Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

88 Kommentare
elpersa 2. März um 10:56 
Helloo it's mea gain. Was wondering if maybe you might consider updating the Deimos. I mean the battle cockpit is just inspired everything the Aesthetics with a little love you could turn this into the most populer tank on RE. As opposed to the current one which is also yours.
elpersa 1. März um 1:23 
@jexodus When he made this, it worked it was for some alpha build like 6 or something. Things were way different then. No such thing as CPU's back then. This is the best looking tank in the game though, with a little love you can fix it for R/E. For me it's too much effort sadly I lost all my R/E refurbishes in a PC whipe so yeah. I hope @jrandall comes back to this and fixes , well a ton of stuff with it but it is beautiful./
Jexodus 23. Jan. 2023 um 21:48 
This is a paper weight. straight up foolish and built this thing and it's so far over cpu it isn't funny.
GB 22. Juli 2022 um 8:05 
What a tank you made!! After seeing your builds I sometimes am embarrased with mine ^^
jrandall  [Autor] 21. Feb. 2021 um 15:28 
Thank you bigjc2146! I would think most CV's could move this. A while back I made the Othrus-EMV that had a top mounting bay for this. However, I have not updated the Othrus for current game specs. You should be able to dock this in any normal hangar as well. And thanks again!
bigjc2146 17. Feb. 2021 um 17:06 
Anyone know of a good CV to move this thing around. Absolutely love it... just cant move it off planet
bigjc2146 15. Feb. 2021 um 12:18 
Im just curious, which CV did you build to utilize the upper dock? Have one I need to move..
jrandall  [Autor] 13. Jan. 2021 um 11:03 
Thank you RvnHawk. That is a good plan. :) Thanks again!
RvnHawk 12. Jan. 2021 um 14:01 
Don't give up on this design jrandall, in reforged I swapped in plasma thrusters and got rid of ALL the itty bitties, she performs marvelously again
jrandall  [Autor] 19. Juli 2020 um 15:26 
Thank you knox! I am thinking next weekend in time for the XCaliber challenge. I will get it finished up this week. Thanks again!
Knox 19. Juli 2020 um 8:53 
Thank you for the bet for alpha 12. When do you deliver its white "transporter". Video view with MCRN Ballista T4
Knox 19. Juli 2020 um 8:53 
Merci pour la mise pour alpha 12. Quand est ce que tu livre son "transporteur"blanc . Vue sur la vidéo avec le MCRN Ballista T4
jrandall  [Autor] 16. Juli 2020 um 10:19 
Thank you Kantaro andShadowDad! :)
ShadowDad 14. Juli 2020 um 9:11 
Really liking the A12 update to this! Thank you JRandall!!
Kontaro 11. Juli 2020 um 21:20 
Thanks for the A12 update!
jrandall  [Autor] 7. Jan. 2020 um 6:01 
Thank you very much Uchiki, elpersa, and WinterNanachi ! @elpersa, so sorry I believe I missed your comment :( but thank you very much!
elpersa 26. Aug. 2019 um 14:51 
Hello, I never comment, but I just want to say one thing, except for 4g world and 0g aplication, Yes I had mine float away. Your design is Amazing, it is esthetic, functional, and I don't run away when my shields go down. When I know it's going to get hardcore i fly from the interior cockpit and laugh as they die before I take them out. I love it. I love you for it. I already fixed it up for alpha 10 with shields/0G and whatnot but i would really apreciate if you did it with your idea for space and design. I have played with all the other popular heavies, and this is the best. I actually took the time to paint it. Again. amazing! GJ
RvnHawk 4. Aug. 2019 um 13:38 
Just used an updated Deimos in a pvp battle and it absolutely kicked ass!
Uchiki 24. Juli 2019 um 4:59 
Hi @Jrandall

I published the mod of Deimos-HT as Deimos-ST. Please let me know if there are any problems with the name or other matters.
I enjoy watching your YouTubu. Please keep doing a good job.
jrandall  [Autor] 15. März 2019 um 13:13 
Thanks TheBrokeDad! It turns on power to the 2 multi turrets on the back side. However you have to manually use those turrets. So take out a POI, back up to it, and get in a turret if on. It was just a slight power savings keeping them off when not needed, and they retract. Thank you again!
TheBrokeDad 15. März 2019 um 9:17 
Been using this for about two weeks now and have been really enjoying its capabilities. I have not found a POI yet that I have not been able to conquer. I was running into some issues with getting stuck trying to get out of the secure cockpit but removed one of the passenger seats and now it is fine. One question I have and I apologize if it is in the description somewhere (I have read it like three times though and don't see anything) what is "Savage" mode (in the P menu)? It sounds awesome but I can't seem to figure out what that switch does. Thanks, TheBrokeDad
jrandall  [Autor] 27. Jan. 2019 um 5:31 
Thank you rand.nix! :)
Eos Noire 26. Jan. 2019 um 21:34 
This tank is a dream. I've tried some other heavy tanks and it had almost turned me off all HV's as I had a series of problems navigating and piloting them. With this tank I have ZERO issues. It's so OP it's unreal. @jrandall -- hats off to an incredible design and flawless execution. Cheers.
jrandall  [Autor] 26. Jan. 2019 um 8:38 
Thanks Boomer and kazkid42! @kazkid42, well, I didn't have much room in this one to have beds. I have tested this docking with the Orthrus-EMV Back dock. I believe 3 CV sized blocks clearance and enough space available for width and length would do the job. Thanks again!
Boomer 26. Jan. 2019 um 3:24 
I really liked this hover tank. I built 2 of them to stick in the Hecate hanger.Dig the interior too. love the armored cockpit :D
kazkid42 25. Jan. 2019 um 15:23 
I wish Spanj's miner worked with this. Added dock plates to the top and it sill wont connect. Maybe he can make a modification. That and some beds and this would be perfect for me I believe.
jrandall  [Autor] 22. Jan. 2019 um 11:24 
Thanks Omega!
Omega 16. Jan. 2019 um 19:41 
Thank you for your hard work and attention to detail. I use your creations almost exclusively in my games.
jrandall  [Autor] 16. Jan. 2019 um 17:22 
@Omega, I went and patched it now. The secure cockpit now works again with alpha 9+. I did have to narrow the hallway behind it by one block thou, but I spent some time to make it look close to how it did before. Thanks again for the heads up!
jrandall  [Autor] 16. Jan. 2019 um 16:28 
@Omega, thanks. Yes, there was an alpha 9+ that changed the way you exit cockpits. I have so far fixed the Merc-MX18, but need to fix this one and maybe the Gigantes yet. I will try to get this patched soon. Thanks for the comment and heads up!
Omega 16. Jan. 2019 um 12:17 
When exiting the secure cockpit I keep exiting to the left and not the back. I get stuck in there and have to /gm out of the ship. Anything I can do to adress it on my own?
jrandall  [Autor] 2. Jan. 2019 um 8:21 
Thanks rwallaceva!
rwallaceva 1. Jan. 2019 um 13:56 
Great Job!
jrandall  [Autor] 23. Dez. 2018 um 5:34 
Thanks you Tritium-X! Glad to hear it. :)
Tritium-X 22. Dez. 2018 um 18:32 
Tested this against bases and other vehicles, this thing just annihilates them.
jrandall  [Autor] 17. Dez. 2018 um 13:50 
Thanks natashagmt :) Yes, I am planning on doing some updates. It is going to take some time thou. Got lots of stuff to update, but I also want to tweak older stuff more and color match it to the newer stuff I made. I definitely have my work cut out. lol. Thanks again!
natashagmt 17. Dez. 2018 um 12:24 
Fantastic looking Beast of a tank.

Are you working on or planning to work on updating any of these designs to Alpha 9 Volume limitations?
jrandall  [Autor] 15. Dez. 2018 um 16:29 
Thanks Lucien! I am planning on releasing the CV tommorrow. Then in the near future I want to make a miner to work on the front of the same CV. (top mount docking). Thanks again!
Lucien 15. Dez. 2018 um 14:41 
Awesome design J... this will compliment the mighty Basilisk HWP nicely.

Looking forward to the CV for this!
jrandall  [Autor] 14. Dez. 2018 um 14:41 
Thanks piddlefoot! Haha. If it only had buffalo wings :)
piddlefoot 14. Dez. 2018 um 12:48 
Its like a Buffalo !
A freeking BIG Buffalo !
Nice build dude !
jrandall  [Autor] 14. Dez. 2018 um 6:12 
Thanks Fractalite and thenewpav! @thenewpav, that is cool to hear :)
thenewpav 13. Dez. 2018 um 21:10 
In SP, I had the radar station, the 3 fortifications, 2 supply stations, a weapons bunker and the the drone base together in one cluster. Sv's couldn't get close. I got this and flattened the whole group of them plus the swarms of ground forces. :D Sometimes you just need a tank.
Fractalite 13. Dez. 2018 um 18:12 
I see you are up to your usual brilliance. Beautifully made!
jrandall  [Autor] 13. Dez. 2018 um 6:37 
Thanks (D)-Sniper- and Kevin1032!
Bambi 13. Dez. 2018 um 6:05 
Great HV, sytle and performance are on par for cost and size. I give it 2 thumbs up!
Thomas / Sniper 13. Dez. 2018 um 1:22 
Leider ist der Antrieb etwas schlecht das ist nicht Deine schuld sondern die Spielakrobaten lassen einen nicht alle Antiebe ausprobieren auserhalb von Bodenfahrzeugen...!
jrandall  [Autor] 12. Dez. 2018 um 15:17 
Thank you all! @Magnificon, I been switching back and forth now. I am kind of waiting to see alpha 9 formalized before making much for it at the time. There are some big changes and I am not sure what I will have to do or change my existng creations. So, I am playing around some at least.
SullyEnza 12. Dez. 2018 um 13:18 
Jrandall. Love this. Absolutely LOVE this. Keep on keeping on!
< blank > 12. Dez. 2018 um 13:08 
Well built HV. I tested this and the HV seemed to put up with a lot of damage. Most likely because its very densely built which helps with splash damage. A bit slow for my tastes, but spins on a dime and the craft is very well done with some neat texture/icon uses.

I really love how you expose the fuel tanks, o2 tanks etc and make them clickable. I admire that. Too much work has everying buried these days (mine included) which makes it kinda meh. Although, I do think its ok to bury most fuel or air as long as there is one accessable.

Well made Jeff.