Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Pathfinder D&D RPG Table with many figures and objects
Exibindo entradas 1–6 de 6
Atualização: 3/jul./2017 às 11:07

Atualização: 30/jun./2017 às 3:29

Atualização: 14/fev./2017 às 19:58

Atualização: 14/fev./2017 às 19:54

-added some path tiles and some 3d stairs

Atualização: 14/fev./2017 às 6:38

Have made a litle update today.

-Addet some figure's
-Static object's
- More tree's and bushes

-Addet the ability to change the Playfield background. For this i have found a script for changing it and have it "implimentet"
I will saye at this point the script is not from me, i only search for things in the Workshop and if it sems to make sence take them and put them together. But textures are not the default one. I have added some and changed all for what i think is best for RPG play.

The use is pretty simple.
1.) Click on the scipting button on the top and load the script "Backgound image changer" if not loaded automaticly
2.) there is a card on the side of the table "Background Image Changer" and there in the right upper corner you shoud find a reload symboled button. If note reload the script, see step one.
3.) push the button and you go to the change page where you can change the background. There is a button or stone that indicates the curent backgound. Green mean's no error during load of the background and Blue means the this is the curend loaded Backgound.

Atualização: 17/nov./2016 às 12:54