Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Historical Family System
152 commenti
Mud 16 giu 2023, ore 19:40 
I noticed that I could get Cleopatra as Seleucids after destroying Egypt. Does the ability to get other faction historical figures hold true if you defeat that faction or is Cleopatra unique in this respect? What combination of submods would you suggest to maximize historical characters? It add so much roleplaying fun to the game.
Mortarch Of Blood 1 feb 2022, ore 12:17 
Johnny Bravo, this mod and DEI are NOT compatible
jOHNNY BRAVO ************ 10 feb 2021, ore 14:08 
So man , DEI have this characters already? i dont understand
The Dark Ranger 23 nov 2020, ore 17:02 
Can you update this to include non playable factions for those of us who have unlocker mods?
Ghineev 17 ago 2020, ore 7:40 
Is it supposed to give me family members at age 27? Because it gives me a lot of the seleucid rulers a lot sooner than it should(by like 10 years) and always 27YO. For example it gave me Antiochus III in ~235 aged 27, when he was pretty much a 10 year old at that time IRL.
Any help in case this shouldnt be happening? I am using 4tpy and a bunch of unit packs
QuaisWaffle 15 giu 2020, ore 1:05 
Dude, i think it's included to an extent possibly, trying to break down their campaign add on is hard lol but can't stand certain aspects however great
danni.nr1 23 mar 2020, ore 14:59 
does this work with para bellum mod?
Brezonte 5 feb 2020, ore 11:24 
this mod works with minor factions only?
Watch Your Back 9 ott 2019, ore 15:48 
using the mod 4turns1year. A shorter period of this mod would be awesome
henk 1 set 2019, ore 15:59 
is it possible to make a 24 year version :)?
Dresden  [autore] 7 apr 2019, ore 13:36 
Since some people seem to have issues with the new launcher and mods not saying they are updated, I am re-updating various mods to try to help with that issue.
Hawk™☆KevRockZ☆ 22 mar 2019, ore 13:22 
Is this compatible with the AAA General mods? Thanks Dresden.
Dresden  [autore] 16 nov 2018, ore 12:44 
This is included in DeI yes
Xristos 16 nov 2018, ore 5:27 
If I understand it correctly, this mod is not necassary to activate anymore because it is now included in the DeI mod?
Moon Champion 14 set 2018, ore 4:35 
quick question, why does every single child die at either the age of 9 or 6, not a single one has lived to adult hood, wtf.
Dresden  [autore] 12 ago 2018, ore 15:29 
Unfortunately, spawned characters have to be adopted :(
Xristos 12 ago 2018, ore 4:20 
Very cool mod and with the ancestral update even more. Im playing as the seleucid empire now and Antiochus I Soter is in the familly tree but his historical son Antiochus II Theos is in the catagory "Other nobles" and not as his actual son in the familly tree. Is there a way this can be fixed? thank you.
Dresden  [autore] 10 ago 2018, ore 18:50 
It should work
Somalian Pirate 10 ago 2018, ore 15:00 
You think this can be updated to work with the ancestral update?
Dresden  [autore] 8 ago 2018, ore 15:12 
There is a column in the historical character table for assigning it but it doesnt seem to work
Benjin 7 ago 2018, ore 18:38 
Ah, a shame. I've been discovering a lot of new stuff in the files, but haven't checked on spawnable characters for other parties.
Dresden  [autore] 7 ago 2018, ore 18:32 
I don't think so :( Which is really annoying
Benjin 7 ago 2018, ore 13:16 
Still not possible to assign new characters to other parties in the beta, I take it?
idoradm12 29 lug 2018, ore 23:56 
Dresden  [autore] 29 lug 2018, ore 13:41 
All of them other than Rome/carthage
idoradm12 29 lug 2018, ore 2:39 
for which factions does this mod work?
Piero 24 apr 2018, ore 15:21 
Great, thank you
Dresden  [autore] 23 apr 2018, ore 15:48 
either one
Piero 23 apr 2018, ore 14:14 
Hello, may I ask you whether this works with "4 TPY with Season Effects", or it MUST be "4 Turns Per Year"? Thank you.
Grubbs008 23 apr 2018, ore 13:35 
@Kamcity, you dont need to make it. One is already done.
El3m3nt 21 apr 2018, ore 19:21 
@kamcity13 Go make it...
Imperial_Taizu 21 apr 2018, ore 9:52 

Where are the female characters?? No female generals and rulers from the Desert Kingdoms DLC?
Dresden  [autore] 9 apr 2018, ore 12:08 
Kush isnt included, CA created a new faction for them and I havent added it
-.- 8 apr 2018, ore 19:52 
Hi, im at about turn 200 of a modded vanilla Kush campaign and i didnt notice the scripted events like i did in a bakria DeI campaign. is there not a tree for kush or do i have to see if im having conflicted mods
Dresden  [autore] 16 dic 2017, ore 12:26 
Yes thats right
Alaudae 7 dic 2017, ore 18:02 
Is it possible to make a 12 turns per years version?
Dresden  [autore] 4 dic 2017, ore 12:04 
You dont need this if you have DeI but you will need one of the Roman/Carthage submods depending on what family you choose
Disciple of CLQ 4 dic 2017, ore 8:22 
First of all thank you Dresden, I love this mod concept, just a quick question, since this is already in DEI, should I just also subscribe to the specific family submod, in my case Rome - Gens Julia or do I sub to this as well? TY!
Cyrus: Emperor of Mankind 30 nov 2017, ore 13:04 
Right, so wait until CA have fixed it?
Dresden  [autore] 30 nov 2017, ore 13:01 
THis is already in DeI, you shouldnt use both. Models/textures not appearing is a base game issue
Cyrus: Emperor of Mankind 30 nov 2017, ore 12:43 
I tried DEI with this - the unit models not appearing? Removed all mods and the units all appear in the same thing - vanilla. Weird.

Thanks for the update!
Dresden  [autore] 30 nov 2017, ore 11:02 
Compatible with today's patch
Cyrus: Emperor of Mankind 23 nov 2017, ore 15:59 
Thank you!
Dresden  [autore] 23 nov 2017, ore 12:33 
Taking a look at the tables it should work with the p&p update, I just updated it a bit to make sure
Dresden  [autore] 22 nov 2017, ore 15:53 
Since steam auto updates, I cant update mods until the game actually updates the official version. Otherwise it may impact players who havent gotten the beta yet.
Cyrus: Emperor of Mankind 22 nov 2017, ore 14:05 
So any update for power and politics?
Dresden  [autore] 16 nov 2017, ore 10:29 
This changes them back to families
JackalG7 14 nov 2017, ore 20:16 
I am confused about the naming of the Roman family mod alternatives. You use the vanilla names but DEI has different houses.
Gleen Cross 29 ott 2017, ore 19:59 
32? Ok, I will try a longer session
Dresden  [autore] 28 ott 2017, ore 22:33 
I dont think the first Roman spawns until turn 32 for that family