Portal 2
Bridge Burning
Коментарів: 87
Sophronius 5 січ. 2020 о 15:31 
tricky at the end, nice work!
Mr. House 24 лют. 2019 о 11:23 
gibber 23 січ. 2019 о 16:25 
Thank goodness for the save button. That was pure evil at the end. Seek help and keep mapping....good job.
jandlml 1 жовт. 2017 о 17:13 
fun use of the bridge
Petutski 6 квіт. 2017 о 16:27 
Very nice! Great double mechanic at the end. I disagree with JNB. Thanks!
JNB 27 верес. 2016 о 12:01 
Being returned to beginning after entering a new room is a bad design.
ahmadsyar 27 серп. 2016 о 23:17 
Kay 6 трав. 2016 о 21:12 
Was really fun till I died a couple of times and had to start at the beginning each time. :-/ I gave up.
Puff Tentacle 1 верес. 2015 о 14:37 
HJN-DK 31 трав. 2015 о 9:47 
Easy but fun :)
Bruce Taylor 21 жовт. 2014 о 7:21 
good map. autosave would have been nice
StraightFlame 21 черв. 2014 о 10:13 
Forcing the player to metagame (the bridge repositioning) is a bad idea. Relatively new players will not be able to finish the test because of their lack of knowledge - knowledge that you weren't even told because you're not supposed to know this in the first place.
jam.lab1 31 трав. 2014 о 8:58 
good job
xiaosha 13 квіт. 2014 о 17:14 
Overuse of an unintended puzzle mechanic (bridge repositioning). Turret section was uninspired, the turrets were never a real threat. Would have been much better if the rooms interacted with each other. The required use of the bridge in the final room was made far more difficult than it needed to be with the grating over the portal surface near the bridge source.
Broskii 22 берез. 2014 о 20:32 
great! it's cool how you made this test go in a giant circle, or a squircle. But anyway, great test can't wait to see more from you. Love Bishfudge
Petutski 19 берез. 2014 о 16:19 
Great map! I loved the bridge burning at the end. WAS NOT BORED...!
Alpines 10 лют. 2014 о 14:30 
ella  [автор] 10 лют. 2014 о 13:52 
@アンチセックス: I dunno. Maybe other people liked it or something.
Sinkira 10 лют. 2014 о 3:34 
The test was easy and predictable enought to bore me. Gz Creater! you managed to bore me! great you accomplished it! Why the heck is this test top rated.
Alpines 1 лют. 2014 о 16:41 
Easy but creative and fun
SvS 5 груд. 2013 о 5:05 
got it on the fly
XVII 1 груд. 2013 о 14:29 
Hi! We played and rated your map here:
Feel free to use this video as playthrough of your map adding the link on Steam!
Science has appreciated your contribution.
Thank you.

~ WIA :p2turret:
PsychoBR 20 жовт. 2013 о 7:13 
Awesome puzzle. Very funny. Thanks.
I recorded my gameplay (valve DEM file format): Download [dl.dropboxusercontent.com]. Comments inside video.

:p2orange: Turrets highly explosive. Handle with care :p2blue:
BUG 20 серп. 2013 о 7:15 
Easy and fun
Nox Deleo 20 серп. 2013 о 4:39 
Not bad, but I didn't have to use the noggin at all, chariots chariots.
David 11 серп. 2013 о 16:58 
I'm not a fan of bridge stepping but not a bad map.
Bayram 12 лип. 2013 о 13:16 
Thumbs up (this chamber obviously has mass appeal), but personally I found it far too easy.
yanety 26 трав. 2013 о 8:15 
Easy, but still cool.
asminahipi 22 трав. 2013 о 4:28 
muy buen mapa gran idea ,gracias
Gorix 2 трав. 2013 о 17:31 
It's wasn't too difficult, but I like how varied the tests were and how you utilized the light bridges.
Killaroni 🐾 30 квіт. 2013 о 4:41 
Mr Vapour Waterhandle 15 берез. 2013 о 13:04 
trivial is the word
Jebediah Clang 13 берез. 2013 о 16:53 
I cheated like this:
If i remember correctly, i stood on ledge, and jumped around the corner. Ninja-stuff :P
kimist108 10 берез. 2013 о 12:12 
Fun test chamber
firetruckboi43 10 берез. 2013 о 1:49 
ryan_ib_adams 8 берез. 2013 о 11:52 
Great idea on the light bridges! Fun map!
Diuks Bay 8 берез. 2013 о 9:46 
Hey! Great map bro!
Tim Starstriker 7 берез. 2013 о 22:08 
Nicely done for a unique take on light bridges.
AceHeavenX 7 берез. 2013 о 10:11 
Nice one! But the last test was a bit tricky
Davosaurus 6 берез. 2013 о 20:06 
good chamber! i liked the last room
Braxeon 6 берез. 2013 о 18:39 
This is the 1st map i ever played good job bro!
Shepard 6 берез. 2013 о 16:53 
Very nice!
ella  [автор] 6 берез. 2013 о 16:29 
@DigitalStone: How'd you cheat? (Tag the spoilers, please.)
Jebediah Clang 6 берез. 2013 о 16:12 
I cheated on the last part.
sircalist 6 берез. 2013 о 14:41 
Nice map! I enjoyed it.
ZAEROS 6 берез. 2013 о 10:44 
Good map, enjoyed it a lot, Thank you.
=EBS= Spawnsy 6 берез. 2013 о 7:09 
nice. very neat.
firetruckboi43 6 берез. 2013 о 5:58 
GTx_PIT 6 берез. 2013 о 4:53 
Лёгкая, но ахуенная)
dstr 6 берез. 2013 о 4:02 
too easy