Cities in Motion 2

Cities in Motion 2

City Planner - Ruleset
댓글 4
Slovak Eagle 2015년 12월 22일 오전 8시 53분 
u kidding? i did the same thing in my rules :D
Thad 2013년 8월 20일 오후 12시 17분 
4  [작성자] 2013년 6월 23일 오전 2시 36분 
Time speed 110%
Player effect on city growth 40%
Private car ownership 90%
Private car acceleration 120%
City population 100%
Walk speed 110%

All transport types
Vehicle and depot capacities doubled
Running costs at 10%

It's basically set to make easy profit real fast so you got enough funds to build roads and grow the city fast.
stephan2626 2013년 6월 23일 오전 2시 26분 
what parameters did u change?