Arma 3
co40 Domination! Blufor [4.69]
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Päivitys: 9.11.2023 klo 8.09


- Added: Lights at base and main target illumination (SPE flares module) in the SPE version because nights were too dark
- Changed: Disable ambient radio chatter in SPE and IFA3 versions
- Changed: If server is unranked then players can create a UAV anywhere (not restricted to a deployed MHQ), by longtime
- Changed: Combat UAV will reposition to new maintarget when previous target in cleared, by longtime
- Changed: d_snp_aware is now a configurable distance, 0 no awareness, 1 is unchanged (1200m like before) or awareness is set by property value 100m-2000m, by longtime
- Changed: More flares at night at main targets in the normal versions (non SPE versions)
- Changed: Cooldown phase now also for normal AT rockets if fired close to an ammo box (avoids spamming targets with rockets)
- Improved: Remove killed AI units in buildings immediately if no player is nearby (dead units eat up a lot of FPS)
- Improved: Better protection for base AA vehicles so that players can't enter them
- Fixed: "Error: No Unit" problems with the best player at main target dialog (only players actually still playing are shown, hopefully fixed)
- Fixed: When a squad leader died when a player selected respawn at SL the player could end up at position [0, 0, 0]
- Fixed: WheeldTracked APCs did not spawn gunners in the SPE version (and probably other versions)
- Fixed: Do not run quick cleanup when persistent corpses is enabled, by longtime
- Fixed: Spawn fewer civilians when low/med/high/veryhigh/extreme is selected, by longtime
- Fixed: Cleanup could target an undefined trigger, by longtime
- Fixed: Combat UAV loiters closer to maintarget, altitude lowered from 2000m to 1100m, vehicle lights are off, by longtime
- Fixed: No mines during preemptive event, by longtime
- Fixed: When closing Virtual Arsenal players ended up in a standing stance even when they were prone when opening it
- Fixed: Turn NV for camera off when specatating dialog starts at night (otherwise the NV button shows the wrong state)
- Fixed: Deleted cooldown rocket/missile projectiles are now deleted globally and not only on the client who fired
- Fixed: SPE explosives did not destroy side mission tanks
- Fixed: Tank side missions didn't work in other versions too

Päivitys: 5.9.2023 klo 8.30


- Added: 2.14 scripting commands
- Added: Opfor T-100X Futura Railgun tank (vanilla A3)
- Added: 2035 mercenaries are now available as Opfor enemies (appear as FIA infantry), by longtimegamer
- Added: 2035 mercenaries now have some AA infantry, by longtimegamer
- Added: if enemy skill is very low, low, normal then aim/reload skills are reduced, by longtimegamer
- Added: Maintarget event - rabbit rescue is back, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Better success and failure messages for the VIP escort event, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Rabbit marker was not cleaning up after event ended, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: event with guerrillas embedded as civs - guerrillas start with no weapons until triggered by firedNear 30m away, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Tanks couldn't be destroyed in destroy tanks side missions

Päivitys: 5.8.2023 klo 5.38


- Changed: Prefer to spawn civilians in safe buildings (church, chapel, mosque, hospital etc), by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Launchers like Titan Compact or RHS Javelin didn't lock (never use player disableAI "CHECKVISIBLE")
- Fixed: The Western Sahara Sefrouramal version was missing in the 7zip file
- Fixed: Main target order "Complete, ordered" and "Order like placed in the editor" didn't mwork at all anymore
- Fixed: Preemptive event cleanup not working when persistent corpses is enabled, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Admin may use end maintarget function when a preemptive event is running, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: If guerrilla events are enabled there is a 50/50 chance for a preemptive (defense) event, by longtimegamer

Päivitys: 25.7.2023 klo 7.19

Päivitys: 28.2.2023 klo 12.39


- Added: Admin may end the maintarget (Admin UI), by longtimegamer
- Added: "Always" to d_with_autorevive (value is 2, "With auto revive if no player is nearby (less than 215m)"), by longtimegamer
- Added: Semi-randomize the sniper spawn positions, by longtimegamer
- Added: Create combat UAV at MHQ if d_extra_cas is enabled one per team, if d_arty_unlimited == 1 then one per player, cost of 30 points if ranked (loiters main target), by longtimegamer
- Added: Support for several new Opfor enemy factions from mods - Community Factions Project (CFP) and Asian Factions for CUP (AFCUP) - Taliban, East Asian Insurgents, Islamic State, Central African Insurgents, Sudanese Armed Forces, by longtimegamer
- Added: "High" enemy armor setting for maintarget, by longtimegamer
- Added: Additional no-HUD support, by longtimegamer
- Added: Civilians and civilian vehicle type server settings (2035 units or with mods), by longtimegamer
- Added: Suppress ambient battlefield sounds in server settings, by longtimegamer
- Added: Throwing grenades at the base flag removes them to stop idi*ts
- Added: New param d_sm_mt_protection ("Side mission/main target protection from friendly CAS missiles and bombs" in server lobby). Deletes either friendly CAS missiles/bombs over side mission or main target or both, default 0, Off
- Changed: d_cas_plane_ai and d_sm_speedboat can now also be an array of class names
- Fixed: When a server restart happened players could lose all their points (hopefully fixed)
- Fixed: AI awareness behavior suddenly stopped when radiotower destroyed and d_mt_spotted is set to false, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Invalid setIdentity on walking civilians, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Dying in a vehicle could make inf viewdistance the same as vehicle view distance (yet again, hopefully fixed)
- Fixed: UAV viewdistance was reduced being near the main target or base
- Fixed: DB Top players list only showed the first entry after a while
- Fixed: Saved vehicles (DB) exploded when spawned after DB read (hopefully fixed)
- Fixed: User placed markers at main targets were not removed once a main has been seized
- Fixed: Cleanup misplaced civilian units, better civ spawn positions in buildings, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Increased action radius for gas leak missions hopefully fixing the action not showing up problem in some cases
- Fixed: Change pylons didn't work on the carrier (action didn't show up)
- Fixed: Saving player stats to missionProfileNamespace should really work now
- Fixed: When d_respawnatsql was set to 2 squad leader were able to respawn at themself
- and like always make use of new script commands and other optimizations

Päivitys: 26.8.2022 klo 8.01


- Added: You can now turn of missionProfileNamespace autoload and autosave to enable manual load and save (set d_save_to_mpns to 2, (missionprogress autosave disabled))
- Fixed: Stupid copy and paste error which broke asnyc aplayer update for missionProfileNamespace (player progress also gets saved when a player disconnects)
- Fixed: Somehow code for saving and loading mission progress from missionProfileNamespace got lost resulting in messing up resolved targets array and deployed MHQ not working
- Fixed: Vehicles at FARPs were spanwed under the ground in the IFA3 version

Päivitys: 23.8.2022 klo 8.10

Just a Steam Workshop image upodate.

Päivitys: 23.8.2022 klo 7.37


- Added: Support for missionProfileNamespace, player and mission progress is saved there if no database is available
- Added: New parameter d_save_to_mpns ("Save player and mission progress to missionProfileNamespace if no SQL database is available" in server lobby) where you can turn off saving and loading mission progress to missionProfileNamespace
- Added: Sign "AI Recruit" behind recruit desk if with AI is enabled
- Added: Occupy script uses fuzzy positions when build positions are full, by longtimegamer
- Added: Param d_no_ai_silencer ("Remove silencer from spawned enemy AI units:" in lobby, default No) which removes silencers from spawned enemy AI units
- Added: OpticsMode for the primary weapon is now set to the previous optics mode when a player gets revived
- Added: New parameter to enable extra CAS ordnance (d_enable_extra_cas in description.ext, "Enable extra CAS ordnance" in lobby), by longtimegamer
- Added: If a M113 Command is used as MHQ in the Global Mobilization version deploy the antenna too when the MHQ gets deployed
- Added: Mercenary settings available for all maps (2035 experimental), by longtimegamer
- Added: New viewdistance option sets client to initial server value but player may change later (a server hint for player viewdistance), by longtimegamer
- Added: New param d_use_systemtime ("Use server system time as game time" in lobby) to use server time as game start time, default disabled
- Added: VIP escort event, by longtimegamer
- Added: Players may create UAV at MHQ, by longtimegamer
- Changed: Civilians spawned with occupy script can be on upper floors, by longtimegamer
- Changed: d_dis_servicep param ("Disable all service points") now disables all service points including wreck repair
- Fixed: If a camp is destroyed (which shouldn't happen but meh) it will be recreated
- Fixed: Some targets in the Western Sahara version were still using Malden names
- Fixed: Base wasn't mentioned in Auto change viewdistance string in the Status Dialog/Dashboard
- Fixed: Don't throw an error messages when Domination.sqf for InterceptDB is found but InterceptDB is not loaded
- Fixed: Vehicle respawn script could break if vehcile locked status wasn't correct
- Fixed: Script error when accessing a non existing pylon array in fn_skinpolyresp.sqf
- Fixed: If no squad leader was available for respawn/spawn the the marker was still drawn resulting in an error message
- Fixed: Added SOG Prarie Fire remoteExec functions to CfgRemoteExec in description.ext
- Fixed: Snipers do not spawn on roof, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Occupy script places all units in a group and does not delete units, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Do not spawn guerrilla events if d_with_MainTargetEvents == -1 "always"
- Fixed: When a plane without VTOL was used for dropping para units over main targets it sometimes tried to land like a chopper or VTOL at the AO
- Fixed: Do not spawn civilians near enemy units, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: CAS fired eventhandler was called when arty fired
- Fixed: Players get moved out of base artillery and AA vehicles if they somehow manage to get into them
- Fixed: UAV triggers main target events, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Use building blacklist for enemy units as well as civilians, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Virtual Arsenal for recruited AI can only be used near the flag at base to avoid them beeing used as mobile arsenal point
- Fixed: Calling CAS in the TT version did not work at all
- Fixed: Air dropped vehicles should no longer land nose down (hopefully)
- Fixed: Exploit where one could heal a friendly AI unit many times to increase score points
- Fixed: Some maintarget events (guerrillas and defense events) should only be available when configured in settings, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Makegroup road selection for vehicles, by longtimegamer
- Removed: RHS T15 tank was still in the enemy spawn vehicle classes, it's indestructible
- Updated: IFA3 AIO version
- Updated: S.O.G. version (update 1.2 vehicles added)
- Updated translations

Päivitys: 28.3.2022 klo 7.34


- Fixed: Side missions were broken

Päivitys: 25.3.2022 klo 8.56


- Fixed: Respawn at base when MHQ gets destroyed while trying to spawn there
- Fixed: MHQ menu, dashboard and group management actions were still visible and usable when a MHQ was destroyed
- Fixed: Don't show the "player is shooting at a MHQ vehicle" when the MHQ is destroyed