Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The Road to 56
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更新于:2017 年 5 月 20 日 下午 5:41

This is a quick fix for the last patch.


  • Japan should no longer start with "Demand French Indochina" already activated
  • The UK should now go Fascist less often
  • The effects of "Home of the Revolution" should now be properly applied

更新于:2017 年 5 月 19 日 上午 10:44

Hello! How are you today? Feeling well? I really hope so, because this patch might have just broken your save. It was for a good cause though, and I mean that from the depths of my battered and poverty-stricken soul. For a long while folks had asked me to change the major nations, and now that time has come!

This patch completely overhauls all the major nations in the game, all at once. It's a bit brutal maybe, but I see it as like tearing off a very sticky band-aid. Better done fast than slowly, right?

Here's what changed:


  • Added new American, English and Italian focuses via DietWater's "Expanded National Focus Mod"
  • Added a new French focus via Faust's "France Total Rework"
  • Added a new Generic focus via Toasted_Toaster's "Into the 20th Century"
  • Added a new German focus via Toasted_Toaster's "Deutschland Erwache"
  • Added a new Japanese focus via Verenikin's "ToraToraTora!"
  • Added a new Russian focus via Mr. Tsubodai's "Soviet Focus Rework"
  • Added a large amount of miscellaneous events and other content from the above mods.
  • Fixed dozens and dozens and dozens (a whole bottle's worth, basically) of bugs in the above mods.
  • Fixed miscellaneous other bugs with Road to 56 as found in the forum threads (thanks guys!)
  • Applied to even more jobs. Got lots of very nice compliments about my cover letters. Now if only I could find a job as a professional cover letter writer?

更新于:2017 年 5 月 14 日 下午 4:24

The next patch will focus on what's likely to be a huge amount of work making the mod compatible with Paradox's new dlc and content. It will come in two pieces, and release shortly after the dlc comes out. If there's time I may also release a content patch before then.


  • Added Colombia Only Focus by XuanKamo, with various bugs fixed and content cleaned.
  • Added New Continuous Focuses by CrouchingLemur
  • Updated Austria
  • Updated Belgium
  • Updated Czechoslovakia
  • Fixed Air Buttons
  • Fixed USA flag issue
  • Fixed Anschluss issue
  • Fixed issue with Communist China's focuses

更新于:2017 年 4 月 6 日 上午 9:03

This is a small companion patch for the last update. The parts here had been left out for testing purposes. Primarily it updates and includes new content related to the main nations in the game that had been modded by R56.


  • Edited events and national focuses for Japan, Germany, Soviets, and GB - along with some new content.

更新于:2017 年 4 月 5 日 下午 4:35

This is a quick fix for an issue from the last patch.


  • Opening the focus tree will no longer cause the game to crash

更新于:2017 年 4 月 5 日 上午 11:30

Hello sir / madam / person / arboreal lifeform from planet X! How are you feeling today? Are you in the mood for a patch?

Well, here it is. The long-awaited update. It won't change your life, and probably doesn't count as a religious experience, but it might just make your session of Road to 56 a little bit better.

There are too many small changes to list, so I'm going to keep it simple. Firstly, this brings the contributing mods up to date (where relevant) and adds in all their new content. Secondly, more mods have been added: A Swedish Tiger by Herman Lindqvist, Dawn of Arabia by Kriplaik, and Siam by dVeNom. Lastly but not leastly, a whole barrel of bug fixes and some minor balance adjustments.


  • Updated contributing mods and added new content.
  • Switched old Sweden content with A Swedish Tiger. Some adjustments were made for compatibility.
  • Added Dawn of Arabia. Moderate compatibility, bug fixing, and balance adjustments.
  • Added Siam. Significant changes were made for compatibility and bugs. Minor balance changes.
  • All bugs and errors were cleared from the logs in startup and the 1936 / 1939 scenarios. This resulted in notable changes to some equipment, history files, and related items. Bugs will still occur of course, but in terms of initialization things are clean for the first time in ages.
  • Various grammar and spelling changes made to a number of mods.
  • Minor balance changes to the SRD tree. In particular the Army branch can now be pursued regardless of whether you go after Navy / Air.
  • Miscellaneous tweaks, fixes, and other assorted nonsense.

As a final note, this is the last patch that will iinclude updates from the contributing mods. However, this is a net positive in that it means I can focus on adding new content, and changing R56 to be more balanced and integrated. I'm also now willing to consider mods that change the base 8 and dlc countries.

The next major update won't come for a little while as I'll be having surgery soon and will be MIA for a time. If you are a skilled modder that wouldn't mind taking over during this interim period, send me a message!

Thanks for your patience and support! Next time you're in town, let's get a drink and tell tall tales.

更新于:2017 年 3 月 27 日 下午 2:13

This is a small patch that fixes some bugs and balance issues, to hold everyone over until the content update comes out. I'd also like to report that I finally fixed the right-click bug that was causing my computer to crash every time I tried to edit a file. That was super fun.

Expanded Mods

  • Fixed custom air wings creation
  • Rebalanced most research bonuses. The ones from the national focuses are still as is though.
  • Added missing Spain strengthen option
  • Various small fixes and tweaks that no one will notice (unless you did, in which case - you get a gold star)

更新于:2017 年 2 月 28 日 下午 8:27

This is the first update associated with 1.3.3 - and deals specifically with the three "Expanded" mods. Numerous changes were made in relation to the patch, but for simplification purposes they have not been listed here. Also, a heavily altered version of Realistic Air Missions 3.0 has been fully integrated as well as some other minor changes.

Expanded Mods

  • Updated all files to 1.3.3
  • Integrated RAM 3.0
  • Added AI priority modifiers to some units
  • Added German infantry art by FoxHound
  • Added more strengthen options
  • A few typo corrections
  • Checked my weight and the scale said "Error." Yeah, right back at you buddy.

*Note: You may notice some vanishing air units in your saves with this update - it's an inevitable consequence of the RAM 3.0 upgrade. There are also some other minor bugs introduced in focus trees and nation startups (aircraft related) and these will be fixed in the second part of the 1.3.3 R56 update.

更新于:2017 年 2 月 21 日 上午 9:48

This is a small patch to address some issues that were brought up with the last patch, which were in turn the result of the patch before that. If you see a white rabbit that seems like he's running a bit late, don't be especially surprised.


  • The issue that caused cv naval bombers to spontaneously crash into the ocean has now been resolved.
  • Further adjustments have been made to Ethiopia. As per the rule of thumb, no one will notice what's fixed - but surely will see what's still broken.
  • If you're feeling down today, just remember: You're a handsome devil and you totally deserve that raise.

更新于:2017 年 2 月 20 日 下午 4:52

The patch adds Linda[SUI]'s Helvetica mod, and includes a handful of other changes.


  • Added mod content to R56
  • Merged some files in common
  • Fixed the 1939 startup crash
  • Edited the English files for grammar and spelling
  • Nerfed the focus tree in several areas (forts and tech bonuses mostly)
  • Added small AI changes to encourage a slightly more historical Switzerland

Realistic Air Missions
  • Updated mod to latest version
  • Cut new planes, as they were fundamentally not compatible with other content

  • Desert Infantry now has a proper terrain icon
  • Turkey will no longer randomly annex large parts of Russia
  • The "Enemy Partisans" debuff will no longer be applied to non-asian countries
  • The Philippines can now gain autonomy if they go either Fascist or Communist
  • Discovered that I'm not even worth hiring as a dish washer. Too bad for them. I would have polished those dishes until they could double as deep-space telescope lenses. :)