isn't that just the grappling hook?
Wuibii 2019년 4월 6일 오후 2시 03분 
dunno why, but my rope is not infinite.
Art_Caswal 2019년 2월 10일 오후 12시 48분 
Put at least 1000 ropes in the craft, or 100 lego hurts
Alb  [작성자] 2019년 2월 5일 오후 6시 57분 
It is crafted right there in the C menu, but if you really want to go through the trouble of typing it out to spawn it, it's "albclimbinggear". I put my name in it for easy compatibility, in case some other mod ends up making climbinggear.

Updated the description.
Hellbilly 2019년 2월 5일 오전 11시 38분 
item name for spawning?
Naii Starwing 2019년 1월 27일 오전 9시 39분 
Now I will never be at the end of my rope.
A False Scholar 2019년 1월 23일 오후 9시 10분 
And surprisingly balanced recipe too, you've got god items floating around that take 1 pixel.
A False Scholar 2019년 1월 23일 오후 9시 09분 

This is amazing.
Demitris 2019년 1월 23일 오후 1시 45분 
i jest love useing rope dont juge me
Slime In A Box 2019년 1월 23일 오전 8시 58분 
So usefull looking!
Alb  [작성자] 2019년 1월 20일 오전 12시 57분 
Yeah, there's a number of ways to go. I know of one mod that makes it so healing slows you down and is cancled when you take damge. Also, I could add a "healing sickness" debuff that would prevent overusage. Lots of options here.
PsychShifted 2019년 1월 19일 오후 8시 31분 
if you are looking at making healing items non consumable my suggestion would be affing a long cooldown time for balance or making them heal less
Alb  [작성자] 2019년 1월 19일 오후 7시 46분 
Yeah, I just really didn't like the fact that rope was consumable. It made me just not use it for fear of wasting it. Which is terrible design imo, because it's a pretty cool tool.

For the most part, I feel the same about all consumables in general (except maybe food, I suppose). I plan on making more mods that add infinite healing items and the like, but still balanced in a way to not be overpowered somehow.

Thanks to all who like this! You guys are what keep me motivated! :)
GjTruZks 2019년 1월 19일 오전 9시 09분 
usefull when you want a grapple hook but you haven't even found the portal to the town
Ragnarist [Brandstifter] 2019년 1월 18일 오후 10시 08분 
I actually like the rope better than Hookshots (From FU) or Grappling Hook, thanks for making the mod. :]