A Better Barracks: TLE
943 Kommentare
The Vermin 14. Juni um 11:19 
Alright, thanks for letting me know.
DerBK  [Autor] 14. Juni um 11:18 
Some of them are used in the mod as visualizations for the new tech levels.

The others are disabled. That's not something that you can change per ini.

You might be able to add them to your inventory via console, but they'd not use ABB mechanics, so that's not recommended either.
The Vermin 14. Juni um 10:39 
Is there a way to make this mod work with the Tactical Legacy Pack weapons?
DeBlue 23. Apr. um 14:35 
I see, no worries! I haven't gotten very far at all with your classes so I probaly shouldn't have mentioned that sorry. Love the mod so far
DerBK  [Autor] 17. Apr. um 17:14 
No, not at all. The Combat Knife and the Sword are very different and so are their ability pools and the weapons they can carry. There is barely any overlap between the two except for them both being able to use shotguns. Of course with the randomised perk trees you can always roll up soldiers from different classes that overlap in the crossclass parts and thus get to similar (in this case likely shotgun focused) builds for them. But since soldiers in ABB are even somewhat variable within their class, i don't think you can really say that two classes are similar as a whole.
DeBlue 17. Apr. um 15:25 
Aren't the Agent and Ranger class a bit too similar?
DeBlue 16. Apr. um 17:11 
Thanks, while not the most ideal way of doing it mid game, it'll do
DerBK  [Autor] 16. Apr. um 11:41 
You want to move soldiers from one class into another? I am not sure that base XCOM supports that via console command. There are however mods for that which you can try. I am not familiar with those myself, never used such a thing, but searching for "change class" in the workshop gives a couple results. For example https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2038699912 which looks promising and worth a try?
DeBlue 16. Apr. um 9:57 
Hey! I like the mod tons but I accidently started a game with this and the LW2 classes mod which to me not only clutters a lot but some classes are too similar and makes it well more cluttery. So I was thinking to change the LW2 class soldiers to a similar class of yours but I would need the console commands for this? Would appreciate if you could give me a hand here
DerBK  [Autor] 14. Nov. 2023 um 7:25 
Oh, and don't use PGO or Prototype Armory with ABB.
ABB doesn't play nice with other mods that change classes or the research tree.
Let me refer to the Prerequisite section in the description:

"I will put this in simple terms: Do not use other class or item mods with ABB or you will likely mess up your game and are on your own."
DerBK  [Autor] 14. Nov. 2023 um 7:23 
Laserbelly 14. Nov. 2023 um 6:08 
Where is this requirement “Rifle Suppression fix” by bountygiver? I am given to believe its a standalone mod. No PGO or Prototype Armory requirement ?
Thanks in advance
DerBK  [Autor] 16. Sep. 2023 um 19:27 
I highly doubt that.

It's a vanilla perk.
C7 16. Sep. 2023 um 9:08 
[Bug report] The "steady hand" perk of sniper seems to do the opposite: it gives buff if and only if the unit moves last turn.
DerBK  [Autor] 6. Aug. 2023 um 9:26 
Oh, there is a section about compatibility, under "prerequisites":

I quote:

Prerequisite is also the will to drop most other mods, as ABB is not exactly compatibiliy-friendly.
I will put this in simple terms: Do not use other class or item mods with ABB or you will likely mess up your game and are on your own.

This should also answer your question about RPGO :)
Dakier 6. Aug. 2023 um 3:38 
I assume this is incompatible with RPGO?

Might be worth adding a section regarding compatibility.
The Sheevinator 28. Juli 2023 um 3:41 
@DerBK Might be interested to know: I have changed the language of the game itself from German to English. For the first time now, after research of modular weapons, a blue info text appeared. Also Repeater got renamed as Compensator and now correctly displayed its "+1 crit damage* property. It seems, the language does have some influence as in German it was still called a repeater "Chance of +% to execute" and not displaying any sort of crit damage boost
The Sheevinator 28. Juli 2023 um 0:26 
Ye I saw in the thread when I closed down the game and went through all the mods to see what could cause this (as I thought it to be) issue.
But I can deal with the missing text since I now know where I can find descriptions to the perks the attachments bring. Love the mods, great work, excited to see what happens further in ^^
DerBK  [Autor] 27. Juli 2023 um 23:43 
The scopes in ABB all no longer give aim bonuses, they instead give "shots can't be dodged" (which is what the additional perk should display) and +1/+2/+3 armor pierce, depending on the level of the scope.

For aim bonuses, you need a stock in ABB which will give you a new ability called "Stabilized Shot". Stabilized Shot uses two actions, but gets +5/+10/+15 aim.

Not sure why your text would be broken. ABB has text in it for english and for russian. Afaik you would get the english text if you use any other language that doesn't have a specific localisation in the mod.
The Sheevinator 27. Juli 2023 um 22:47 
Oh damn I just read the thing about attachments. Now I feel incredibly stupid. Put a scope on a recruit for aim purposes, saw a new "perk" down in the left corner. Hovered over it, didn't come up with any text and I didn't get an aim bonus. So naturally I thought I fucked some of the mods up
Did I or is there actually no text for the attachment perks and the old attachment text broken? Or has that something to do with the language of the game?
Mario Van Peebles 28. Juni 2023 um 17:30 
Good mod, but I think it's fucking with some other ones I installed
DerBK  [Autor] 12. Juni 2023 um 11:54 
That's absolutely fair. This mod makes a lot of choices that are a bit 'extra' and they are definitely not for everyone. Cheers o/
BananaShake [NOR] 11. Juni 2023 um 14:47 
Might uninstall the mod, as the changes are a bit too drasstic and I've only played the game twice before, but I really do like it
BananaShake [NOR] 11. Juni 2023 um 14:46 
Yes, she was using the cannon, thanks for the quick response
DerBK  [Autor] 11. Juni 2023 um 13:35 
Are you using a cannon? Those take two actions to overwatch.
BananaShake [NOR] 11. Juni 2023 um 10:29 
For some reason the infantery units cannot go on overwatch
DerBK  [Autor] 19. März 2023 um 15:26 
That depends on what you want really. A Better Advent does add a lot of variance to the game through all the enemy variants and does make the endgame considerably more difficult (because the vanilla game sort of gets very easy near the end). ABCampaign and ABDLC are more or less extensions to ABA, so if you use ABA, you might as well use ABC and ABDLC as well.

ABChosen is maybe one that you could also drop. If you are new to War of the Chosen, you don't really need a mod yet that spruces up the Chosen. They do hold up very well in their vanilla state as well and ABChosen is something that you could leave for a later playthrough.
zin 19. März 2023 um 15:02 
Thank you for the swift reply! I am using the More Squad Size Upgrades mod, so I’m going with Plus.

After the first mission of modded WotC with all the aforementioned mods plus more mods that added more classes, I did find myself overwhelmed. I decided to disable the mods that added more classes. I’ll follow your advice and not play with Better Barracks and AB Militia.

So, you would recommend playing with (in Veteran difficulty), for my first WotC playthrough (although again I am somewhat familiar with the vanilla XCOM 2), ABA, ABCampaign, ABChosen, and ABDLC? I was thinking just playing with A Better AI instead, but if you think those mods are viable for a first playthrough, I’ll go for it! I do like the enemy variants and AI improvements, as long as there are no new playable classes added to the game and not too many new weapons and utility items and such, as I find it a bit overwhelming.
DerBK  [Autor] 19. März 2023 um 13:34 
Better Barracks is a total overhaul that changes A LOT from the ground up. In your case i wouldn't suggest it, it's more something for people who want a change after having already played the vanilla game ad nauseum.

ABMilitia is probably one to skip as well for now. It makes some parts of the game a lot more difficult and if you are new to WotC, you should probably keep the vanilla Militia for now.

ABAdvent, ABCampaign, ABChosen and ABDLC are perfectly viable for a first play though. Note the difference between ABCampaign and ABCampaign PLUS (use PLUS only if you increase your own squadsize).
zin 19. März 2023 um 11:18 
I’ve played XCOM 2 but not finished it. I want to play WotC with mods. I want the best experience, but I’ve never played WotC before. Is it recommended to play with A Better ADVENT: WotC, A Better Barracks, A Better Campaign PLUS, A Better Militia, A Better Chosen, and ABA: Better DLC?

I’m just wondering whether these mods, A Better Barracks in particular, changes the game too much or makes it too difficult? Planning to play on Veteran difficulty.
DerBK  [Autor] 14. März 2023 um 8:03 
Yep, that's correct. Check out the ingame documentation for more infos, you can find it in the Archives (from the Commander's Quarters). Example
Greenbowlpacker 13. März 2023 um 10:53 
Is it normal to have 2 Operative trees? I just installed for first time only using ABA ABC ABB for gameplay changes and each of my soldiers has their class tree like ranger then they have operative operative then xcom trees. Just checking if this is normal or not.
Taylem 2. Jan. 2023 um 10:21 
Modding is in the blood, D. I think I've spent more hours modding games than actually playing them. :)
DerBK  [Autor] 1. Jan. 2023 um 13:28 
Nothing currently, no. I've been moving onto something completely different for the last two years (maintaining a fan site for a card game :D) but i am considering moving on from that too. Who knows, i might pick up modding again some time. Maybe with XCOM3, whenever that's coming :>
Stallion 1. Jan. 2023 um 12:09 
Ah cool, thanks DerBK,

Do you mod a different game nowadays?
DerBK  [Autor] 1. Jan. 2023 um 10:17 
I edited the required items to have the new version of the Promotion Screen.
But to be clear, either one is perfectly fine.
DerBK  [Autor] 1. Jan. 2023 um 10:10 
Oh, you should totally be using the new one i guess. As long as it gives you access to the same layout of perks it should work just fine.

That just wasn't a thing yet when i was still modding, that's why this page is referring to what was the default then.
Stallion 1. Jan. 2023 um 9:41 
Do we need to use the depreciated promotion screen or can we use the new community one?
4rrakis 19. Dez. 2022 um 6:43 
The most popular options are Psi Overhaul and Psionics Ex Machina. PO gives soldiers an additional psi perk tree, but only if they are gifted. PEM has an item based system that lets you augment psi amps with different psi perks that you can find in dropped loot. Both are good, pick whatever sounds more interesting to you.
DerBK  [Autor] 19. Dez. 2022 um 5:48 
In terms of compatibility, ABB doesn't touch psionics at all, so you should be free to pick whatever you like.
Personally, i never really bothered too much with psi in the first place and basically skipped it. But i am sure there are psi reworks out there that are good. So I would put that as a question into the room for others to answer.

Opinions, anyone?
Double_A 18. Dez. 2022 um 14:40 
Regarding the absence of changes to psionics, are there any recommended psionic rework mods that work in conjunction with ABE?
DerBK  [Autor] 15. Aug. 2022 um 9:19 
Yeah, so as a general rule i recommend using no other weapon mods alongside ABB. This mod very much does its own thing and if you use other weapon mods alongside it, you just get an incoherent mess.
Ultimately use your own discretion, it's probably not going to cause technical issues. But as far as balancing and intent of ABB goes, it's too far away from the rest to gel in a satisfying way.
Lux Manifestus 14. Aug. 2022 um 19:59 
Do you recommend disabling all weapon mods? Are there any that are compatible?
Suxpremacy 9. Juli 2022 um 9:22 
Ah gotcha, it's all good man!
DerBK  [Autor] 9. Juli 2022 um 8:54 
Oh, those look fancy as hell.
I kinda quite modding a while ago (Better Weaponry was an exception because i needed it for myself) else i would be all over that now. Alas, as it is now i don't have any plans of picking up the modding SDK (or XCOM2 itself, tbh) right now. If i ever were to in the future, i might actually go back to those templates and do something with them!
Suxpremacy 9. Juli 2022 um 7:58 
Ay no worries on that front honestly, However I do see that Iridar actually made some templates for pulse laser bullpups, coil bullpups, and templetes that pretty much fill out the entirety of the weapon roster. Would there be any possible plans to maybe add these in alongside the coil and pulse laser weapons that already exist inside this mod? The assets would be found in this page https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2391815952&searchtext=coil+guns
DerBK  [Autor] 9. Juli 2022 um 2:43 
The identity of the classes is too directly tied to the weapons to seperate them from each other, it's something i thought about doing before.

If i knew what i know today back then when i made ABB, i would've gone for a more modular approach, but that ship sadly has sailed.
Suxpremacy 8. Juli 2022 um 18:56 
It's perfectly fine if you don't do anything else with this mod, but would it be possible for you to make something like your "A better Weaponary", but with only the class, perk trees, and the overhauled upgrade system? Simply asking because I would love to use the Five tier weapon overhaul mod with this.
DerBK  [Autor] 18. Juni 2022 um 5:42 
ABB is not featured in the Ufopedia, so whatever you read there doesn't apply to this mod. However, ABB comes with an ingame documentation that is likely to answer most questions. You can get there through the Commanders Quarters.

Upgrade components are a thing you need to pay as costs for some research. You get it from enemy drops (most non-ADVENT aliens are able to drop these), but as a failsafe you can also break down a valuable Elerium Core to make components. Sacrificing one Core gives you either 2 Tier 2 Components or 2 Tier 3 Components.
Nagumo 18. Juni 2022 um 5:23 
Okay after reading the entry in the Ufopedia i think i got it (would be nice if you could copy that): So, if you have an item called Elirium Core, you are able to research into T2 or T3 upgrade component . The amount of Ellirium you have has nothing to do with this process, right?