The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Automatic Crossbows
1.307 commenti
Ombudsman  [autore] 12 lug 2021, ore 12:44 
Thank you so much @eveningztar !

Really happy that you like it! :D
eveningztar 12 lug 2021, ore 2:35 
I love this mod, thanks. Ive used it so much and often that the game cant really be played without it, in my humble opinion, this should be implemented into the game itself and the game would be improved considerably by it:)
Ombudsman  [autore] 22 mag 2021, ore 2:26 
Hmm, load order should not matter for this mod (unless another mod changes same location). If it works better now then I have no clue why but I am glad it does. ^^
Jaytheg0d 21 mag 2021, ore 21:38 
okay so im not sure how this got them working, more or less, but i had to unsub from a mod (aetherium crafting) and i changed the load order of the this mod to move it closer to the top. doing so has got the features working properly now, though still a little buggy with the animations, which im blaming the RSE mod for the lag cos its quite resource intensive. sometimes when using cheiro itll give me the reload animation after just 2 shots, even though im still counting 8 shots for the actual reload to occur. maybe its advised for this mod to be higher in the load order to avoid any issues? not sure what couldve been causing me problems, but hope this helps if others have the same issue
Jaytheg0d 21 mag 2021, ore 19:46 
its hard to say really, i have convenient horses which adds the whistling and horse call animations with the horns. but beyond that i cant think of any that change animations in anyway (or at least not that i remember, i have 64 mods currently), just new additions like convenient horses. all other mods are either armor, new weapons, change magic or perk system etc. after trying to use the crossbows, polybolos seems to be the only one less buggy for me. animation doesnt always show the reload, but cheiro is still behaving weird, idk when the reload is coming a couple times itll reload then immediately after fire another shot, which im pinning down to lag after few clicks
Ombudsman  [autore] 21 mag 2021, ore 15:27 
Strange... do you have any mods which affect animations in any way?
Jaytheg0d 21 mag 2021, ore 13:54 
i dont know if anyone else is having this issue but the semi/automatic fire is bugging for me. with the polybolos and cheiroballistra they seem to choose when they reload by themselves rather than after a set number of shots fired, sometimes the cheiro will reload after just one shot. they dont behave the same way as what ive seen in the videos. and the automatic crossbow is firing in single shots. at first i thought it was an issue with the quickdraw perk but i realised i didnt have it, and still having the same issue with the quickdraw perk. bolt mags or normal bolts dont seem to change anything. i dont have any mods that could be conflicting with the scripting as this is the only one i have that affects archery and crossbows
Ombudsman  [autore] 29 apr 2021, ore 9:11 
I'll change the readme so it is more clear. C:
Brady Gunner 29 apr 2021, ore 3:25 
alright thanks
Ombudsman  [autore] 29 apr 2021, ore 0:31 
It works standalone. That is just if you want to make your own automatic crossbows using the scripts.
Brady Gunner 28 apr 2021, ore 11:39 
"You need to unpack the BSA archive to get the scripts, use BSAOpt or download the mod from SkyrimNexus."

So this mod won't work as a standalone ?? Will the crossbows work with only this workshop download or no ?
𝓂𝓇𝒻𝑜𝓃𝓏𝒾𝑒 12 mar 2021, ore 8:52 
Try subscribing again, this and Mavari and Contractor armor are fixed, those work fine for me again.
mrwwww 12 mar 2021, ore 8:15 
Tried the nexus mod, same issue.
Ombudsman  [autore] 12 mar 2021, ore 4:45 
Strange... Has to be an Steam issue as I have not changed anything in this mod for quite a lot of years.
𝓂𝓇𝒻𝑜𝓃𝓏𝒾𝑒 11 mar 2021, ore 13:58 
Get it from Nexus, works fine :) Mavari Armor from another author suddenly is corrupted too
mrwwww 11 mar 2021, ore 13:32 
yep, mods corrupted for me, had to fresh install the game after unsubbing to get it to run
𝓂𝓇𝒻𝑜𝓃𝓏𝒾𝑒 11 mar 2021, ore 12:07 
Hello as of today the mod seems broken showing an error when starting the game and here it shows 0 MB...
Broke my Profile 6 apr 2020, ore 21:16 
This looks like from Van or Ven Helsing 2004 Automatic crossbow vampire scene.
Gabriel 9 feb 2020, ore 4:07 
I dont mean with infinite bolts, but one where the burst doest stop untill u ran out of bolts
Ombudsman  [autore] 9 feb 2020, ore 1:48 
You always need to reload weapons, the Dwemer might have been good craftsmen but they could not conjure bolts out of thin air.
Gabriel 8 feb 2020, ore 16:29 
it shows the automtic dwemer crossbow, is this it? I thought there was a fully automatic one, without realoading, nvm then, thanx
Ombudsman  [autore] 8 feb 2020, ore 14:51 
help automatic should find it.
Gabriel 8 feb 2020, ore 14:50 
yeah, but i wanted to add it via console, and i cant find it with help command
Ombudsman  [autore] 8 feb 2020, ore 5:22 
All blueprints can be found at Reachwind Eyrie.
Gabriel 8 feb 2020, ore 2:36 
how do i get the fully automatic one?
Ombudsman  [autore] 8 feb 2020, ore 2:24 
Glad you like it!
Gabriel 7 feb 2020, ore 18:01 
dude, i love the polybolos, dont increase it's dmg, it's perfect, even a bit op with sneak attack or enchantments, buy i loved it so much, i even have to download a mod to craft bolts because for some reason i couldnt
Gabriel 4 feb 2020, ore 8:37 
@J3X thanx
Ombudsman  [autore] 4 feb 2020, ore 8:11 
Type in 'help Cheiroballistra' 'help Polybolos' to get ID for them.

Thanks! I hope to encourage other Skyrim players to continue working on it. Why not see if you can fix that issue yourself? It should be fairly simple! :D
Francis 3 feb 2020, ore 19:55 
A www, I liked this mod, but you said you are done with modding. I was really hoping to get them improvable so a regular crossbow wasn't always superior.
Gabriel 3 feb 2020, ore 15:21 
whats the code so i can add via console?
Crocadilian 27 nov 2019, ore 5:46 
wish you could get them not gold
RacistMoose 14 giu 2019, ore 6:46 
Francis 15 mag 2019, ore 20:32 
No improving them? Hard to get much use when a regular crossbow does 30x the damage with a single bolt.
ayrton_ 1 mag 2019, ore 9:07 
Thanks a lot , this is great action !!!
DudeS 24 apr 2019, ore 6:32 
I had a problem the first time I went into Reachwind Eyrie, I had an automatic crossbow, but when I went in there all the other times, I didn't have one.
Ombudsman  [autore] 17 apr 2019, ore 11:03 
What information are you seeking?
twink78 17 apr 2019, ore 7:14 
you talk to much pointless things , god damn please explain me what a tree is
sggaghghwaghwghwgh 27 feb 2019, ore 16:46 
"TES5Edit found 6 ITM records."?
Symar 28 ago 2018, ore 8:31 
Во славу старика Хелсинга
Haushold 19 ago 2018, ore 11:36 
Стреломёт о котором мечтает борец с вампирами. Любому Довакину пригодится.
Keulron 1 ago 2018, ore 10:11 
Oh, okay, thanks.
Ombudsman  [autore] 31 lug 2018, ore 23:48 
No, that is just if you want to create your own mod using the scripts in this ones.
Keulron 31 lug 2018, ore 15:32 
So...question, if I want to craft the crossbows at a forge, do I need to follow these steps;

"1) Load up your mod as the active file (or create a new one) and j3x-autocrossbows.esp
2) Create copies of J3XCrossbowAutoSpell and J3XCrossbowAutoEffect, let's call them (1) and (2)
3) Make sure (1) is refering to (2) as it's effect.
4) Attach J3XCrossbowAutoScript to a crossbow of your choise, set the crossbowSpell property to (1).
5) Depending on the type of firing mechanics you want, change the script attached to (2) to another one.
5) Edit the properties of the script attached to (2) so it matches the desired clip size and firing speed.
6) Done! - Save and try it out!"?
Ombudsman  [autore] 15 apr 2018, ore 2:29 
manÜl 15 apr 2018, ore 1:23 
Ombudsman  [autore] 5 apr 2018, ore 5:58 
You are welcome. Sometimes the patrols get lost or gets attacked by other actors.
Alma Armas 5 apr 2018, ore 5:22 
Yee I found it, thanks
Ombudsman  [autore] 4 apr 2018, ore 23:23 
In the console type in "help Cheiroballistra", this gives you the item ID for it. Can you find it?
Alma Armas 4 apr 2018, ore 19:12 
I have the mod installed, but none of the listed items are appearing at Reachwind, and I can't seem to find any sort of patrols. How do I fix this?