Pawn Editor
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Mis à jour le : 28 mai à 3h19

v1.0.9 on 5/28/2024 12:19:16 PM.

- Added keybind for opening window (only works ingame)
- Overhauled color picker

- Fixed persistent filters being loaded for wrong window

Mis à jour le : 30 avr. à 11h02

v1.0.8 on 4/30/2024 8:02:17 PM.

- Additional listing menus have now received a filter for selecting their source (such as DLC's)

- Pawn Editor menu should no longer be behind the vanilla configure starting pawns menu.

Mis à jour le : 29 avr. à 13h12

v1.0.7 - 4/29/2024 10:12:38 PM.

- Fixed edit menu staying on top of color picker
- Fixed pawns not loading into the game when starting a new colony

Mis à jour le : 28 avr. à 10h16

v1.0.6 - 4/28/2024 7:16:46 PM.

- Active filters should now persist through window instances.
- Improved restrictions for head and body types

- Randomize All should now work again pregame

Mis à jour le : 22 avr. à 4h32

v1.0.5 - 4/22/2024 1:32:26 PM.

- By dragging a pawn card in the left list to a new section, it should now be moved there. This allows increasing the starting pawn count.
- You can now select the install location for hediffs.
- Selecting the parents when adding a sibling relationship is now optional.
- Changed hex input field in color picker dialog to a copy from clipboard button.
- Randomize all now actually randomizes the whole pawn.
- Removed shape randomization
- Reapplying randomization button now should apply to the current selected pawn.

- Edit window should no longer raise an exception
- Edit window should now always remain on top
- Hediff install location options are now defaulted to recipe only
- Prevented pawn duplication in lists
- Regenerate skills after assigning backstories
- Fixed ideology role swap
- Fixed not being able to change stuff for some items
- Refresh tabs after updating selected pawn
- Fixed exception when no pawns are in a faction and the faction tab is rendered
- Randomizing head types should no longer show disallowed head types

Mis à jour le : 18 avr. à 11h38

v1.0.4-dev - 4/18/2024 8:38:26 PM.

- Added picking persona weapon traits to edit
- Refresh situational thoughts after adding and removing hediffs
- Recalculate disabled work types after changing backstories
- Fixed non-stuffable apparel
- Add equipment fix for non-stuffable apparel
- Fixed not being able to receive the name faction event
- Mechanitor start fix
- Replace (hopefully all this time) DLC translations with PawnEditor specific ones
- Appearance Editor no longer requires any DLC
- Reselect selected pawn if the current one is no longer present
- Allowed gene fixes (baseliner can now change skin and hair color)
- Defs without modcontentpacks should no longer break filters
- Fixed material button missing for some apparel

- HEX input in color picker doesn't update and raises exceptions when input is incorrect.

Mis à jour le : 15 avr. à 11h42

v1.0.3 - 4/15/2024 8:42:27 PM.

- Fixed a missing biotech dependence (appearance editor)
- Fixed age input typing clamping during focus
- Split the backstories listing menu into two. For example, when changing childhood only childhood options are shown.

Mis à jour le : 13 avr. à 0h45

v1.0.2 - 4/13/2024 9:45:29 AM.

- Fix translation errors
- Fix error when no pawns are left behind
- Fix error starting game when loading pawns
- Fix error when more than one recipe can add a hediff
- Fixed colonists not showing on relations menu on game start
- Fix skill randomization not resetting passions
- Fix save/load issue a whole bunch of people were reporting

Mis à jour le : 12 avr. à 12h56

v1.0.1 - 4/12/2024 9:56:57 PM.

- Mod should no longer give errors when ran without DLC
- Changed DLCdependent translation keys to PE specific ones
- Correct increment when genes modify skill level
- Change color of points when disabled
- Prevented VSE from vanishing part of the UI (official compatibility is coming later)
- Fixed duplicate styledef error from mods like Alpha Memes and EPOE-forked

Mis à jour le : 11 avr. à 22h00

[Auto-generated text]: Initial upload.