Fallout Vault Structures & Floors
Коментарів: 93
PennywiseNibbles 5 лип. о 15:19 
You should defiantly update this
Gorthar The Gamer 17 трав. о 21:16 
TheHollyCow 6 січ. о 14:51 
first ever rimworld mod?
Incursion 23 листоп. 2022 о 4:35 
This mod is just XMLS. That doesnt mean the mod will work because Xmls do sometimes change things such as names but it could still work. Will report back.
Oriberus 13 листоп. 2022 о 12:13 
Captain Roman S'Jet 8 лип. 2022 о 21:57 
-rep furry
Machotoast08 2 черв. 2022 о 1:42 
DALEK Of NOD 19 берез. 2022 о 20:27 
[TSF] Mason 1290 25 серп. 2021 о 3:11 
ПАНЦЕРФРОЛВАГЕН 24 лип. 2021 о 5:00 
1.3 plssss bro
sefus 28 верес. 2020 о 5:43 
Yeah I really like this mod but that other dude is right the vault door is too tiny. The floors are so good tho
No7_Maika 29 квіт. 2020 о 21:47 
Why are the "huge steel doors" so small, open in a second, but at the same time have the original sound from Fallout, that is, very long and loud? What kind of illogicality?
Boyar 15 берез. 2020 о 5:04 
thank you!
Styrmende  [автор] 15 берез. 2020 о 3:34 
Alright I'll take a look, 1.1 surely couldn't've broken much
Boyar 29 лют. 2020 о 0:47 
update please!
Akervio 25 лют. 2020 о 6:03 
Selmephren 30 жовт. 2019 о 18:23 
Well the error cleared up when I loaded the game this time, thanks for your great work!
Styrmende  [автор] 30 жовт. 2019 о 1:29 
Sorry for being a lazy ass, I've gone and done it now, just had to change two letters from being uppercase because RimWorld is that picky despite obviously working just fine without it but throwing an error for no good reason ^^;
Just not really been in a rimworld mood lately and so haven't really done much with this mod, I keep saying I'll look into making bigger vault doors and I'd like to but I've just not really gotten around to it because I'm not used to the idea of bigger doors and still have yet to look into how they work ^^;
I started looking into 'em, but didn't do much more than download a few things that have bigger doors. Someday I'll get around to it..!
Styrmende  [автор] 30 жовт. 2019 о 1:23 
Oh. That shouldn't be doing that, though it means nothing really, but I thought I had fixed it but I mustn't have pushed through the update? I can do that now
Selmephren 29 жовт. 2019 о 19:50 
Yep, same error. Came back here to check if is was reported or any comment about fixing it.
LittleRedSonja 20 жовт. 2019 о 9:19 
Nice mod. I get this error at the start:

Attempt to use string SupportedVersions to refer to field supportedVersions in type Verse.ModMetaData+ModMetaDataInternal; xml tags are now case-sensitive. XML: <ModMetaData><name>Fallout Vault Structures &amp; Floors</name><author>WillWow_mc</author><url>http://steamproxy.net/id/willwow_mc/</url><SupportedVersions><li>1.0</li><li>0.19</li></SupportedVersions><description>
WillWow_mc's Vault Stuff.

[DOC]nickhechtel 18 жовт. 2019 о 13:36 
Your mod is awesome! Did you think about adding a bigger Vault door? the 1 block big door seems a bit small :)
Styrmende  [автор] 21 лип. 2019 о 21:25 
Hm, you have a point. I'll quickly go patch that up
Big Boss 21 лип. 2019 о 7:13 
I mean the door is 300 and a single piece of wall is just 50 steel less. I think the door should remain 300 and the wall should be 150 because if i need to use all the steel of the map to build 5 piece of wall its just worthless.
Styrmende  [автор] 20 лип. 2019 о 2:02 
Originally the reinforced steel walls were only 50 steel and the door was 300, while the walls were just about as strong as the door. So after that was brought up to my attention as being a bit overpowered, I changed the wall price, while the door stayed the same. If you're thinking that wall is too expensive to use I don't know if you're thinking of using it for all your steel walls while building the place, it's meant only to be really used on the outside exposed edge where you might be attacked around the door or so, and wherever else you might want to put such a strong wall. Other than that I'd just use normal steel walls for steel walls, and I'm pretty sure the normal vault interior wall isn't expensive either
Though do you mean you think the door is comparatively too cheap now?
Big Boss 19 лип. 2019 о 11:40 
Why a single piece of wall is 250 steel instead the door alone is 300 steel?
Styrmende  [автор] 22 черв. 2019 о 21:22 
And about making the gear door 2 tiles wide, I'm not really sure how to do that ^^;
Though as someone mentioned a mod earlier that apparently has some that big or something I might be able to take a peek at how it's done if I can
Styrmende  [автор] 22 черв. 2019 о 21:21 
I'd love to do that honestly, though I have no clue if I can make pre-generated structures like that. I'll probably look into that when I next go through a end-up-playing-RimWorld-all-day-for-a-month phase, if I know it's possible
MirageDawn 22 черв. 2019 о 16:34 
This mod is a great idea and i love all the stuff that is added with it just and idea maybe a sepearate mod can be created using this which you can find vaults or ruined vaults idk just an idea
Kasgigz 12 черв. 2019 о 17:17 
Can you make the gear door 2 tiles wide at least ? It feels really tiny
_♣Caligula♣_ 3 трав. 2019 о 4:08 
Better use the quieter door variant then...
Saucylot 2 трав. 2019 о 18:14 
Fuck these doors are loud
3721lonelyman 29 січ. 2019 о 8:10 
compatible with doors expanded?
Xentor 8 груд. 2018 о 6:00 
Perhaps ask the guy who made this Additional Doors Mod (with the big blatsdoors)
Styrmende  [автор] 8 груд. 2018 о 4:16 
Hm it'd be cool if I could, but I haven't really a clue for how to make a bigger door
Ohanno_WhiteWolf 7 груд. 2018 о 16:19 
May i suggest that the all doors have various sizes? I think it would be cool to have a lagre gear door for the front entrance
Xentor 28 листоп. 2018 о 14:28 
I think the Vaultdoor should have far more hitpoints than only 4k (I mean imagine how *beeb* big it is.
Styrmende  [автор] 15 листоп. 2018 о 2:19 
Just tested it, and it looks like this works perfectly without any files changed. I'm going to make it not show up as outdated now by changing the version number it works with up to the current one.

So if you're using this in B19 I won't be putting up a link marked as that version, as this hasn't changed and should still work perfectly (assuming the game doesn't stop you loading mods marked as for newer versions).

Either way I suppose if something does mess up let me know. And I might make an auto-door version of the interior doors at some point, is probably a reasonable idea. Plus I will eventually get around to finishing off the Fallout 1&2 + 4 styled vault things, though I'll admit that is not quite on the front of my mind right now.
Porcy 13 листоп. 2018 о 15:56 
Hi, will you update this mod ? I don't want to build my base without it I just like it too much :)
_♣Caligula♣_ 2 листоп. 2018 о 5:00 
You never know you needed something until its no longer available :s
Has anyone tryed out if it is working in 1.0?
Toasted Toby 26 жовт. 2018 о 4:28 
why are the Vault doors not Auto-doors? I know in the game you have to press E to open it, but the NPC walk past them like an Auto-door in Rimworld. Maybe atleast make a non-auto and an auto version (costing components like a normal auto-door)
Thelockenessmonster 23 жовт. 2018 о 11:05 
Any plans for 1.0?
[TSF] Mason 1290 21 жовт. 2018 о 4:36 
Styrmende  [автор] 21 жовт. 2018 о 3:32 
O boi. I'll take a look to see if anything's broken, though I heard that the update didn't change so much code-wise so I'm hoping it hasn't broken .w.;;
[TSF] Mason 1290 21 жовт. 2018 о 1:46 
o3o i told you.
Honest ClarkVT 1 жовт. 2018 о 11:08 
a mod i never knew i needed
[TSF] Mason 1290 18 верес. 2018 о 21:06 
bethesda are good at making small quests with detail and some meh backstory. iv never been intrested in a bethesda character's backstory. their main story is also crap.

Now Obsidian. had that all down. But Bethesda had to get rid of them so they couldnt be a threat. and Now Obsidian is no longer what it use to be v.v
Dominique901 18 верес. 2018 о 9:26 
i'm just going say this Tunnel Snakes Rule :D
Styrmende  [автор] 18 верес. 2018 о 2:09 
If you were still using the beta 18 version, you can get the folder from the corresponding link in the description.
Styrmende  [автор] 13 верес. 2018 о 0:32 
I haven't uploaded the B19 version to the workshop yet, but when I do I will put a link for the B18 version in the description just as I did for the A17, don't worry :P