Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Atmospheric Drag & Re-Entry Effects
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Aggiornamento: 11 nov 2016, 20:38

Atmospheric Drag V1.5.1

-Mod works again as of SE 1.161
-Removed my own spawned in fire particle effects because keen added particle effects to blocks being damaged that create just as good of an effect if not better

Aggiornamento: 4 giu 2016, 1:43

Atmospheric Drag V1.5

-Particle Effects for re-entry: There is now a fire and smoke particle effects during re-entry

Aggiornamento: 7 mag 2016, 9:51

Fixed for 1.133

Sorry it was broken for so long I've been away from Space Engineers for a while

Aggiornamento: 20 dic 2015, 16:21

Atmospheric Drag V1.4.1

-Blocks that act as heat shields now takes very minor damage. They should be able to withstand many re-entries but will eventually fail.
-Coloring algorithm tweaked so that it shows more of range of colors in-between red and origional color instead of shifting almost instantly (this does not change the duration to heat up but just how the colors are displayed based on heat percent)

Aggiornamento: 18 dic 2015, 16:26

Atmospheric Drag V1.4

-Heat Shield: Heavy armor blocks that take up 1x1x1 will now be immune to the damage caused by heat.
*NOTE The heavy armor blocks will still change color.

-Re-Entry heating tweaked so that you will not take as much damage on surfaces that are only very slightly angled toward your velocity. This means you should only need heat shield on the side of the ship that is facing your re-entry vector as long as you keep the front pointed toward that vector, the sides of your ship should take minimal damage.

-Colors on ship blocks stopped changing back to original colors once a ship would slow to a stop. This is now fixed.
*NOTE small pieces that break off of the main grid still might keep heating color.

Aggiornamento: 17 dic 2015, 20:12

Atmospheric Drag V1.3.1

-Re-Entry color system reworked so that the color range is more realistic to what a heating block would look like. No other colors will be seen besides the original color and it's shift toward red. In order to accomplish this I convert the Hue Saturation Value (HSV) color scale that is used for block coloring to a Red Green Blue (RGB) color scale. Once I have RGB I can do a linear interpolation from the original color toward RED=255 GREEN=0 BLUE=0 for a more realistic heating shift. I then convert back to HSV in order to color the blocks.

-Re-Entry heating tweaked so that you will take on much less heat/damage at speeds closer to 250m/s. Higher speeds toward 500m/s will still behave similarly.

Aggiornamento: 14 dic 2015, 21:30

Atmospheric Drag V1.3

-Re-Entry Effects: At speeds over 250m/s blocks will start to heat up and change color. Once they get "red hot" they will start taking heavy damage and break. These effects depend on your speed and your depth in the atmopshere.

-Re-Worked density of atmosphere so that you will be able to travel faster as you go to higher altitudes with atmospheric thrusters until you reach a 'crusing' altitude which is most efficient. After that height the atmospheric thrusters start to cut out too much and you will slow down. The crusing altitude is around the height of the talest mountains.

-Fixed various crashes

Efficiency Improvements:
-Many Improvements to efficiency
-Large overhaul of code to get Re-Entry effects working

Aggiornamento: 12 dic 2015, 15:05

Oops forgot to save so I REALLY removed debug text this time...

Aggiornamento: 12 dic 2015, 15:01

Removed Debug Text

Aggiornamento: 12 dic 2015, 14:53

Atmospheric Drag V1.2.2

Drag multiplier decreased which increases top speeds and terminal velocities by around 50%

Efficiency Improvements:
-Tweaked surface area algorithm to be more efficient
-The surface area algorithm now only recalculates on a ship once every time it starts moving and surpasses 1m/s