Arma 3
RIS - Malden 2035
44 Kommentare
G8racingfool 3. Juli 2023 um 20:44 
@Cryptic_Steel Start the scenario and pick a game type, then go to Advanced Configuration -> Other. You can change the "buy" button do any user-defined action keys.

FWIW, this scenario is far too fast paced to work with ACE. You'll end up lying unconscious half the game.
Cryptic_Steel 6. Juni 2023 um 3:19 
I'm also rather curious where this keybind is located in. A Simple Options>Controls>X>Y>Z ought to suffice
Sling Blade 19. März 2023 um 8:37 
Yeah? Where? It would be nice if there were more detailed instructions for your scenario. You can't expect people to just guess and hope they figure it out? I've looked everywhere in the game so WHERE is the keybind settings for these RIS scenarios?
Kamen  [Autor] 19. März 2023 um 1:33 
also using ACE with this mod could lead do unforeseen issues
Jimmy Pipson 18. März 2023 um 15:40 
Я столкнулся с той же проблемой братан, и к сожалению, кнопку АСЕ поменять нельзя)
Sling Blade 18. März 2023 um 15:27 
HOW DO YOU CHANGE THE BUY VEHICLE MENU KEYBIND? People that use ACE use the windows key, this was a very stupid design decision.
sailormarsfan1701 20. Nov. 2022 um 14:20 
im not i just go to scenario click my factions select my map the it starts but my character won't load in and im stuck watching the map from overhead waiting for my character but nothing happens ive tried other scenarios ive cleaned out my cloud in case it was slow i ve even took off some games and mods still nothing
Jimmy Pipson 20. Nov. 2022 um 14:04 
I run from a script, if you do it from a network game, then there will be bugs :CSAT:
sailormarsfan1701 20. Nov. 2022 um 14:01 
stuck on the overhead view of the map before the match starts is there any way to correct the problem i tried other maps still stuck
Jimmy Pipson 24. Sep. 2022 um 3:23 
On the Alt + Windows keys, the ACE interaction window opens for me, and I can’t open it because the menu for summoning equipment opens on Windows .... what to do.
Mike Juliet 2. Juli 2022 um 9:19 
I can confirm same buy vechicles bug when loading saved game. Anyway, the mod is really nice, very challenging and more fun than similar random generation mission mods. Good work!
RESQUART 28. Juni 2022 um 11:57 
:missing: BUG REPORT: :missing:


Kamen  [Autor] 5. Apr. 2022 um 14:30 
@LordJarhead Thanks for the kind words :)
@BOOM Yes, any properly defined faction works
BooM 5. Apr. 2022 um 10:13 
do modded factions work?
LordJarhead 31. Okt. 2021 um 13:42 
Thanks for updating these after all this time, I really enjoy these missions, my personal number 1 go-to mission for some quick action :)
Ghost 13. Dez. 2020 um 3:16 
when you release the update someday, i will be very extited. :D
RainJar 28. Juli 2020 um 2:58 
Ohh fair enough. Thank you!
Kamen  [Autor] 27. Juli 2020 um 12:35 
There's a "bug" in GM - they use different casing for faction name and faction attribute for the units themselfs (example class Germany { .... } class G_Soldier { faction = "germany"; })

This is valid for Arma, but my scripts fail detecting those units, I've fixed that, but was unable to release update yet, I've to download the whole Arma on my slow internet to be able to release updates :(
RainJar 24. Juli 2020 um 13:35 
No way to make it work with Global Mobilization? It sees all GM factions as empty.
Really fun mode besides this!
Barudar 13. Feb. 2020 um 13:55 
How can I change the vehicle menu keybind? It is interfering with the ACE menu system
Scorch6215 1. März 2019 um 11:59 
when I tried to play this with a friend on multiplayer, whenever we died, we wouldn't spawn on an already active AI, we'd spawn in the middle of the map FAAAAAAR away from the action, any fixes for this?
Arkada 1. Feb. 2019 um 22:20 
the advanced configuration screen is broken for me. i only see the reset and save buttons and no options how do i fix this?
Arkada 1. Feb. 2019 um 13:09 
how do i change the rules? i've had this for awhile and can't figure it out
Mihsan 9. Okt. 2018 um 14:25 
Awesome mission. I replayed it about 20+ times and each time it could give different experience with different modes and settings.
Stainless Steel Rat 19. Aug. 2018 um 10:29 
I made some ports of this is it OK to post them?
death rage 13. Aug. 2018 um 4:46 
also i recommend using vcom ai here. that would allow the ai8 to try flanking maneuvers, allow them to use mortars against the enemy and take cover inside buildings(things i thought the arma ai would never be capale of)
death rage 23. Juli 2018 um 1:54 
reminded my of battlefield 3!!! outstanding work!! this mission fills the gap i felt arma alkways had- when you wanted some fun random action with unscrpited sequnces, planes tanks helicopters and ai battling it out randomly across a city and all you need to do is simply jump in

no need to spend hours on the scenario editor\MCC\Zeus to make a glorious battle unfold, just jump in and enjoy
TyphoonAZ 16. Juni 2018 um 14:00 
Hey Kamen...can you send me a some questions about your RIS mission
Kamen  [Autor] 14. Juni 2018 um 4:28 
@Cambrynodactyl: The kill cam can now by interrupted
kruzzer 29. Mai 2018 um 18:23 
Nice ¡¡¡
Cambr 21. Mai 2018 um 21:29 
kept spawning naked with blonde hair finally get my equipment die instantly from spawn cams ez mod ez life
DetCord12B 12. Mai 2018 um 20:25 
Well done, mate!

Had a blast on this in SP. Shit-ton of fun and it's actually quite difficult.
SergeantShavedBalls 11. Mai 2018 um 11:48 
one issue using this with ACE is that since it spawns you on ai, it can spawn you on a downed ai and you end up having to respawn again. also, the FPS goes from like 40 at the beginning to around 20ish, so maybe it needs better cleanup.
SergeantShavedBalls 11. Mai 2018 um 11:40 
also, why do you respawn on ai that are engaged? I've been spawn killed 90% of the time i try to respawn.
SergeantShavedBalls 11. Mai 2018 um 11:37 
when i respawn, I can't throw any of the grenades in my inventory
Kazuma-San 11. Mai 2018 um 10:53 
on some maps near the sea, vehicles may end up spawning in the water.
and a small idea: do a conquest mode (like the battlefield), I believe that to do something like that, it would be enough to create small areas like king of the hill.
[Giver Of The Beans] 10. Mai 2018 um 22:38 
Sometimes after banning tanks, the tanks disappear from the entire list
moldeh 10. Mai 2018 um 16:05 
The first game I ever played wasn't laggy at all, then all of the sudden after that it just got really laggy even though there weren't very many units active. That first game was the best thing ever tho so if that gets fixed this would be the best thing ever.
maple 9. Mai 2018 um 19:44 
Dude, this is so much fun. It may be a bit laggy, but it's just a good time IMO. Thanks for the mod.
Kamen  [Autor] 9. Mai 2018 um 5:36 
I don't really know what issue could there be, I don't think the scripts are eating that much resources.
Does anyone else have issues with optimisation?
ScottyThePilot 8. Mai 2018 um 14:17 
I don't understand why this scenario is so laggy, I played this mission with 5 groups of 6 on each side but my computer could handle twice that in a normal scenario
Kamen  [Autor] 8. Mai 2018 um 0:34 
@bobman1294: there is issue where configuration dialog doesnt show properly when you don't have small interface size
bobman1294 7. Mai 2018 um 22:09 
I'm having an issue with the configuration options not showing up at all, excluding the faction selection.
neshkonyx 6. Mai 2018 um 9:46 
Even though the mission is super it is ruined by the bohemia programmers because AI is going though the walls they shoot through the earth. One suggestion, because of the numer of enemy soldiers and shortage of ammo, dead soldier should be visible longer time (so his ammo and weapon can be taken). But the BIG BIG issue is with the fact that AI IS GOING THROUGH THE WALLS !!!!