Arma 3
Dynamic Recon Ops - Isla Duala
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Update: 11 jan 2019 om 2:58

  • Selecting the Sniper Ops preset will prevent HVTs from travelling between AO locations
  • Added fix for non-standard building configs
  • Added fix for supports not being assigned to host player

Update: 22 sep 2018 om 5:33

Update: 20 sep 2018 om 1:45

  • Reworked some UI elements to align and resize dynamically based on screen resolution

Update: 19 sep 2018 om 1:39

  • Made main and team planning menus based on pixelGridNoUIScale values to prevent layout changes from Arma interface options
  • Removed dynamic screen on larger start FOB as it potentially caused FPS drops
  • Made automatic disabling of revive based on ACE medical revive being enabled
  • Fixed an incorrect AI respawn call

Update: 31 aug 2018 om 5:48


  • Added RTB mission end variant
  • Added Rendezvous mission end variant
  • Added Hold mission end variant
  • Moved all communications to the new BIS subtitle system
  • Added numerous new communications during mission progress
  • Added fog back
  • Improved handling of dawn and dusk start times
  • Player ethnicities will now change correctly when loading a faction
  • Player spawn base now changes size and is populated based on distance from the AO
  • Improved aesthetics of player spawn bases
  • Improved collection of flat AO positions (will increase likelihood of receiving chosen objectives)
  • Increased number of stored road and ground positions (will increase likelihood of receiving chosen objectives)
  • Increased number of possible spawn types for HVT and wreck tasks (will increase likelihood of receiving chosen objectives)
  • Improved checking for HVT, POW and clear area task units trapped inside geometry
  • Added the possibility for a destroyed/war torn AO location
  • Improved filtering of APCs
  • Observe tasks will now always produce a follow on task
  • Observe task completion will no longer generate reinforcements
  • Made general observe task quality improvements
  • Additional tasks can now spawn mid-mission instead of only at the end
  • Added new objective-specific mission names
  • Improved bunker compositions
  • Added ambient animations to some guarding enemies
  • Replaced findable intel objects with documents on tables
  • Improved collection of vehicles based on their transport capabilites
  • Slightly retuned the number of enemies to be lower at the default setting but increased the optional range to 0.5x - 1.7x
  • Briefing diary entries are now correctly assigned to JIP players
  • Task type icons are now correctly assigned to JIP players
  • Added working filter to prevent DLC vehicles spawning if DLC not found
  • Fixed bug where units would sometimes be created on an incorrect side
  • Fixed bug where comms tower destruction would not register correctly
  • Fixed numerous bugs related to incorrect waypoint behaviours
  • Fixed bug related to enemy awareness status
  • Fixed intel objects that could be collected from any distance
  • Fixed bug related to generation of civilian houses
  • Fixed civilian "Move!" action being available after civilian death
  • Fixed bug that caused artillery supports to face the wrong way
  • Fixed bug with HVT capture and extraction task extract assignment
  • Fixed bug which duplicated observe tasks
  • Fixed bug where a hostile civilian could be assigned as the informant contact
  • Fixed bug where reinforcing enemy helicopters could hover inactive
  • Workaround for setUnitLoadout bug that would prevent access to backpacks
  • Improvements to helicopter extraction reliability

  • Added a new splash screen to cover some loading
  • Created new main menu UI buttons as the previous listboxes could be confusing when positioned close together
  • Combined 5 destruction objective preferences in the objectives menu into one "Destroy Asset" category
  • Tweaked main menu background camera for more variance
  • Removed ACE options as ACE variables can now be set for all missions

Neutral AOs
  • AOs have a chance to spawn in a neutral state, populated only by civilians
  • New neutral AO task: Disarm UXO
  • New neutral AO task: Disarm IED
  • New neutral AO task: Fortify
  • New neutral AO task: Construct blockade
  • New neutral AO task: Protect civilian
  • Added chance for IED triggermen

Civilian Deaths
  • Players will receive warnings if they kill civilians
  • After the second warning the objectives will fail and extraction will begin if any more civilians are killed by players
  • If further civilians are killed by players the mission will hard finish with a failure message
  • Added more debrief texts to reflect civilian deaths
  • Added additional communications to avoid civilian casualties

Friendly Elements
  • Added chance to spawn a friendly squad who will move into the AO and perform their own attack
  • Added rendezvous mission completion type for when a friendly squad is present
  • Added chance to spawn friendly squads that assault the AO at mission completion
  • Removed friendly shelling random event as it didn't fit thematically

  • Enabled dynamic simulation of enemy infantry (civilians currently sometimes get stuck when simulation is enabled)
  • Faction extract code optimisation
  • Optimised civilian informant code
  • Optimised observe task code
  • Optimised revive code (could potentially cause issues with some mods)
  • Improved speed of multiple objectives generation
  • Improved speed of civilian generation
  • Optimised some image files to reduce PBO file size (will allow clients to join faster in MP)

Update: 19 aug 2017 om 10:57

  • Added HVT extraction/interrogation task type
  • Removed HVTs and intel carrying enemies from garbage collection
  • Improved chances for HVT task to spawn if added as a preference
  • Better cleanup for objective search area markers
  • Improvements to side switching scripts to account for non-standard mod side designations
  • Improvements to stealth system - killing the team leader will now render their group unable to raise the alarm
  • Switched fonts for labels with bugged fonts
  • Fixed: Starting vehicles could be incorrectly randomised in MP
  • Dedicated servers will load host's saved options (courtesy of Ledere)
  • Possible fix for players losing loadouts on respawn

Update: 2 aug 2017 om 11:21

  • Implemented Mission Preset option
  • Added Recon Ops preset type
  • Added Sniper Ops preset type
  • Added extra checks for mod factions that use non-standard side identifiers
  • Swapped Scenario and Environment menu positions
  • Slightly increased civilian time to switch to hostile
  • Fixed: Stealth task would succeed on mission end even if failed
  • Fixed: Some instances where helicopter extraction command could fail to be given

Update: 29 jul 2017 om 2:04

  • Modified stealth detection to better account for situations where the enemy have completely detected the players but have then been killed
  • Added MP locality check for power unit sabotage

Update: 28 jul 2017 om 1:27

Stealth Expansion:

  • Added stealth option to Scenario tab on startup menu
  • Added stealth tracking
  • Maintaining stealth status prevents enemy reinforcements or attacks
  • Losing stealth status will allow regular enemy reinforcements as well as causing nearby enemies to become alert and attack the player position
  • Added sabotage functionality for units carrying toolkits - most destroy objectives can now be completed silently, along with the new power grid tasks
  • Added sabotage power grid optional tasks

Other Changes:
  • Added destroy comms tower optional task
  • AO can now be selected anywhere by holding ALT and clicking on the AO location map
  • Improved end title sequence and implemented custom debriefing
  • Removed HVT fail condition pending improvement
  • Starting vehicle selections are no longer returned to random when the Team Planning dialog is refreshed
  • Improved some holdAction icons
  • Improved briefing
  • Balance pass on enemy numbers
  • Fixed: Certain tasks would not be given to JIP players
  • Separated destroy and steal vehicle task types

Update: 17 jul 2017 om 6:45

  • Extra groups of potentially hostile civilians can spawn randomly
  • Added behaviour variation for hostile civilians groups
  • Added briefing intel related to hostile civilians
  • Added civilian vehicle spawns
  • Cache objectives no longer spawn Apex cache objects if Apex DLC is not detected (experimental)
  • Composition objects (roadblocks etc) are not spawned if their DLC is not detected (experimental)
  • Allowed AO generation to store more locations
  • Fixed: Enemy patrols were sometimes not correctly receiving waypoints
  • Fixed: Enemy building garrisons were spawning too frequently
  • General balance pass on enemy numbers
  • Improved some markers' visibility
  • Added 'Random' option to civilians parameter