Miqo'te (FF14) racial portraits
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업데이트: 2022년 11월 29일 @ 오후 8시 13분

Declared compatibility with 3.6.*.

업데이트: 2022년 9월 20일 @ 오후 6시 35분

Changed hair_selector to attachment_selector, as advised by Terminator tm. Thanks, Paradox, for another unneeded change that you could prevent by actually thinking ahead. Declared compatibility with 3.5.*

업데이트: 2022년 6월 24일 @ 오전 9시 53분

Rewrote the name lists to accomodate new localisation rules. A bit of programming (at least i got to test Lazarus) and a lot of tedious key pressing. Honestly they could have released the tool they used to change the vanilla name lists but NOPE <@_@>

Also Paradox managed to screw up localisation of numbers in army and fleet names so i had to make it into "troop_name Cardinal_number" ('tribe defenders 3' = 'защитники племени 3') instead of previous '3rd tribe defenders' and '3-и защитники племени'. Because ORD requires $O$ and $O$ requires ORD - cant have ORD in localisation constant name and $C$ in the localisation constant value. Why?! Why even add ORD/SEQ/ROM requirement anyway if you scan the string value for $..$ in any case?

업데이트: 2022년 6월 2일 @ 오전 4시 42분

Changed Administrator job to Politician job.

"disable_special_project" was quietly removed from stellaris engine and, it seems, was replaced with "abort_special_project". After some blind attemps i managed to figure out how to use it. So now Synthetic Evolution project will be removed (as was planned) after enabling the edict. A custom special project will appear instead.

Noticed that in my test run with console usage portraits of existing leaders (apart from ruler) did not change until save/load. Weirdly enough they were shown updated in various events, like level ups and such. Not sure what is the problem. Not going to deal with anyway.

"robotic=yes" was moved to archetypes from species definition - a thing that should have been done at Synthetic Down release, tbh.

I really dont like when Paradox changes something that was in game for some time. But i also noticed that since the last time i had to use stellaris wiki it has expanded greatly (maybe i am wrong though...) which is a good thing.

Also, A WARNING! I am not sure the whole thing with synthetic evolution will work without any problems. Be warned but dont get discouraged, your experience might be vital to figure out the bugs.

업데이트: 2022년 5월 24일 @ 오전 2시 43분

Declared compatibility with 3.4 but not sure if thats true because for some reason i cant play the game for long - just have no interest, it seems. Played too much, i guess.

업데이트: 2022년 4월 27일 @ 오전 1시 21분

업데이트: 2022년 3월 2일 @ 오전 4시 34분

Declared compatibility with 3.3

업데이트: 2021년 12월 13일 @ 오후 9시 38분

Declared compatibility with 3.2.*. Updated eng/ru miqo'te, thanks for the effort goes to Karura Rarumanion@Cerberus.
Sorry about the late update oTL

업데이트: 2021년 10월 17일 @ 오후 7시 59분

Pointed out what outfits should catalytic engineer and artifcier wear explicitly, thanks to Nettle for adding that into outfit files.

I really should figure out what necromancers do and make an outfit for them.

업데이트: 2021년 9월 14일 @ 오후 7시 54분

Declared compatibility with 3.1 since it does start, even loads an old save and shows all the portraits (unless i missed something). Did not really play the game to figure it all out, i guess i am getting too old and paradox titles are becoming a serious strain on my upper body (like eyes, neck and shoulders) somehow. Anyway, feel free to report bugs and stuff...

Tried to draw some miqo'te recently but idk how their faces work : v And even when i pretend i do know and its okay they still look weird in my implementation, duh.