Utelaria - Glimpse Jan 2024 Jam Entry
Visualizzazione di 1-4 elementi su 4
Aggiornamento: 21 gen, 14:55

*Actually* fixed the loading error of the second level this time.
Last time around was a fluke lol.
Also something I forgot to mention about the last update is that it fixed the loading images, so that's cool.

Aggiornamento: 21 gen, 14:14

Fixed an issue of the wooden board's collision not working properly, and fixed a mistake I made with the LoadLevel path for the bonus level. (Thanks to OperatorGreg for bringing these to my attention.)

Aggiornamento: 21 gen, 12:18

Added the Jan2024Jam tag and changed the preview image.

Aggiornamento: 21 gen, 9:39

Initial Upload