[RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0]
135 megjegyzés
WillyBootleg jan. 10., 4:45 
I was just wondering if/what the reason was this was never updated to work on the latest version? It was the only mod that made them editable, and tons of people loved it so I was curious.
Zaljerem 2022. okt. 10., 11:39 
Trappist 2022. okt. 3., 12:30 
Man I just want a mod with only modern backstories for a good zombie setup
raydarken 2022. máj. 7., 5:42 
Would love to see this brought to 1.3! My favorite mod for sure
The Blind One 2022. ápr. 24., 16:57 
We neeeeeedz this :( this was soooo goood. I'm tired of all the messed up pawns who are freakshows lol. I want to disable or get rid of all the dumb vanilla backstories but this is the only mod that does that afaik and it doesn't work :( pwz update dear mod lord.
Safari Mesh 2022. márc. 28., 4:08 
any update for 1.3? Seems like Karma's mod got removed
Karmapowered 2021. jan. 7., 12:15 
Not a 100% port, but it looks like it has improved functionalities as well.
NethanielShade 2020. dec. 2., 14:03 
If anyone could bring this to Mile's attention, this is in definite need of resurrection.
Kangz of Memphis 2020. nov. 9., 16:17 
Please update this :( , this mod borks the pawn generation causes world generation to fail !
Vermilion 2020. nov. 9., 10:35 
Mod gods bless us and bring this gem to 1.2
BertrandCG 2020. okt. 31., 16:07 
mlie, we need you here
Mask of Humble 2020. okt. 3., 11:02 
Question 1 Does this work with 1.2?
Question 2 I just want to add my own backstory for a custom scenario that I'd like to play with, will this allow me to do that?
PoofyGummy 2020. szept. 28., 17:07 
Sooooooooo about the 1.2?
Timmotus 2020. szept. 15., 7:29 
@Kiame Vivacity any idea what wasn't fully functional in your updated version?
raydarken 2020. szept. 2., 5:50 
Just came back to Rimworld after a long hiatus and I'm very sad to see this mod is no longer being updated. Still hoping someone will revive this mod sometime!
blackopsIIbo2 2020. aug. 26., 15:06 
guessing that there's no 1.1 then there's no 1.2? damnit that sucks
Kiame Vivacity 2020. aug. 5., 17:03 
By all means feel free to fork and do whatever you'd like. No worries about credits to me, the changes to get it to 'run' in 1.1 were minimal. If you'd like to fork my changes they're here: https://github.com/KiameV/rimworld-editablebackstories

IIRC rainbeau did not have this on a repo so i just pulled the code from the dll's with ilspy
obsidian29 2020. aug. 5., 15:59 
@Kiame Vivacity I'd like to try my hand at a fix if you don't mind, in what way would you prefer I go about that? I was thinking I'd fork it and upload my fix if it decides to cooperate with me, crediting both you and Rainbeau Flambe as other authors.

That is, if it cooperates with me at all. :P
Holgast 2020. júl. 28., 5:41 
Wow, this is a really good name list. Is the name set feature vanilla as well, or does it require this mod to use?
Kiame Vivacity 2020. júl. 11., 21:08 
I had updated this mod to 1.1 but it was not fully functional and I did not have the time to fully learn the code so i decided to take the 1.1 version down.

If anyone wants to try their hand at it i have the code on github: https://github.com/KiameV/rimworld-editablebackstories
Draconic Gaming 2020. júl. 11., 16:12 
So, oddly enough, I actually have EBN 1.1v on my computer right now, loaded and ready for use. I'm not entirely sure how, since trying to load the workshop page for the version simply gives an error, but the files and everything are here for use. And, with ShowModDesignators, I can see exactly where a certain backstory came from while using this mod.

So... what's up? Was the newest version deleted? It makes sense, I had a troll race mod that was removed and it was still on my PC until I removed it, so I guess the files are still here.

So, the v1.1 EBN mod is around somewhere, just removed. Thought others would want to know about it.
Karmapowered 2020. júl. 9., 1:49 
Would also appreciate to get an update to v1.1 whenever time allows please. Thank you to whoever can do this for our community.
Stallion 2020. jún. 28., 22:36 
1.1 update?
eBae 2020. jún. 7., 12:38 
would kill a man for a 1.1 version ngl
Jezzared 2020. máj. 27., 20:23 
Unfortunately, Digit4lC4m's tactic seems to still break in-progress saves, so i'm still shit outta luck. (Pawns get new, random backgrounds. They seem to be the RF backstories, but they aren't the same as they were, and this messes up a lot.)

If anyone is out there, please hear my plea!
Please, i just wanna finish this colony, and then update my mod list!
This is the last mod i have that doesn't have an update, official or otherwise!
Digit4lC4m 2020. máj. 16., 2:27 
Guys, to use the backstories from this mod, first install this one: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2024991575&searchtext=backstory

Then put the XML files provided by this one, into the "Stories Retold" Defs folder.

Like this: https://imgur.com/a/CQl3Uus
Skylor Beck 2020. máj. 2., 15:12 
Would you mind if I ported the Basic and Glitterworld list into my race mod, Syntho?
Kiame Vivacity 2020. máj. 1., 13:39 
I'm not currently supporting it and it was not working well so i've taken it down
Pingo van Hinten 2020. máj. 1., 13:37 
is there a 1.1 version? the link below doesn't work
Neo in Wonderland 2020. márc. 16., 7:15 
Thx m8, I'll make sure to give it a try on my next playthru! :lunar2019coolpig:
Neo in Wonderland 2020. márc. 11., 22:22 
Any ETA on 1.1?
I just started playing a few days ago and I'm having way too much fun... Would Luv to try this mod on my next playthru ^.^
Living Joker 2020. márc. 10., 18:04 
It's unfortunate that there is no slider or toggle-able option for pawns we see over and over again. This mod is currently our only hope. Save us from the meme pawns.
Kiame Vivacity 2020. márc. 9., 23:43 
I updated this for B19 and i can see what's changed since then. If it doesn't seem to be much of a lift I'll see about getting it working in 1.1.
海的味道鬼知道 2020. márc. 6., 8:47 
格拉斯/Glasninov 2020. márc. 6., 2:27 
1.1 Pls!
Safari Mesh 2020. márc. 1., 13:20 
NerdCuddles 2020. febr. 27., 11:32 
Nin-Sama 2020. febr. 27., 2:32 
I agree with the person below me, I hope this gets updated. Sadly there is no real alternative to this mod.
Cardinal Ash 2020. febr. 17., 10:40 
I do hope this gets updated to include backstories being added in 1.1.
Astra Anima 2020. febr. 9., 9:34 
I'm having the same issue as Keyessance and if anyone has any pointers as to why it might be happening I would appreciate it. I feel like I've formatted everything correctly but something is still wrong.
Lady Wolf 2020. febr. 7., 22:12 
Been dreaming of something like this for a long time now, glad to finally fine it. (While I do grasp the original intent of the vanilla backstories, the least Tynan could of done was make them all gender neutral for compatibility with prepare carefully and such, so super glad to finally find this mod! :steamhappy:)
Rosco 2020. febr. 7., 16:29 
I have a awful lot of pawns named Riley Blue and Ana Lucia...
keyessance 2020. jan. 9., 5:05 
Could not resolve any root: R_root firstRulePack: DynamicWrapper

Been picking at this a while and I can fix it. What have I done wrong? The stats work, but the fluff text doesn't.
Settlerking 2020. jan. 4., 8:16 
Hello, Ive been working on a massive by volume (personal) overhaul of the game by modding various mods (including this) to fit a more star wars like theme. i've edited every backstory to fit that but when i start a new game vanilla backstories show up along with my edited/added ones. i dont have lite mode enabled. is this just me doing something stupid or is it a known problem.

the edits are really extensive and i am modifing other mods too so it's highly possible im just doing it wrong. I have the Error logs if it would help. im trying to make sense of them myself
AVE 2019. dec. 29., 1:17 
Would this mod allow for one to only use backgrounds chosen? I am trying to do a Medieval only game but seeing someone who is a Gamer is pretty stupid when video games haven't been invented yet.
Legion_LXIXI 2019. dec. 19., 8:54 
Hi everyone, maybe im doing something wrong, ive edited and replaced the given backstories, but now the backstories have tags next to them, (RB) (Vanilla) is there any way to remove those tags? Also with Prepare Carefully when i go in to change backstories im still seeing vanilla backstories, is there any way to delete all the backstories except for my custom ones? Thanks!
abcdxyz 2019. dec. 7., 13:45 
I am also getting the unspecified body type error, which is unfortunate.
Anon 2019. okt. 12., 9:25 
Getting the unspecified body type error too
This mod is bad
Komyeta 2019. okt. 5., 22:09 
The "Invisible Pawns" bug is, a minor thing, but it happens quite often to me and its getting annoying. Is there going to be a fix for that?
Vakaria 2019. szept. 8., 12:19 
@Auranim: The following answer is only if you've modified the mod's XML. Straight subscribing and not changing anything should work fine.

I would try Google for basic XML tutorials, but here are some general troubleshooting suggestions:
1. Be sure that any tag like this: <tagname> has a matching closing name, like this: </tagname>.
2. Be sure that every <defName></defName> you add is uniquely named/numbered. No repeats.
3. Be sure that all your values inside the quotation marks have an ending quotation mark. For example: "Your value here."
Hope this helps!