Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Guillotine (Scripted)
Exibindo entradas 1–10 de 17
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Atualização: 6/jun./2016 às 23:15

Added a button for the action card "Forced Break", which will discard a card at random from each player's hand except the current player.

Added Turn Sequence reference card beside table.

Added sample hand and day decks into "Game Variants" bag to help explain the game to new players.

Hid digital counter used by scripts to keep track of the active seat.

Atualização: 4/jun./2016 às 21:20

The Digital Day Counter now keeps track of the day automatically when using scripts in the same fashion as the Sun Icons.

An Active Seat Counter has been added, this is used purely by scripts.

The bug causing malfunctions with day counters, the "End Day" button, and various other quirks after a rewind should be resolved.

Atualização: 4/jun./2016 às 18:47

Corrected bug with "The Long Walk" button that caused it to place the cards above their previous positions without reversing them.

Atualização: 4/jun./2016 às 12:55

Corrected a bug which caused the "End Turn" button to disappear from "Baskethead" when the game was rewound. The button will now appear as soon as the table loads, but will not function until the "New Game" button has been pressed. This still allows it to be used for manual or scripted play.

*Note: I am aware that while the button no longer disappears, it still stops functioning after a rewind. I am investigating this and will post a correction as soon as possible.

Atualização: 3/jun./2016 às 17:12

Day Counters Added

When using the "New Game" and "New Day" buttons, sun icons will appear above the Noble Deck to give an indication of what the current Day count is.

Atualização: 3/jun./2016 às 17:11

Atualização: 3/jun./2016 às 11:04

Turn Indicator Added

The Guillotine "Baskethead" active seat indicator can be passed around in order to keep track of whose turn it is.

Scripting has been added so that when the "New Game" button is pressed, the game creates a list of players seated at that time, and passes "Baskethead" to the randomly designated first player, at which point the indicator will have an "End Turn" button. Pressing this button will draw the player their Action Card, remove gaps in the line, pass "Baskethead" to the next seated player, and put a message in the chat box indicating whose turn it is.

Atualização: 2/jun./2016 às 20:53

Multi Language Support Added:

Shuffling has seen some small changes:
-Noble and Action Decks will now be shuffled as soon as the table is loaded.
-A "Shuffle Decks" button has been added that will shuffle both Action and Noble Decks.
-The "New Day" and "Add Noble" buttons no longer shuffle the Noble Deck when clicked. The rules do not call for this behaviour and the Action Card "Late Arrival" gives the player using it knowledge of what is on top of the Noble Deck, the value of which was lost if it is shuffled frequently.

Atualização: 1/jun./2016 às 20:43

Added "New Game" Button, which will automatically deal out the first day, a hand of 5 cards to all seated players, and randomly determine a player to start play in the game chat window.

Color tinted Score Counters to match the seat they belong to.

Added Digital Day Counter near guillotine model.

Corrected bug where scripts involving the Noble Deck would fail to function once the deck had been "depleted" on a given table. A new/reassembled deck properly positioned to replace the old deck will now function as the original had.

Atualização: 1/jun./2016 às 0:12

Corrected bug with script for "Milling in Line" which caused it to shift the cards above their positions rather than randomizing them when there were less than 5 Nobles in the line. It will now correctly randomize the all Nobles in line if there are 5 or fewer.