

Night Hunter l Syandana V3-5
226 kommentarer
Gravewalker 24 sep, 2021 @ 12:10 
Man what I wouldn't give for the old version. but not really a fan of the final one. I know its because of DE but still depressing none the less.
Rage 8 nov, 2020 @ 4:45 
Porque os mongoloides da DE fazem asas que ficam fechadas todo o tempo? E uma merda isso, deixem a porra das syandanas abertas
UltraLYT 7 okt, 2020 @ 13:13 
Ver 3.5 is so awesome, just bought it.
HeartPurity 1 okt, 2020 @ 17:59 
without the mummy cloths hanging, it is a lot less cool, WHY DE WHYYYY
睡不着🤦 18 sep, 2020 @ 9:22 
Xnidior! #46 🐉 1 sep, 2020 @ 2:00 
the old version was a masterpiece mate, but this one is not bad at all
saskew990 29 aug, 2020 @ 15:50 
When is this releasing?
Tatsuya 25 aug, 2020 @ 6:48 
congrats! i'm gonna buy this and the saryn skin
Revalopod 21 aug, 2020 @ 11:17 
_\ LynxZard /_ 21 aug, 2020 @ 10:35 
Byak 21 aug, 2020 @ 4:51 
Night hunter nidus is my favorite skin and this getting accepted made my day
Looking forward to see more of your work
Othima 21 aug, 2020 @ 4:05 
ALAS!!!!!!!! its getting release!!! now its time to play again AHAHAHAHAHA
꧁⎛⎝面包FOX⎠⎞ 21 aug, 2020 @ 1:56 
I like the old design
PapaJoe 21 aug, 2020 @ 1:51 
What's the deal with the chain links at the top? Seems completely random with the rest of it.
Andele 21 aug, 2020 @ 1:24 
I hope DE sabotaging the design means they will release proper infested wings themselves.
Revalopod 20 aug, 2020 @ 23:32 
it got accepted, so congrats
but too bad it doesn't even look anywhere near as anymore :(
Walkerk19 14 aug, 2020 @ 17:52 
dissapointed by DE's feedback, but I will get this regardless
Revalopod 7 aug, 2020 @ 22:37 
you are bitten by 10000 snakes
StarSeraph 7 aug, 2020 @ 18:43 
I still really like this syandana, I like the more compact design and I see why DE would've wanted this. Sure I miss the old versions but I will still pay for this in an instant. Bite me.
SirPr3ce 7 aug, 2020 @ 6:34 
i still thinks its goodish even i likew the versions before way more( but i understand that you not really had a saying in this) but i really dont like the chains on top of the wings like i dont understand your design choice there
GuG 31 jul, 2020 @ 1:32 
@Andele, i understand the chains being out of place, But The infested utilize all materials from metal to flesh lest you forget. I see metal and flesh, with rotten bones.

...so whats the real issue here?
Andele 29 jul, 2020 @ 15:10 
@lalabubles Nope, not even 20% infested, its a hodgepodge of nothing. The mecha bits that are sticking out are out of place (what the hell do chains do on claw tips), the pseudo-fleshy mech bits dont look infested either (https://i.imgur.com/0akn9ss.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/OharoJm.jpg vs whatever that is), and it doesnt have any biology nor "cancer ripped appart modification from something else" look to it.

The only infested bits are the bulb and extra flesh tendrils on lower wings instead of bone.
GuG 28 jul, 2020 @ 23:27 
what the heck is goin on with all of you, this is WAYYYYYY more fitting to the infested aesthetic,
this is STILL an amazing syandana, get over it, "waH wAh hE cHANgeD thE loOk sO DE WiLL ACcEpT iT"

youre all hilarious tbh
KiwiDaBirb 26 jul, 2020 @ 0:28 
DE if for whatever reason this gets to you, thanks for ruining another damn good submission. Hire a better art director if you thought the last version didn't fit. thx
AIKI.IS.BACK 23 jul, 2020 @ 16:50 
Dam... I wanted to make kerrigan(saryn) with the bone wings, know its meh. Want V2 back!
Andele 23 jul, 2020 @ 14:52 
"feedback strengthened the details and the structural relationship" - by breaking the structural design, making the central piece have less integrity with the rest of it AND by making it mesh less with the warframe aesthetics by adding random chains to the wingtips and making the infested "biosteel" bones look less like bones unlike every recent infested enemy...

Sorry but that goes from a vote for to a vote against it being in warframe.
Teddy Bear 19 jul, 2020 @ 2:45 
(v3) DE have no taste, their pants are empty as well, coz i dont know how they could do this with such edge wings
JeremiasJF 11 jun, 2020 @ 9:58 
i need her!!
Aldarys 23 maj, 2020 @ 10:39 
I will buy this syandana. As soon as it is released in-game, I will buy it.
unknown_scriptz 23 maj, 2020 @ 10:28 
this NEEDS to be added. No excuses .......
_\ LynxZard /_ 22 maj, 2020 @ 15:20 
GuG 12 apr, 2020 @ 21:54 
im gonna flip if the sudden spam of gorgon skins get accepted over this
Jumbo Stiffy 6 apr, 2020 @ 15:20 
Idk what DE's problem with it is tbh. This is one of the best syandanas out there no cap. This HAS to be in tennogen 19. Like 2 years is a long enough wait. DE has to stop blue balling us like this.
DeViL_thierry 5 apr, 2020 @ 15:32 
I hope for the tennogen 19 please DE ! This syandana is so beautifull
TENNO 3 apr, 2020 @ 12:27 
Fantastic, but im soo sad, after so long waiting to accept, still not in Tenogen
麦当劳鼠条 13 mar, 2020 @ 8:35 
Arnoldthehawk 10 mar, 2020 @ 6:00 
Seriously DE, you could buy a whole building on the money you could make with this syandana, yet you hold it back.
predatorboy 19 feb, 2020 @ 17:13 
Hope you'll get it in the game, looks great.
Daelus Tertian 17 feb, 2020 @ 9:04 
I honestly don't get what's DE issue with it.
They accepted the goddamn gigantic Jothunheim but not this? They can't say it's too big or clunky, we know for a fact that's BS now. So what's their issue?
Luv' 10 feb, 2020 @ 18:47 
It is still look fantastic. It is still not accepted. I honestly prefer oldest version. And as DE don't give a shit about adjustements and still turn their blind eye on this art piece... I dunno. Please don't make it ordinary. It was gorgeous at its original state.
xcrimsonlegendx 8 feb, 2020 @ 3:27 
Looks fantastic, honestly its almost an entirely new item altogether but its wonderful. Really hope you make it this time.
Ventasis 7 feb, 2020 @ 17:28 
DE literally can't handle how good this looks lmfao
AIKI.IS.BACK 6 feb, 2020 @ 16:47 
Welp good luck next time! In like mmmmm, 3 or 4 months this didn't get in for this round. But it was perfect for my (kerrigan) saryn fashion oh well...
Edit Profile: 1 feb, 2020 @ 13:52 
Mother of god i need this in game right now.
Darling 30 jan, 2020 @ 0:51 
This new version would look perfect on Garuda too, and make her closer to her namesake.
Trickster_Plays 26 jan, 2020 @ 3:38 
Id rathe get this night hunter syandana into the game first please and then going for other nighthunter skins would make total sense
my nidus feels all alone with only the nighthunter skin and no syandana to go with it .
c'mon DE put this syandana into the game already. been waiting too long for it.
Soggy Ox 21 jan, 2020 @ 17:22 
Gorgeous Tennogen. DE pls.
zeor21 21 jan, 2020 @ 6:11 
It looks very beatiful
٭★Bulo4ka★٭ 20 jan, 2020 @ 14:11 
We want it. Please!
Netrialis 20 jan, 2020 @ 10:01 
Goodness gracious. Such elegant, such perfect. If Icarus syandana was able to make it, this should too