

Calamity Clickers
Ergebnisse 1–10 von 11
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Update: 9. Jan. um 23:17

Update - Lihzahrd Particle Accelerator hotfixes

Fixed Lihzahrd Particle Accelerator has SOOOO much damage

Update: 9. Jan. um 2:28

Update - "Draedon's Computer" Update that adds an new Draedon's Arsenal Clickers and rebalance a lot of clickers (primary between Moonlord and Devourer of Gods). And added compatibility with Infernum Mode

New Draedon Clickers:
Added Scrap Presser. T1 Draedon Arsenal Clicker. Shoots an missle from sky
Added Handheld ClickerDrill. T2 Draedon Arsenal Clicker. Creates a drill what stucks on enemy
Added Field Polorizer. T3 Draedon Arsenal Clicker. Creates an magnetic field that increase size every his hit
Added Bioinjector. T4 Draedon Arsenal Clicker. Support Clicker. Creates niddle that can be used for heal
Added Fusion Pointer. T5 Draedon Arsenal Clicker. Work like High Tech Clicker in late post-Moonlord
Added mod call power value for ("SetAccessoryItem", "LihzahrdParticleAccelerator") and rewrote calculation of power. Now effects of Particle Accelerator upgrades now stacks each other
Added Clickerfin as Infermum's reworked abyss enemy. Added due in fact that Infernum removes abyss chests
Added Taurus' Fang. Infernum Mod Bereft Vassal's Clicker

Improved some Clicker outline texture for increase notice of real cursop positions
Clicker Nova small stars now homes to enemies after fly
Buffed Mice Catalyst Clicked spark count (1 -> 2) and catalyst cloud fly speed (up to 3x from previous)
Reworked Beyonder's Grasp. Now requare an Ruinous Soul in recipe and has new 'Phantasmal Reach' clicker effect that changes damage depending on how far cursor from player. 'Phantasmal Reach' work outside of Beyonder's Grasp
Buffed Beyonder's Grasp damage (130 -> 240)
Wulfrum Pressing Device clicker effect now work outside of this weapon
Nerfed Nightmare Clicker clicker effect (5 -> 6 clicks until trigger)
Buffed Profaned Rapturer base damage (140 -> 200)
Buffed Twisted Duality base damage (145 -> 200) and thorn damage (0.5x -> 1x of clicker damage)
Twisted Duality now not requare Pointy Clicker
Hemophilic Dagger now not requare Hemo Clicker
Rebalanced Ghastly Glicker base damage (170 -> 230) and ghast damage (1x -> 0.5x of clicker damage)
Rebalanced Bellatrix base damage (190 -> 230) and moon damage (1x -> 0.75x of clicker damage)
Bellatrix now has randomize of shooting moons
Buffed Clicker of Gods base damage (330 -> 340)

Bug Fixes:
Fixed Lihzahrd Particle Accelerator (and their upgrades) always gets effect after unequip
Fixed Mice Catalyst Clicker small bolts not shoots to random direction.
Fixed Bubble Poker projectile wrong damage class
Fixed Victide Anemonous Mask don't have recipe
Fixed lifesteal potential bugs with Hemophilic Dagger
Fixed Plague Clicker and Infested Bee Clicker plague damage has big id static i-frames (10 -> 2)
Fixed potential bugs with Mod Calls
Fixed Daedalus Visor and Bloody Choc n' Cookies don't have -Clicker Item- tag

Localization changes and fixes (Ru):
Переименован Кликер-плавник на Кликерфин
Добавлена русская локализация для баффа Кликерфина (Гнев Кликерфина), живого Кликерфина
Добавлена русская локализация для Маска анемонуса прилива (Victide Anemonous Mask)
Добавлена недостающая русская локализация для перезарядок, добавленных в
Исправлены некоторые некоректные переводы эффектов кликера

Update: 29. Dez. 2024 um 22:53

Update - Catalyst Hitfixes

Bug Fixes:
Fixed not loading mod in multiplayer while has Catalyst Mod

Update: 29. Dez. 2024 um 11:31

Update - "Equip Expansion" Update that reworks armor and accessories, and adds new features. Also add compabability with Catalyst Addon

New Accessories:
Added Bloody Choc n' Cookies. Upgraded version of Chocolate Milk n' Cookies that has new two types of chocolate chips (Spicy - more damaging and White - healing) and new Bloody cookie (damage player but gets more powerful buff)
Added SS Medal. Upgraded version of S Medal after Devourer of Gods. He has new sigil in center that increase other sigil but lesser per tick than individual.
Added Lihzahrd Particle Accelerator. Direct upgrade of Portable Particle Accelerator with more power within range and supercrits
Added Lunar Clicking Glove. Post-Moon lord Direct upgrade of Regal Clicking Glove and Lihzahrd Particle Accelerator
Added Cosmic Clicking Glove. Post-DoG Upgrade of Lunar Clicking Glove with Finger of Blood God.

New Armor:
Added Victide Anemonous Mask. Clicker Victide helmet variant
Added Intergelactic Scouter Mask. (catalyst addon compatibility). Every clicks shoot asteroid from orbid. Asteroids can regenerate over time or on clicks.
Added Auric Tesla Gamer Mask+. (catalyst addon compatibility). Auric Tesla Gamer Mask variant with Intergelactic Scouter Mask instead of Tarragon Biomask.

New (normal) Clickers:
Added Clickerfin. Abyss Chest clicker that summon alive minions to kill him and gets damage boost.
Added Bubble Poker. T1 Acid Rain Clicker that creates bubbles for click on it to create damaging areas.
Added Gelactic Novapoint. (catalyst addon compatibility). Metanova-related Clicker that summon (cool) homings projectils that looks like Astrageldon itself.
Added Clicker Nova. Auric-tier clicker with clicker effect that summon an omega star who can fall and split to 3 rings of smaller stars

New Donor Clickers for Supporters:
Added Mark of the Rat King. For Doot_Revenant666. He summon mini clickers what clicks and trigger clicker effects. He can be OP but he endgame))))
Added Holy Golden Clicker. For Puka1611. He summons a holy deathray from sky up to button. Post-Providance tier

Some Projectiles now detects active AIM Module target's position instead of mouse position
Improved Daedalus Capsuit. Renamed to Daedalus Visor. Lightning now fly to mouse position and deal 200% damage but decrease damage by 20% of currect damage every hit
Reworked Hydrotermic Capsuit. Renamed to Hydrotermic Headset. Now inflict a stackable DoT head debuff on direct click damage
Reworked Tarragon Capsuit. Renamed to Tarragon Biomask. Clicking on enemies gets a defence and damage reduction and resets after getting hit
Improved Bloodflare Crimera Capsuit. Renamed to Bloodflare Clickmera Skull. Now has addition effect - clicking on enemies increase health regen time
Reworked God Slayer Capsuit. Renamed to God Slayer Cloaker Hood. Hitting with non-crit damage increase crit chance and resets after dealing crit damage. Also after 50th crit gets buff that guaranteed crit chance and gets cooldown
Renamed Auric Tesla Capsuit to Auric Tesla Gamer Mask. Now has support of Catalyst addon.

Rewrote of Wild Magic and Nightmare Magic clicker effect. Now this addon requare an Clicker Extra API

Balance changes:
Nerfed Resonant Power Plug clicker effect. Now requare 20 click to trigger instead of 15
Nerfed Hydrotermic Headsets clicker radius bonus (55% -> 25%)

Removed Beetle Clicking Glove. Maybe later rework it

Bug Fixes:
Fixed mini Artemi and Apollo pearcing

Update: 9. Nov. 2024 um 0:42

Update - Workshop Fixes

Bug Fixes:
Fixed Workshop icon

Update: 9. Nov. 2024 um 0:21

Update 1.0 - D&G "Final" Update

Added drawing on player model for D.o.G.
Added Reaver Capsuit legecy helmet

New SFX Buttons:
Added SFX Button Calamity with Calamity Bell sound. Sold by Party Girl during Blood Moon
Added SFX Button Astral with mostly astral enemy hit sound. Sold by Party Girl in Astral Biome
Added SFX Button Auric with auric ore hit sound. Sold by Party Girl after defeating Yharon
Added SFX Button Exhumed with exhume sound. Maded by Calamitas's exhuming a SFX Button Calamity

New Clickers:
Added Starbright Clicker. Clicker which crafted from Astral Bars.
Added Stellar Clicker. Drop from Stellar Culex (Astral biome enemy) after Astrum Aureus.
Added Infested Bee Clicker. Upgraded version of Plague Clicker.
Added Clicker of Gods. Devourer of Gods drop.
Added Dimension Ripper (Cosmilite Clicker). Clicker what crafts from pure Cosmilite Bars.
Added Nuclear Clicker. New clicker for Draedon Arsenal on Cosmilite-tier which creates BIG explosion on click effect.
Added Phoenix Clicker. Yharon drop which summon wraths of son of yharon.
Added Mice Catalyst Clicker. Auric Bar-tier weapon.
Added Resonant Power Plug (Exo Clicker). Ares's (Exo Mech's) drop.
Added Miracle Clicker. Miracle Matter-related weapon. (Post-Exo Mech)
Added Cruel Clicker. Supreme Witch, Calamitas's drop.
Added Its Clicker. WitherTaco's (My) Developer (shadowspec) clicker with percentage damage over time debuff.

Resprited every clicker and his outline and added config with legecy sprites. (thanks Puka1611 and Trudle for greatest sprites)
Resprited Ghastly Glicker (Ruinous Clicker) wisp projectile.

A lot of renames of clickers
Some fixes in Russian localization
Twisted Duality (Bloom Clicker) now requare Pointy Clicker and 8 Uelibloom Bars instead of 12 Uelibloom Bars.
Hemophilic Dagger (Bloodstone Clicker) now uses Lifesteal Cooldown.
Hemophilic Dagger now requare Hemo Clicker and 5 Bloodstone Cores instead of 8 Bloodstone Cores in recipe.
Hemophilic Dagger reworked. Now summon blood knives what inflicts debuffs when latched.
The Clicker now has Hot Pink rarity and respective sell value.
A lot of Clicker renames (old saves by using legecy clicker texture config) and some clicker effect renames
Added sounds for some clicker effects.
Astrum Deus now drops Mice Fragments like other fragments.

Ballance Changes:
Buffed Bloodstone Clicker damage 150 -> 180

Bug Fixes:
Fixed Aerospec Capsuit don't have "-Clicker Item-" tag.
Fixed Daedalus Capsuit don't have armor set bonus.
Fixed Astrum Deus both worms drops clickers in normal mode.

D&G - Dragons & Gods
New name (legecy name) - description

Update: 21. Aug. 2024 um 11:24

Update 0.5 - "Devourer of Games" Update

Added Lecherous enchantment to Clickers
Added Russian localization
Added Stratus Clicker. Post-Polterghast clicker which crafts with using Ruinous Soul, Lumenyl and Exodium Cluster
Added Nightmare Clicker. Post-DoG upgrade of Witch Clicker which contain clicker effects until DoG
Added Darksun Clicker. Another Post-Dog upgrade but for Ecliptic Clicker

Buffed Ruinous Clicker (damage 150 -> 170)
Wulfrum Clicker now visualized autoclicker mode by buff

Fixed Daedalus Clicker hasn't clicker effect
Fixed Cooldown Localization

Update: 12. Mai 2024 um 5:11

Update 0.4 - "Bountiful Harvest" update

Added Scoria Clicker. Crafted from Scoria Bars
Added Plague Clicker. Plaguebringer Goliath drop
Added Meld Clicker. Crafted from Meld Constructs

Added Bloodstone Clicker. Crafted from Bloodstone Cores
Added Polterplasm Clicker. Post-Moonlord upgrade of Spectre Clicker
Added Ruinous Clicker. Polterghast drop

Adapted calamity changes to clicker class items
. Buffed Mice Hamaxe, Mice Drill (like other lunar fragment tools)
. Mice Drill projectile now acts as True Melee
. Added unique effect and wing stat tooltip for The Scroller

Fixed Wulfrum Clicker not right-clickable
Fixed Blood God's Clicker not drops by Ravager in Normal Mode (Ravager drops Clicker of Calamity)

Update: 27. Apr. 2024 um 8:50

Update 0.3 - Elemental Update

Added Wulfrum Clicker. Clicker with autoclicker

Added Earthen Clicker. Earth Elemental drop (from Calamity fandom wiki)
Added Aquatic Clicker. Aquatic Scourge drop (clicker effect is placeholder at the moment)
Added Clicker of Calamity. Calamitas Clone drop
Added Terra Clicker. Clicker for Terra set
Added Feral Clicker. Perennial upgrade of Crimson/Corrupt Clicker
Added Aureus Clicker. Astrum Aureus drop
Added Blood God's Clicker. Ravager drop
Added Cosmic Star Clicker. Astrum Deus drop

Added Elemental Clicker. Clicker for Elemental set
Added Profaned Clicker. Providance drop
Added Bloom Clicker. Clicker from Uelibloom Bars

Quintessence Clicker moved into Endgame (after Exo Mechs and Calamitas)

Fixed some uncorrects dusts for clickers
Fixed God Slayer Capsuit mixed buttons in armor set tooltip
Fixed Fleshy Clicker don't dropping from Perforators and his bag
Removed dust from Gooclicker projectile

Update: 19. März 2024 um 8:51

Added Brimstone Clicker (craft from Unholy Core)
Added Cryo Clicker (Cryogen drop)
Added Daedalus Clicker (craft from Cryonic Bars)
Added Frosty's Clicker (bought from Permafrost after All Frost Moon minibosses)
Added Anahita's Clicker (Leviathan drop)

Added Red Lightning Clicker (Dragonfolly drop)

Added Tarragon, Bloodflare, God Slayer and Auric Tesla Helmets (Capsuit) for Clicker Class
Added Silva Capsuit as Legecy vanity headpiece

Added D.o.G. (Post Devourer of Gods accessory)
Added Finger of Blood God (Bloodstone-tier upgrade of Trigger Finger)

Buffed Aero Clicker damage: 7 -> 12
Buffed Fleshy Clicker damage: 7 -> 10
Buffed Rotten Clicker damage: 7 -> 10
Buffed The Clicker Damage: 130 -> 600

Fixed pre-hardmode clickers not registry as pre-hardmode clickers
Added a recipe of The Clicker