Arma 3
Dynamic Recon Ops - Stratis
Wyświetlanie 111-118 z 118 pozycji
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Aktualizacja: 21 lipca 2016 o godz. 1:45

  • Improved NVG selection on night missions, accounted for new helmets with built in NVG/TI
  • If any player unit has a UAV terminal a random UAV will be spawned on a ground insertion
  • Minor modifications to intro location label
  • Made revive optional (but on by default)
  • Added corpse cleanup
  • Removed Apex IFF
  • Removed insertion of friendly troops from Clear LZ objective until I can make it more robust
  • Added new music to heli extraction sequence
  • Destroy Helicopter objective can now select existing terrain helipads

Aktualizacja: 17 lipca 2016 o godz. 15:08

Reverted to previous version!

Aktualizacja: 17 lipca 2016 o godz. 14:14

  • Improved NVG selection on night missions, accounted for new helmets with built in NVG/TI
  • If any player unit has a UAV terminal a random UAV will be spawned on a ground insertion
  • Minor modifications to intro location label
  • Made revive optional (but on by default)

Aktualizacja: 17 lipca 2016 o godz. 8:32

  • Added spawned boat for situations where AO was unreachable by land
  • Removed filtering for island AOs - prepare for fun times on the beach!
  • Further fixes for RHS compatibility
  • Better handling of unit incompatibilities
  • Added Apex IFF for player units
  • Used Apex subtitle function to make heli extraction messages more visible
  • Arsenal backdrop is cleaned up on mission start

Aktualizacja: 16 lipca 2016 o godz. 13:20

  • Disabled saving in multiplayer as a possible solution to problems with scenario restart
  • Added check to stop reinforcements spawning too close to players
  • Intro place marker text will always stay on screen
  • Fixed compatibility with IFA3Lite, potentially other mods
  • Intel objects should stop falling through floors
  • Backpack contents are no longer reset for unit-specific backpacks
  • Added failsafes to briefing initiation
  • (Hopefully) stopped revive from forcing host into third person view
  • Reduced amount of enemies slightly

Aktualizacja: 14 lipca 2016 o godz. 14:08

  • Fixed conflict with Warlords
  • Fixed errors for factions with no vehicles available
  • Checked for conflicts with numerous faction mods

Aktualizacja: 13 lipca 2016 o godz. 10:48

  • Fixed compatability with 2035: Russian Armed Forces mod
  • Added additional classes to unit selection, now includes support classes (divers, UAV groups etc.)
  • Improved unit selection to work correctly with RHS mod
  • Added failsafe to startup menu for loading units

Aktualizacja: 11 lipca 2016 o godz. 15:00