Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

Customizable Module Visualizer
1 190 kommenttia
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 18.6. klo 11.44 
Pethan, why not 4 or 5 total?
Slowfast21 9.6. klo 2.47 
CAPethan 30.5. klo 4.32 
love it
but can we ask maby for a 3rd visualizer bar pls
宇轩网络传媒 7.4. klo 6.20 
__ǥØÐǺяK__ 14.2. klo 15.29 
Você:steamhappy: é um amigo!!!!
aylosK 13.2. klo 2.26 
𝕮𝖗0𝖜 16.1. klo 8.37 
10/10 best wallpaper visualiser i know
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 5.11.2023 klo 22.40 
No idea sorry Nexus, also have I seen your name before?
Nexus 3.11.2023 klo 17.13 
The text font "Script" is not working for me. Does anyone know how to solve it? Many thanks!
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 11.10.2023 klo 16.57 
Check the wallpaper's settings
导师对着我的毕设惊了 8.10.2023 klo 17.49 
how to add slideshow in other wallpaper,i can't find out:lunar2019crylaughingpig:
aleksrbk 10.9.2023 klo 6.24 
Thank you:ER_Bear::deathstroke::aa_phoenix::steamthumbsup:
Josh 8.9.2023 klo 15.36 
Actual best customizable visualizer
bruhe 8.9.2023 klo 11.56 
this is the best
Schizophrenic Office Worker 2.8.2023 klo 13.31 
so fukkking cool
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 28.7.2023 klo 13.35 
ヒケリ what is it doing that makes it doesn't work? The mouse or the music detection?
ヒカリ 16.7.2023 klo 11.57 
Man, it still doesn't work.
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 29.6.2023 klo 18.43 
V I don't have to do this, my system auto changes everything the moment headphones get plugged in. Also I didn't see this question. How deep is it into this thread?
JungleGym 25.6.2023 klo 17.05 
For everyone who's commenting about the audio recording not working go into the settings for wallpaper engine, click on general and scroll down to audio, then change the audio recording device to whatever you use for speakers or headphones. Hope this helps : )
AngryScout 25.6.2023 klo 5.03 
W wallpaper
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 15.6.2023 klo 14.16 
YOSHIM1TSU-DEM9N did you click on subscribe while Wallpaper Engine is running?
Y0SHIM1TSU_DEM9N 12.6.2023 klo 12.26 
it won't install
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 10.6.2023 klo 0.16 
RexhorkEbtvoyumatь Or get a better PC.
Rexork 8.6.2023 klo 1.09 
UNs_kill, понизь настройки. Либо некоторые настройки в самом визуалайзоре
哈次捏咪库 7.4.2023 klo 6.13 
arisa. 16.2.2023 klo 0.21 
download wallpaper engine first before subscribing to customizable module visualizer
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 2.2.2023 klo 18.48 
JusTTsar Don't think so. But I am using a gaming laptop. It is beefy.
UNs_kill 28.1.2023 klo 3.31 
My cursor always slows down on Desktop while using this visualizer. Does anyone has same problem? Is there a way to fix it?
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 16.1.2023 klo 2.07 
@Bona click on subscribe next to Subscribe to download.
BoNa 15.1.2023 klo 6.07 
Hello, i cannot download customizable Module Visualizer. Someone can help me ?
FunTimeExe 14.1.2023 klo 14.33 
This is the good vibes! Bring em on baby!:csgostar:
general1th 24.12.2022 klo 6.03 
skibidi j from glass beach 22.12.2022 klo 1.35 
Dumpy 2.11.2022 klo 20.27 
Extremely customization options. Worth the time to setup!
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 20.9.2022 klo 10.55 
But franzen, that is what Wallpaper Engine does.
franzen.raphael 20.9.2022 klo 9.30 
This Modular Wallpaper is a gem. It allows anyone to create a custom wallpaper in minutes.Well done.
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 9.9.2022 klo 14.09 
C0lin2000 9.9.2022 klo 5.04 
Is it possible that only music is recognized?
Make Gatorade Thicker 19.7.2022 klo 1.21 
So much yes
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 16.7.2022 klo 23.56 
v spam
Xenon Party Boy 5.7.2022 klo 16.03 
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 30.6.2022 klo 15.54 
PASS THE JOINT, What are you saying?
PASS_THE_JOINT 30.6.2022 klo 5.03 
Hey Arthesian!
Ik ben Dominik en ik ben pas beezig met wallpapers te maken.
Ik zou heel graag uw gekke audio vizual scrippt willen gebruiken in wallpaper engine om de audio vizuals op en een audio reactive wallpaper te gooien. Bijvoorbeeld zo dat de achtergrond meer leven heeft inplaats van een dode niet bewegende achtergrond te hebben. De WEBM formate zijn altijd heel lage kwaliteit en gewone afbeeldingen zijn heel saai.
Zou je me aub kunnen uitleggen of een hint geven hoe ik uw Script met al die gekke vizuals kan toepassen op mijn zelf gemaakde wallpaper in wallpaper engine?

Je kunt in mijn workshop gaan kijken zo dat je een inzicht heb wa ik probeer te maken. De beste voorbeeld is de Rust wallpaper of de wiet wallpaper met een loop achtergrond die ik heb ge'animate.

Laat je ma AUB iets weten? Ik zou heel erg dankbaar zijn.

Mvg, Dominik.
NickTheToaster 13.6.2022 klo 0.17 
How do I add custom fonts?
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 7.5.2022 klo 17.42 
Attention everyone that uses Wallpaper Engine. There is a user that makes wallpapers that has malware built into it and Steam isn't doing anything about it. It isn't this wallpaper. It is this one user with a weird name that lives in China. They using malware that only triggers China's Anti Virus as actual malware out of all the scanners. Steam just keeps saying to report it but you can't report something more than once.
Gold River 6.5.2022 klo 20.20 
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 22.4.2022 klo 11.44 
̸∀η⊥ḯ telegram² 22.4.2022 klo 11.43 
Have Wallpaper Engine installed and have it running and then click on subscribe on this page or find it using Wallpaper Engine and then click on subscribe. Hope this helps you.
LNXStream 21.4.2022 klo 13.36 
How do I download it?